ryme (nintendo and etc) created by relevancy
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Hey, Rel here! I've been meaning to getting around to posting here myself! I won't be flooding or anything but I'm pretty new to tagging properly and E621 is probably the only place I'd respect tagging so please feel free to add more to my tags or change em how you think they should be! This place is my absolute favourite for a good wank and probably my most respected Booru besides Danbooru itself!

Thank you to everyone here, I love all the comments I see, even the mean ones! Especially the mean ones!

  • Comments
  • So you love to be degraded? How tf can we degrade you when your art work is insanely unique and impressive only thing we can degrade about you is your prob a Asian nerd. Altho seriously love the art work keep up the good work and sorry but your not gonna get any bad comments that you love lmao.

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  • I love all the comments I see, even the mean ones! Especially the mean ones!

    shit sux u feg

    Seriously, this pic is particularly inspired. I really dig unusual camera angles, framing devices and the like, things which you do so well, and this might be your best example. In fact, it's such an unexpected POV that I confess it took me a little while before making out exactly what is happening. Not because of any flaw in your drawing but just because cartoon characters usually rely a lot on their color palettes for visua recognition.

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