daniel created by hladilnik
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"end. A quickie."

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  • Very artistic, liked the pool/comic. I get similar dreams in which they build up to be extremely real then end with me getting gruesomely killed. Really traumatizing shit.

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  • poor guy. I feel like he needs to have a talk with his ghost pupper. I'm not saying that the dreams are her fault, but it would help to talk about this kinda stuff with someone you love. pull some emotional strength from someone who can relate to that kind of scary pain. support groups function in much the same manner.

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  • bluesub6 said:
    poor guy. I feel like he needs to have a talk with his ghost pupper. I'm not saying that the dreams are her fault, but it would help to talk about this kinda stuff with someone you love. pull some emotional strength from someone who can relate to that kind of scary pain. support groups function in much the same manner.

    Well said

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  • Bet on the fact he's dreaming about GP's last moment, the way she died and reliving it.
    So far we know he is a rarity as he can see her and interract with her.
    Maybe he's some kind of medium.

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  • Once had a dream years ago, I was tied up in an old room of some sort and got into a process of being skinned alive, broke my throat to stop the screaming. (Much like he got tied up and had a knife jabbed into him, only it was smaller and I didn’t wake up until later)
    Was dreadfully afraid of taxidermied canines and the idea of such, and also of being taxidermied since then.
    Not even the worst thing. I kept having dreams nightly when I was little, of being raped and killed by monsters, and kept seeing apparitions in any darkness, and would be paralyzed.

    Dreams are fucked up things.

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  • Kinda scary, not gonna lie

    I wouldn’t want anyone I know to go through this, that’s for sure. Heck, maybe just people in general.

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  • This is the guy who is sudo-dating ghost pepper? Guess we finally know why he can't sleep. Still, what is his actual name? Also, why doesn't he DO something about this already?

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  • From what I Know its part of residual haunting, experiencing her events and memories from her life, including her being stabbed to death while bound.

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  • bluesub6 said:
    poor guy. I feel like he needs to have a talk with his ghost pupper. I'm not saying that the dreams are her fault, but it would help to talk about this kinda stuff with someone you love. pull some emotional strength from someone who can relate to that kind of scary pain. support groups function in much the same manner.

    i dont know if im right on this or not, but iirc, he was the one that killed her, which is why he goes through all of this in the first place.

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  • dr4c0n1c_m4sters said:
    i dont know if im right on this or not, but iirc, he was the one that killed her, which is why he goes through all of this in the first place.

    Hladilnik retweeted this

    Replying to
    I don't think he's the murderer. Their meeting and that comic of them going to meet another victim's ghost wouldn't make sense if that were the case.

    She just seems to be hurting him. Through no fault or malice of her own, her very existence is psychically poisonous to him."

    Hladilnik retweeting that could be taken as confirmation that he is not the killer.

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  • bluemoonstruckwolf said:
    Once had a dream years ago, I was tied up in an old room of some sort and got into a process of being skinned alive, broke my throat to stop the screaming. (Much like he got tied up and had a knife jabbed into him, only it was smaller and I didn’t wake up until later)
    Was dreadfully afraid of taxidermied canines and the idea of such, and also of being taxidermied since then.
    Not even the worst thing. I kept having dreams nightly when I was little, of being raped and killed by monsters, and kept seeing apparitions in any darkness, and would be paralyzed.

    Dreams are fucked up things.

    Reminds me of something that happened to me years ago. I was always in an abandoned hospital, being chased and stalked by large, deformed monsters (think science experiment gone wrong). It was always the same, I'd get to the exit, find it blocked by an abandoned car and then a giant hand would violently grab my shoulder and I would wake up. Sometimes, my waking was so violent my body would jump off the actual mattress. I'd be in such a state of fear and panic it would take an hour to calm down. I'm 21 now, this was near of 10 years ago and I still cannot sleep in total darkness or without my back to the wall for fear of being dragged away again.

    I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm afraid there's going to be something in the dark that is not supposed to be there.


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  • phd_in_feeling_bad said:
    Hladilnik retweeted this

    Replying to
    I don't think he's the murderer. Their meeting and that comic of them going to meet another victim's ghost wouldn't make sense if that were the case.

    She just seems to be hurting him. Through no fault or malice of her own, her very existence is psychically poisonous to him."

    Hladilnik retweeting that could be taken as confirmation that he is not the killer.

    Love to hear that; I was speculating something like that a couple of weeks ago on another post:

    Considering how ... spectral ... GP was when we first met her, and the continued degradation of the state of her 'boyfriend', I am going to postulate that Pupper is drawing life energy from him to be more 'alive' herself, or at least more anchored on this plane.

    nero_the_red said:
    Bet on the fact he's dreaming about GP's last moment, the way she died and reliving it.
    So far we know he is a rarity as he can see her and interract with her.
    Maybe he's some kind of medium.

    nickpritchett said:
    From what I Know its part of residual haunting, experiencing her events and memories from her life, including her being stabbed to death while bound.

    Here we are, pondering and debating the nature of the relationship between GP and her BF, based solely on sketches, doodles and snippets of dialogue; a testament to the greatness of the Slovenian Refrigerator's writing and art!

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  • Sadly not everyone's the same, but i can safely say i've gotten used to it, i can pretty much choose whenever i feel pain in my dreams now, and some other stuff.

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  • bluemoonstruckwolf said:
    Once had a dream years ago, I was tied up in an old room of some sort and got into a process of being skinned alive, broke my throat to stop the screaming. (Much like he got tied up and had a knife jabbed into him, only it was smaller and I didn’t wake up until later)
    Was dreadfully afraid of taxidermied canines and the idea of such, and also of being taxidermied since then.
    Not even the worst thing. I kept having dreams nightly when I was little, of being raped and killed by monsters, and kept seeing apparitions in any darkness, and would be paralyzed.

    Dreams are fucked up things.

    No...they're not. They're wonderful, amazing, beautiful, remarkable things. I'm currently writing a book of a story that was serially continued through over 90 dreams, in the course of almost a year. The events (human first-contact with intelligent ET life, set 800 years in the future) have the same quality of vibrance and recall as my real-world memories (I was, in effect, there). So...

    What IS fucked-up is what are called "night terrors" (the next step beyond mere nightmares), which is what we're really talking about, here...

    Lucid dreaming, where the person is aware they're asleep, and also able to exert control over the direction of events, is another realm, entirely.

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  • I too have the ability to feel pain in my dreams.

    Really fucks with your sanity, when people say that's not supposed to happen!

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  • bluemoonstruckwolf said:
    Once had a dream years ago, I was tied up in an old room of some sort and got into a process of being skinned alive, broke my throat to stop the screaming. (Much like he got tied up and had a knife jabbed into him, only it was smaller and I didn’t wake up until later)
    Was dreadfully afraid of taxidermied canines and the idea of such, and also of being taxidermied since then.
    Not even the worst thing. I kept having dreams nightly when I was little, of being raped and killed by monsters, and kept seeing apparitions in any darkness, and would be paralyzed.

    Dreams are fucked up things.

    Damn. I can relate. Every night I have similar dreams, at least in the aspect of feeling the pain. Sometimes I'm fighting my way through Hell. You can guess how that goes. Other times, I'm one of the inmates. Gotta say, being boiled alive had to be the worst. I'm so sorry that anyone else has to go through that. No one should have to go through that.

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  • bluemoonstruckwolf said:
    Once had a dream years ago, I was tied up in an old room of some sort and got into a process of being skinned alive, broke my throat to stop the screaming. (Much like he got tied up and had a knife jabbed into him, only it was smaller and I didn’t wake up until later)
    Was dreadfully afraid of taxidermied canines and the idea of such, and also of being taxidermied since then.
    Not even the worst thing. I kept having dreams nightly when I was little, of being raped and killed by monsters, and kept seeing apparitions in any darkness, and would be paralyzed.

    Dreams are fucked up things.

    Yeah but then after all that, you missed the school bus.

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