gretta, gritta, and tek (the rune tapper) created by tekandprieda (artist)

This is the first picture in our world building project. Time to introduce some of Tek's family! Tek has thousands of sisters, but Tek has a special place in Gritta and Gretta's heart, among other places. You can tell which rat clan a rat belongs to by the markings on their ears. Tek's mother's clan is the largest and rules the burrow. More from her soon ;)

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All characters ©The Rune Tapper


Tek gulped quietly as he stepped into the dark of the burrow. The tunnels were filled with dozens of eyes staring at him as he made his way to the center of his old home. The giggling of his sisters echoed through the tunnel as they danced from shadow to shadow. Memories of their affectionate embraces flooded into his mind. Being the only male out of his thousands of siblings had made for a daunting upbringing. They whispered to him from the dark. Lidded eyes trying to lure him away from his path. He tugged on his ears in an attempt to ignore them.

Hands reached from the shadows. Caressing Tek’s tail, brushing his arms, and stroking his cheek when his head was turned. One of his sisters even had the audacity to grab his butt. He flicked the hand away with his tail, and hasted his pace. It seemed some people never changed. Maybe this visit had been a bad idea. It wasn’t too late to turn back, perhaps he could…

“Tek~” Two melodic voices called out to him. The tunnels made it impossible to tell where they were hiding, as their voices bounced from wall to wall. Their giggling seemed almost encompassing. Gritta and Gretta, had been very fond of their brother and always spiteful that he had left. Their ambush happened in the blink of an eye. His sister’s arms wrapped tightly around his own. Their tails coiling around each of his legs as they pressed themselves against him. “Gotcha!” They giggled. Gritta and Gretta had always been the most bitter they were left behind.

“Oh Tek, you smell wonderful.” Gritta moaned, pulling his left arm between her breasts and leaning on her toes to glide her nose against his neck. Tek could feel the fur on his neck stand up on end from the contact.

“Someone’s been pampered,” Gretta teased, pulling his other arm in a similar fashion. “I wonder if he tastes as good as he smells.” Her tongue flicked against his earlobe, causing his tail to curl in discomfort.

Gritta and Gretta’s body odor filled Tek’s sensitive nostrils. He wrinkled his nose in defiance of the scent, but it did little to help. “I see you two haven’t changed, nor has your hygiene improved.”

“You like it.” Gritta said. Tek could feel them moving their hands down his thighs towards his crotch. He hissed in defiance and they gave him a playfully pouty look. “Aww still no fun.”

“Mother’s missed you. She was so upset when you left us,” Gretta practically spat the last two words in a sudden rage all over the side of Tek’s face. “You know her daughters can’t quite keep her company the same way her favorite and only son can.”

“That’s what I was afraid of,” Tek said, his ears dropping at the thought of his mother's affection’. “But if things haven’t changed here either then perhaps coming back was a mistake.”

“Oh it was a mistake alright.” Gritta said. Tek could feel her squeeze her thighs on either side of his leg. Pressing her pussy against him, leaving traces of cum in his fur.

Gretta was being far less subtle about her affection, if what Gritta was doing could even be called subtle, as Gretta’s grinding was rougher and left far more cum on his leg. Her tongue flicking across her lips as she gazed at him through lidded eyes. “But some of the best things in this world are mistakes.”

Gritta locked both of Tek’s arms behind his head and pulled him to the floor. Her legs prying Tek’s apart, exposing him. Gretta looked down at Tek’s cock the way a dog might look at a juicy steak. Her mouth visibly watering. Before Tek could protest, his cock was already deep in the back of Gretta’s throat. The sounds of Gretta gulping down his cock echoes off every wall and down every corridor, only drawing in more and more onlookers. The sound of his other giggling sisters threatening to drown out the moans and gulps of Gretta.

Tek found it harder and harder to resist as Gritta breathed down his neck and grinded her pussy against this tail. Gretta’s tongue wrapped and swirled around his cock. Her lips grazed over it repeatedly until Tek couldn’t take anymore. Letting out a long and pleased moan, Gretta swallowed Tek’s load easily. “My favorite.” She exclaimed, bringing her finger to her lips, savouring the taste.

Gritta loosened her grip for a moment and Tek made a move for the exit. The depravity of the burrow seemed to have changed little, if not worsened over the years. Gritta and Gretta pounced on him, their embraces tighter than before, stopping him from budging an inch away from the tunnel that would take him to the center of the burrow. The dozens of eyes that had been staring at him from the shadows had turned to hundreds. The giggling of his siblings echoed from all directions. What little light had shone in through the tunnel’s entrance was blocked off by the swarm of rats that flooded in to block off the exit.

“You’re not going anywhere Tek,” Gritta teased. “Not until all your sisters have had their fun.”

“Then it’s mother’s turn.” Gretta grinned.

Tek could feel more hands reaching from the darkness to caress him. A pinch here, a squeeze of the butt there, as his other sisters closed in. Gritta or Gretta, he wasn’t sure which, if not both, gave him a push, and he found himself stumbling forwards into the giggling swarm. Groping hands pulled him into the shadows and the last thing he saw before disappearing into the dark depths of the den was a giggling Gritta and Gretta as they waved and blew kisses to him, as his other sisters pulled him away, but not before they shouted out to him one last time.

“Welcome home, Tek!”

  • Comments
  • Seems the only way to win is to assert dominance by fucking all of them into submission. He might end up with hundreds of kids out of it but I just call that winning harder really.

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  • onebigfatguy said:
    Seems the only way to win is to assert dominance by fucking all of them into submission. He might end up with hundreds of kids out of it but I just call that winning harder really.

    To quote Zapp Brannigan, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised"

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