nintendo and etc created by crossman

Hello gentleman and assholes, soldiers and outlaws, fools... and corpses.

You have found your way here now that the road is clear, but is the end of the road a victory? Or just a blasphemous approximation of reality?

Its been a while since my last update to this project, which realistically shouldn't been taking this long.

The reality is that my last 2 cancer operations left me rather in a crippled state, I'm okay now, farm death's door, but my doctor's stupidity has cost me dearly. I had 3 years without calcium as they were ignorant to tell me of this, as my body no longer produce it anymore as that part of my throat has been removed, it had has a snowball effect on me. from broken muscles to heart issues, to constant head pain, insomnia, and mental instability, I have faced it all.

And so, this has had an obvious effect on the quality of my art... or more so the lack of it.

Now I'm better taking my medication correctly, but it will take me a few months to recover from broken muscles etc.

So that's my excuse for the whole thing, I'm sorry.

Now question at hand would be if I should continue with this project, given that I have 4 patrons at my Fanbox, all of em 1$ and let's just say that 4 dollars does not cover the amount of time that takes to do these sprites, nor to cover my medical bills, I will perhaps just shove an alpha later, and if people don't support it... well then I will just give up.

Not reason to waste time on something no one cares about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

After all, I have a folder full of projects to do.

  • Comments
  • Although I've not heard of you before, I'm glad that things turn better for you now. Might take a while, but that's to be expected.

    Art-wise, I really don't know what to say in that regard. The Bulbasaur turned out really nice, the rest wouldn't be my taste.
    If you have priorities in life, go after them. Some might be saddened by that, but health is way more important. Also, you gotta stay motivated, and if you want to do something different, go for it.

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  • that's... well that's just real fucking rough. words probably don't even describe it well.

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  • ianf said:
    that's... well that's just real fucking rough. words probably don't even describe it well.

    Welcome to the daily life of not having economic support as a third worlder.

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  • crossman said:
    Loving Darkest Dungeon btw.

    I hope you are going to be fine. Look. The world itself has basically went to hell quite quickly since 2020. And, I know this is very rough for all of us. Even you. And I just hope that you are feeling healthy and you never give up on your goals in life. You are a talented person and you deserve more support than ever. It's all everyone,including you, need as of now.

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  • whoa, that's horrible. i'm glad you're alive and i hope you continue to steadily recover. I love these sprites and i wanna see this finished but if you lose heart then i don't think anyone at all will blame you. whatever you decide to do i wish you good health and a fast recovery.

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