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Superior version of post #2505870

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  • Higher res, for sure, but because it's a GIF it doesn't have the smooth gradients on the floor like the child post

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  • xanderg said:
    Higher res, for sure, but because it's a GIF it doesn't have the smooth gradients on the floor like the child post

    Yeah... Twitter does still claim it's GIF, which means artist did upload it there as a GIF, so kinda odd how FA version would be such downg... oh yeah, this is already 6.3 MB and FA filesize limit is 10MB, so they most likely had to do some further downgrading with color palette and disabling dithering. Just gonna keep both versions because there's too much downsides on both versions to call either one superior to one another :|

    Would really need more sites with HTML5 video format support and some artist friendly documendation how to properly encode their works and share them on anywhere else than twitter.

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  • mairo said:
    Yeah... Twitter does still claim it's GIF, which means artist did upload it there as a GIF, so kinda odd how FA version would be such downg... oh yeah, this is already 6.3 MB and FA filesize limit is 10MB, so they most likely had to do some further downgrading with color palette and disabling dithering. Just gonna keep both versions because there's too much downsides on both versions to call either one superior to one another :|

    Would really need more sites with HTML5 video format support and some artist friendly documendation how to properly encode their works and share them on anywhere else than twitter.

    Do twitter and FA support lower file sizes than e6?


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  • in_denile said:
    Do twitter and FA support lower file sizes rhan e6?


    20MB for GIF and APNG, 100MB for WebM.

    Furaffinity 10MB for all fileformats and they do not support video formats.

    Twitter allows up to 5MB GIF on mobile and up to 15MB GIF on desktop, but they will always get converted into MP4 with 1mbps maximum bitrate so the original GIF gets destroyed during upload.
    Videos get downscaled to 720p 1mbps max and have limit in lenght.

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  • mairo said:

    20MB for GIF and APNG, 100MB for WebM.

    Furaffinity 10MB for all fileformats and they do not support video formats.

    Twitter allows up to 5MB GIF on mobile and up to 15MB GIF on desktop, but they will always get converted into MP4 with 1mbps maximum bitrate so the original GIF gets destroyed during upload.
    Videos get downscaled to 720p 1mbps max and have limit in lenght.

    So that's why so many GIFs I try to add to my collection don't end up as GIFs when I paste em in... also imma make a guess and say for twitter they may hsve problems with being sble to sustain higher upload sizes? If not then why the hell limit it so much?

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  • in_denile said:
    So that's why so many GIFs I try to add to my collection don't end up as GIFs when I paste em in... also imma make a guess and say for twitter they may hsve problems with being sble to sustain higher upload sizes? If not then why the hell limit it so much?

    It's not art gallery website, it's social media, so 99% of GIF uploads are memes and reactions which are browsed on data/bandwidth limited phones, so yeah, they do have to make them as small as possible as it's not meant for sharing anything at full quality to begin with.

    This is why I hate so much how many artists nowdays exclusively use twitter, even tumblr was better as they allowed proper GIF uploads but also good quality video support.

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  • mairo said:
    It's not art gallery website, it's social media, so 99% of GIF uploads are memes and reactions which are browsed on data/bandwidth limited phones, so yeah, they do have to make them as small as possible as it's not meant for sharing anything at full quality to begin with.

    This is why I hate so much how many artists nowdays exclusively use twitter, even tumblr was better as they allowed proper GIF uploads but also good quality video support.

    Honestly, the main reason they use it would most likely be for its popularity. But even then, if you really want to publicise your art you could put a lower res version(maybe about 1000×1000px) on twitter then, say, put the slightly higher res one(somewhere around 2500×2500px) on e6, and the best one(why not have 8000×8000) on your patreon.
    Publicise which ones are where and the differences, and that could work well. Not only do you get the audience from multiple platforms, but when you show the difference between different levels of quality people tend to fanasize about what the best is. That way you can get moee people to be compelled to support your patreon.
    While maintaining a big enough difference between qualities to make it somewhat noticable, you really don't wanna make the low quality(relatively speaking) ones look like shit, since then people will be less interested in the high res ones.
    Ya know what, this sounds like shit when I reread it so gonna strike it out. Ignore it. Or don't. Idc.

    One key factor is retaining interest in those who currently are not capable of supporting you. Therefore, when they can they are much more likely to.

    The thing about only releasing things early on your patreon is that people patient enough to judt wait won't care and will just let the extra month or so pass until it's released for free.

    Anyways, my apology for ranting, I'm done. (For now.)

    Well actually, one more thing.

    If I were to look for the best example of someone doing a stellar job, I'd probably pick the youtuber by the name of Dungeon Dad.

    Their content is focused entirely on D&D and converting monsters from old editions to the current 5e. With every new video in their now about 550 episode series on this, (one new episode a week,) they release a free google doc of the monster(s) covered in that episode and some info on how to use them. All of that for free. They aldo go over this in the video but that's about 20 min that you can get mostly summarized in the payed stuff.

    They make a special pdf of the monster(s) formatted to look like a page in the 5e monster manual (along with another version in their colours/style) and add more lore info along with a much easier to read layout of the stats.

    Basically, with the doc you might as well rewatch the episode to get all the info, but with the pdf that's all ya need.

    They have a decently sized yt channel, with slow but steady growth over years of content, but the amount of patrons they have is comparable to channels 2-4 times their size. They do their shit well.

    Anyways monetizing stuff is hard and this is an art forum so imma stop.


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