blizzard entertainment and etc created by zackary911
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  • Comments
  • bl4ckl1st3d said:
    with quality like this its impossible to have doubts

    It's rather sad that his style is now being tried to be repeated by every third person. Because of this, the originality of everyone is lost.

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  • righthand said:
    It's rather sad that his style is now being tried to be repeated by every third person. Because of this, the originality of everyone is lost.

    none of it compares to his work

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  • righthand said:
    It's rather sad that his style is now being tried to be repeated by every third person. Because of this, the originality of everyone is lost.


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  • righthand said:
    It's rather sad that his style is now being tried to be repeated by every third person. Because of this, the originality of everyone is lost.

    to be fair I don't really mind as long as they actually live up to his quality, more content is more content in the end but sadly they rarely live up to him

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  • settismybf said:
    to be fair I don't really mind as long as they actually live up to his quality, more content is more content in the end but sadly they rarely live up to him

    I've seen a few that are damn near perfect imitations of his style, but most are *almost-zackary911*

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  • righthand said:
    It's rather sad that his style is now being tried to be repeated by every third person. Because of this, the originality of everyone is lost.

    I mean is originality really that important, everybody uses photoshop, procreate or clip studio, everybody uses a drawing tablet of some sorts, and everybody is drawing some sort of furry, originality was lost a long time ago but does it really matter? Do you feel more satisfied looking at nsfw art when you know its original?

    On the other hand tho originality is still there just not in the places where we used to look for it, these days its within the choice of poses, genders and other things, zackary only draws males, if someone would start drawing females in his style, change the poses etc I would say originality would still totally be around, of course the quality has to be right but that is not an originality problem way more of a skill problem, there is a wise saying I heard multiple times in many youtube videos about digital artists where they say that "it's better to improve something that is already there instead of trying to be original", a simple example would be: would you rather improve the best battery ever or completely reinvent it from the ground up? Is originality really that important considering how hard it is to actually make it work if we keep in mind how much we already invented and narrowed down the areas where originality still could exist? Also those artists which decide to be original, usually end up failing, only a very small percentage actually end up succeeding, a brief look at history will easily reveal that. I would much rather have them just be really really good instead of them chasing originality.

    Sorry just got off the ground a bit... xD

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  • lordofkekw said:
    I mean is originality really that important, everybody uses photoshop, procreate or clip studio, everybody uses a drawing tablet of some sorts, and everybody is drawing some sort of furry, originality was lost a long time ago but does it really matter? Do you feel more satisfied looking at nsfw art when you know its original?

    On the other hand tho originality is still there just not in the places where we used to look for it, these days its within the choice of poses, genders and other things, zackary only draws males, if someone would start drawing females in his style, change the poses etc I would say originality would still totally be around, of course the quality has to be right but that is not an originality problem way more of a skill problem, there is a wise saying I heard multiple times in many youtube videos about digital artists where they say that "it's better to improve something that is already there instead of trying to be original", a simple example would be: would you rather improve the best battery ever or completely reinvent it from the ground up? Is originality really that important considering how hard it is to actually make it work if we keep in mind how much we already invented and narrowed down the areas where originality still could exist? Also those artists which decide to be original, usually end up failing, only a very small percentage actually end up succeeding, a brief look at history will easily reveal that. I would much rather have them just be really really good instead of them chasing originality.

    Sorry just got off the ground a bit... xD

    What I'm worried about that Zack's artstyle will become an industry standard where every furry artist that didn't make a name for themselves yet will jump on the bandwagon of zackary style = popularity. By the Zack's beatiful style will loose its spark and become another boring crap. The mass production of art, nulifying its value. Sure Zack's art has some things that make it say "hey! That piece is orginal Zackary standard", but they're so hard to notice that when everyone will start to draw in that style it will all just blend together.
    What's potentially even worse is that many upcoming artists might just look at this art, think to themselves "I can't replicate that! And if I can't do Zackary's style then I'll never make it big!", thus making many new sources of art vanish even before they could begin. Of course that's the worst possible scenario.
    I myself very much do NOT enjoy all this style copying as it decresases the number of styles that there are, plus it makes everyone think that one style is worth copying and anything else is not worth it.
    All of this likely won't happen and it will be a fad that will die down, but if it won't then we might be in for an art revolution where one style prevails while others go die on the pyre.

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  • righthand said:
    It's rather sad that his style is now being tried to be repeated by every third person. Because of this, the originality of everyone is lost.

    I mean if you atempt to replicate perfection and its barely off its still going to pretty damm good. But still Zacks art is the pinnacle of yiff.

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  • lordofkekw said:
    I mean is originality really that important, everybody uses photoshop, procreate or clip studio, everybody uses a drawing tablet of some sorts, and everybody is drawing some sort of furry, originality was lost a long time ago but does it really matter? Do you feel more satisfied looking at nsfw art when you know its original?

    On the other hand tho originality is still there just not in the places where we used to look for it, these days its within the choice of poses, genders and other things, zackary only draws males, if someone would start drawing females in his style, change the poses etc I would say originality would still totally be around, of course the quality has to be right but that is not an originality problem way more of a skill problem, there is a wise saying I heard multiple times in many youtube videos about digital artists where they say that "it's better to improve something that is already there instead of trying to be original", a simple example would be: would you rather improve the best battery ever or completely reinvent it from the ground up? Is originality really that important considering how hard it is to actually make it work if we keep in mind how much we already invented and narrowed down the areas where originality still could exist? Also those artists which decide to be original, usually end up failing, only a very small percentage actually end up succeeding, a brief look at history will easily reveal that. I would much rather have them just be really really good instead of them chasing originality.

    Sorry just got off the ground a bit... xD

    That's why there are so few good movies. That's why uniqueness is dead.

    Thinking to develop something that isn't your own, rather than inventing something new, doesn't work in any art form. There is already an audience favorite in the niche of this style, and imitation will only lead to disappointment at its own secondaryity.

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  • righthand said:
    It's rather sad that his style is now being tried to be repeated by every third person. Because of this, the originality of everyone is lost.

    it's never a bad thing to effectively be a descendant of something.
    What makes it bad is if the descendants are inferior.

    Right now only wizzikt comes close to zackary911's style, and wizzikt already has a great niche on top of his influenced style (zackary911 + better anus physics).

    as long as imitators try to put effort and add something that isn't on zackary911's style yet then it's all good and better (i'm dying to see bara in zackary911's style and no one has stepped up, except probably wardraws)

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  • righthand said:
    It's rather sad that his style is now being tried to be repeated by every third person. Because of this, the originality of everyone is lost.

    lordofkekw said:
    I mean is originality really that important, everybody uses photoshop, procreate or clip studio, everybody uses a drawing tablet of some sorts, and everybody is drawing some sort of furry, originality was lost a long time ago but does it really matter? Do you feel more satisfied looking at nsfw art when you know its original?

    On the other hand tho originality is still there just not in the places where we used to look for it, these days its within the choice of poses, genders and other things, zackary only draws males, if someone would start drawing females in his style, change the poses etc I would say originality would still totally be around, of course the quality has to be right but that is not an originality problem way more of a skill problem, there is a wise saying I heard multiple times in many youtube videos about digital artists where they say that "it's better to improve something that is already there instead of trying to be original", a simple example would be: would you rather improve the best battery ever or completely reinvent it from the ground up? Is originality really that important considering how hard it is to actually make it work if we keep in mind how much we already invented and narrowed down the areas where originality still could exist? Also those artists which decide to be original, usually end up failing, only a very small percentage actually end up succeeding, a brief look at history will easily reveal that. I would much rather have them just be really really good instead of them chasing originality.

    Sorry just got off the ground a bit... xD

    Why's everybody hating on people now having outstanding art? If everyone is Rajii, I'm all for it. It's why I use E6 instead of platforms like Furaffinity. Because there's no quality control in FA, for every 1 decent artist there's 20 making MS paint dicks.

    If a majority of art gets to be as good as this piece, that's amazing.

    We're talking about a fox taking it up the ass.

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  • righthand said:
    That's why there are so few good movies. That's why uniqueness is dead.

    Thinking to develop something that isn't your own, rather than inventing something new, doesn't work in any art form. There is already an audience favorite in the niche of this style, and imitation will only lead to disappointment at its own secondaryity.

    The Movies

    No, that's not why so many movies lack innovation and/or are forgettable garbage. The reason for that is greed and trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, to get more people to see it, and thus to make more money.

    Mass Produced Artlessness

    Those things that are produced for the masses, based on a storyline developed from statistics of what people would most likely go to the theater for? Those aren't art. I'm not being metaphorical either; art is when someone expresses themselves through some sort of media. I'm sure some of the costumes and a few bits and bobs in the plot or characters are minor works of art by the people who worked on those specific things, but as a whole, those movies only exist to make a profit.

    The producers and director don't want to experiment or express themselves as individuals, they want to tweak everything to pander to as many people as possible. Some of the writers might squeeze a bit of themselves into it here and there, but the vast majority of the plot is determined by what is thought to be most likely to make them money.

    Furry Art and Mimicry

    Mimicry is the highest form of flattery. When an artist copies the style of another artist, that is the copying artist expressing their love for the artwork that the original artist had created, and the style they had used. That love for their art style is a part of the copying artist - and by using it themselves, or even trying to, they are expressing that part of themselves.

    Let this be clear: mimicking another artist's style is part of what makes these images art to begin with. To suggest that it is 'ruining' artwork in any way, shape, or form, is insulting to both artists, and quite honestly is something that you should feel ashamed for.

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  • People worried that zackary's style will be mainstream probably never seen the 80's/90's furry art style, since then, styles have been so much more original and I doubt with all my soul it's going to happen again, just look (and send some love) to most part of the new furry artists out there

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  • mnwolf said:
    I call myself Trysexual, willing to try anything once!
    And if I like it!
    Some more...

    ok bud it's two in the morning it's too late for you to be giving us more sexuality ideas lmao

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