created by nopetrol
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  • Comments
  • This artists posts seem to have been really popular recently. I'm not into the kink, but I certainly see why, and I might be a little more now than I was.

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  • I'm just glad for some watersports porn that doesn't have piss drawn like it's the color of olive oil tbh

    Like, it's a minor thing, but why does so much furry smut have this weird molasses looking pee? It's rhetorical since I know it's easier to draw and stand out that way, but most ws pics here make me wanna give the characters some water bottles or something.

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  • happyvappy said:
    I'm just glad for some watersports porn that doesn't have piss drawn like it's the color of olive oil tbh

    Like, it's a minor thing, but why does so much furry smut have this weird molasses looking pee? It's rhetorical since I know it's easier to draw and stand out that way, but most ws pics here make me wanna give the characters some water bottles or something.

    Idk maybe most people aren't well hydrated, so they aren't used to it? I can't recall having clear pee once in my life

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  • fuckthisshiti'mout said:
    Idk maybe most people aren't well hydrated, so they aren't used to it? I can't recall having clear pee once in my life

    You should drink a lot more water then. At least, assuming nothing else is causing it to not be clear.

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  • joosos said:
    I can’t believe people are having a genuine discussion under this post lol

    What, just because we're on a furry porn site you think we're incapable of civilized discussion? Of course we're having a genuine discussion, what else are the comments for? The "creepy comments" rule essentially forbids comments just drooling over the characters in a picture etc, which pretty much only leaves genuine discussion like this.

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