haloren and silver (mythology) created by sonsasu
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See here as Haloren demonstrates how well he can ferry Silver, his first customer, as part of his new, first-class, travel oriented venture! Worker owned and operated, we offer the best miles per gallon* at the lowest rates, getting you where you want to go without, leaving your wallet sore! Feel free to turn in your application today, and don't be afraid! Despite the name, all capable of performing the job requirements are welcome, regardless of species!

*Miles of travel per gallon of spunk drained

Art by the always amazing Sonsasu! Seriously, if you're following me, you *really* should be following her by now :P

Silver, the first passenger, belongs to SilverandCyanide. 5 stars from the felk on this fare ;3

Haloren, our fine Felkin Ferry representative, is mine.

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