ackemez, karma, sam, and sloth (mythology) created by kuroodod
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Sloth and Sam leave the guild hall. Sam should have at least said hi to Wrath earlier. Here's hoping it doesn't bite him in the tush later. On their way to Sloth's room they come across a certain blue dragon.

Patron Cameo Ackemez:

  • Comments
  • Are we about to get a Sam/Sloth/Karma threesome? 👀
    I'm not expecting it but the backsack shot of Karma as Sam and Sloth head to her room makes me hopeful.

    Also, Sloth is so hot in this comic. I just wanted to point that out.

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  • First off, I'm glad Sloth is still yellow.

    Secondly, hell yes. A new Sloth session can't happen soon enough.

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  • Kinda just realized that in this series we tend to be introduced to the butt first, face later, with the tail always lifted juuust enough

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  • Hang on, if a Shiba Inu exist, then that means that humans exist. I mean what are dogs? Domesticated wolfs. Who were the wolfs domesticated by? Humans, so how do dogs exist without humans? They can't! But what about the dragons? Mythical creatures? Did the humans exist with these creatures? Did we make these and the creatures killed them?? I NEED ANSWERS.

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  • acommunist said:
    Hang on, if a Shiba Inu exist, then that means that humans exist. I mean what are dogs? Domesticated wolfs. Who were the wolfs domesticated by? Humans, so how do dogs exist without humans? They can't! But what about the dragons? Mythical creatures? Did the humans exist with these creatures? Did we make these and the creatures killed them?? I NEED ANSWERS.

    Ok, looking back, I personally think that humans made the mythical creatures and they killed all the humans. I mean look at the 7th page, what do you see? 2 German shepherds WITH a coller with, what I think, name tags, like what we do with our dogs in case they run away and/or to show that it's not a stray. Also, how will you put on a coller? Either a person did it or some other critter. Also, where did they get the idea for pillows? They most likely don't use it so why would they use them? Same with beds, they look just like ours and also have sheats and blankets but we've never seen them use blankets when sleeping so why do they have them? Along with that, there's bananas. Why are bananas so important? Really it's the kind of banana. You can see on page 44 that the banana has, as far as I can tell, have no big seeds so that would mean that they where domesticated. You see, wild bananas have little y'know, banana and more seed and are also WAY smaller. Just Google it. Also, who did that? Humans, that's who. But that's just a theory, A PORN THEORY!

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