Code: Valentine
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Happy Valentine's Day to all lovers around here, and in the whole world. Keep being full of love and passion for each other!!
This art was done for my own very loved one, OceRydia ! It's based on a videogame i offered to her last christmas and that she liked a lot, an otome game called "Code: Realize". I drew her fursona in the clothes of the main character, Cardia, and my own one in the clothes of her main love interest, Lupin ^^
Have a great day,
Don't hesitate to support me on Patreon and help me to live of my passion and get some nice rewards in return :
You can also support OceRydia on her own Patreon page, she deserves it ten thousand time :
~ PS : Any financial support would be REALLY appreciated, since Oce and I are really living on the edge... thanks a lot to anyone who would join our patreons, even at the lower pledges. ~
MemberThe art style in my opinion looks like "old school" late 2000's furry art
GJ bro this kinda made me nostalgic
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