howl, leto, and sam created by grimart


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  • also yep knew it, rather then actually cater to sams feelings he just would rather “help” her understand how it feels by having her jack him off- i- i dont- Howl wtf is wrong with you dude

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  • Jesus, leto has become one of the most annoying characters of any comic I've read, he's either way to clingy to howl and Sam, like they were born glued to one another or the fact that he doesn't think before acting. He even thinks that because his friends, that have their own lives and relationships will abandon him just because they left him alone for 5 minutes.

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  • zarbonimal said:
    Jesus, leto has become one of the most annoying characters of any comic I've read, he's either way to clingy to howl and Sam, like they were born glued to one another or the fact that he doesn't think before acting. He even thinks that because his friends, that have their own lives and relationships will abandon him just because they left him alone for 5 minutes.

    He’s clingy yes, but that second part isn’t true.

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  • Leto should have just walked away, yeah it might surprise you that they're doing it, but that's really none of your buiseness

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  • To the artist: I think you are doing a wonderful job please don't be discouraged and thank you for sharing both your story and your art

    To the others: I actually think Howl is trying to be kind not use her but rather was trying to help her understand not being a sleeze and the exclamation was because Leto now made her feel about at the most crucial part where she was about to accept intimacy and feel good about it. Having dealt with friends that had equally horrible things happen like this is actually pretty realistic he likely hasn't realized she got beat up and there is this overwhelming fear when your best friends hook up especially when you have no other friends or family to go too especially while dealing with something so tramatic it isn't an excuse to behave such a way just realistic.

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  • dagdawilddog said:
    To the artist: I think you are doing a wonderful job please don't be discouraged and thank you for sharing both your story and your art

    To the others: I actually think Howl is trying to be kind not use her but rather was trying to help her understand not being a sleeze and the exclamation was because Leto now made her feel about at the most crucial part where she was about to accept intimacy and feel good about it. Having dealt with friends that had equally horrible things happen like this is actually pretty realistic he likely hasn't realized she got beat up and there is this overwhelming fear when your best friends hook up especially when you have no other friends or family to go too especially while dealing with something so tramatic it isn't an excuse to behave such a way just realistic.

    who tf kinda friend ignores all of their feelings and other more important issues that are going on then instead shows her how it feels for a guy to get jacked off, like who the fuck does that, like Sam was crying because she got beat up for drawing furry porn and she was complaining and being sad about that, and he did not comment on that at all and jut cleaned her up a bit then just immediately goes to "i can teach you how it feels" is he not going to talk about her more important issues like about who beat her up, or what they can do to solve this issue. if my friend did that and just decided to show me how sex feels id cut ties with them because it shows they do not care for how i actually feel and would just rather get in my pants or have me get in their pants.

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  • ogtariq said:
    why everyone down voting my comments, ._.

    I honestly think you make some good points. Sam brings up how she doesn't get "what's so good about it (seexxx)?...". Then in the page right after, Horndog Howl gets that creepy dead look in his eyes and then proceeds to offer sex as if that's what she needs right now. Oh you know, not things like encouragement or telling her that he'll be there for her and her art. Either Howl is dumb enough to not read the room or is outright trying to take advantage of someone in a low emotional state.

    in a nutshell, Horndog Howl could have just explained the brain chemistry and left it at that Or kept trying to encourage her love of art instead of trying to get his rocks off.

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  • el127 said:
    I honestly think you make some good points. Sam brings up how she doesn't get "what's so good about it (seexxx)?...". Then in the page right after, Horndog Howl gets that creepy dead look in his eyes and then proceeds to offer sex as if that's what she needs right now. Oh you know, not things like encouragement or telling her that he'll be there for her and her art. Either Howl is dumb enough to not read the room or is outright trying to take advantage of someone in a low emotional state.

    in a nutshell, Horndog Howl could have just explained the brain chemistry and left it at that Or kept trying to encourage her love of art instead of trying to get his rocks off.

    exactly, but people reading this comic to mad and just accept anything horny related lol. thank you btw

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  • ogtariq said:
    exactly, but people reading this comic to mad and just accept anything horny related lol. thank you btw

    That's... not what ANY of us are doing when we disagree with you, but aight. :///

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  • jayfiregrowlithe said:
    That's... not what ANY of us are doing when we disagree with you, but aight. :///

    well i mean people are saying they should have their privacy and not talk on actual issues

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  • ogtariq said:
    why everyone down voting my comments, ._.

    Oof, here we go... 😬

    The majority of what you say about this comic is from an incredibly ignorant perspective. You don't read the situation well. You are a horrible judge of character.

    I've gotten frustrated because this comic, while fictional, is about and based on serious trauma -- your comments throughout it show that you have no idea what this is like and you actually downplay a lot of what is happening, when you're not otherwise unfairly judging the good characters sometimes even while showing support for the bad characters.

    Some of what you say is okay and I've even upvoted a few of your comments, but when it comes to judging the events, especially the trauma, you clearly can't understand the situation or the mentality that goes behind people in them.

    I know it may not seem it but I'm really sorry to trash you bro, asked.

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  • octophile said:
    Oof, here we go... 😬

    The majority of what you say about this comic is from an incredibly ignorant perspective. You don't read the situation well. You are a horrible judge of character.

    I've gotten frustrated because this comic, while fictional, is about and based on serious trauma -- your comments throughout it show that you have no idea what this is like and you actually downplay a lot of what is happening, when you're not otherwise unfairly judging the good characters sometimes even while showing support for the bad characters.

    Some of what you say is okay and I've even upvoted a few of your comments, but when it comes to judging the events, especially the trauma, you clearly can't understand the situation or the mentality that goes behind people in them.

    I know it may not seem it but I'm really sorry to trash you bro, asked.

    if your talking about when i was talking about the whole mom segment of the series well, thats just my opinion, and yes i do admit i have a poor sense of character sometimes, and some what of what i said during the whole mom stuff was wrong, but i feel like here my point stands with whats going on with Howl rn. also i dont think your trashing me, your just saying what you think is best, no issue with that.

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  • perhaps said:
    Leto should have just walked away, yeah it might surprise you that they're doing it, but that's really none of your buiseness

    Teenagers are kinda stupid/impulsive, though.

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