nintendo and etc created by scappo
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  • ~does a little hand sign as he pretty much goes to kill all self respect and be drawn forever into the group known as poke'mon fags...~

    IV means inherit values. HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed all have IVs for them on every single poke'mon. An IV ranges from 0 to 31, 31 being the best. This number is what makes a lvl 50 Lucario with... ~picks random number~ 100 speed diffrent from a lvl 50 Lucario with 140 speed, with matching personalities...

    And IVs can be inherited, but there is a loose margin for the resulting offspring to go outside the IV sets for the bred poke'mon. So if you have an IV of 15 and 19 you could get offspring with 14 - 20, or blah blah blah...

    ~cocks the hammer on his magnum after loading the barrel~ That just about sums things up though, thank you and good bye. ~blasts his self respect through the for head.~

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  • RNA said:
    ~does a little hand sign as he pretty much goes to kill all self respect and be drawn forever into the group known as poke'mon fags...~

    IV means inherit values. HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed all have IVs for them on every single poke'mon. An IV ranges from 0 to 31, 31 being the best. This number is what makes a lvl 50 Lucario with... ~picks random number~ 100 speed diffrent from a lvl 50 Lucario with 140 speed, with matching personalities...

    And IVs can be inherited, but there is a loose margin for the resulting offspring to go outside the IV sets for the bred poke'mon. So if you have an IV of 15 and 19 you could get offspring with 14 - 20, or blah blah blah...

    ~cocks the hammer on his magnum after loading the barrel~ That just about sums things up though, thank you and good bye. ~blasts his self respect through the for head.~

    aaah, don't die, that was an awesome explanation :o now the pic's much hotter =o

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  • KidLoose said:
    What does it matter if he has good IVs if they're both male?? o.o

    Well.. I would think the is he has good IV's he would be better at certain things if you ketch my meaning. :D

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  • The concept for this picture came from another Lucario pic with a female choosing her male partners carefully;

    However, this flips the m/f concept to a m/m.

    Very nice. :D

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