created by bose
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A piece I commissioned from bose of Nicodemus after he had the unfortunate fate of being attacked by a transformative sealed away in The Archives. Poor guy won't be climaxing with that rubber dick any time soon.

For the story go check out this link.


Authors note: The first in the next Caliph Industries series exploring The Archives. For more information on this part of the Caliph Universe setting visit this link .

Caliph Industries
The Archive Part 1
By The Producer

Nicodemus, the enigmatic cat boy yawned as he waited for the door to open. The square box he was holding was starting to tire his arms out, but he had to maintain eye contact with the small security scanner above the door. This required both him and his package to be in frame, and for not the first time Nicodemus griped internally about the tedious process of taking products into The Archives.

The small red light on the security door at the back of The Assistant’s office blinked rapidly before changing to green. Niccodemus stepped through the doorway as it swung back on it’s hissing gas piston hinges before closing itself behind him. Inside was a pristine ebony room and floor, roughly twenty square feet in size. Nicodemus set his black latex wrapped wrapped box down on the slick reflective floor before leaning against the wall, feeling the familiar sinking sensation as the room, actually an elevator, began its descent. The doorway was replaced with the black nothingness of the wall of the elevator shaft.

The Archives were deep underground, and while Nicodemus supposed there must be another way in, this was the only entrance he was allowed to use. The descent alone took nearly fifteen minutes, and what Nicodemus didn’t know was that through a clever bit of engineering and trickery, the elevator was moving at a 45 degree angle, changing not only it’s horizontal position, but it’s vertical one as well. This meant that while Nicodemus thought he was descending straight down, he was actually moving laterally as well. He couldn’t have properly guessed the position of The Archives if he’d tried.

After roughly ten minutes the elevator slowed then stopped. A set of sealed stainless steel doors hissed open revealing a long pristine hallway of white latex clad walls and floors. As Nicodemus picked up the box and walked down the hallway he wondered about the plain black doors on either side. The featureless doors only had a single red number on them, starting at 1 and running up. Nicodemus had been told to keep walking until he came to an open door.

After passing door number 26 he arrived at an open doorway which lacked a number. Looking past it Nicodemus noted that all the following doors lacked numbers as well. He glanced inside the room, and just like the last time he took an item into The Archives, the room was empty. Walking inside he set the box down on the ground in the center of the room per containment instructions.

It was when Nicodemus turned around that he paused.

There was a single square of black rubber plastic sitting on the floor between him and the door.

He frowned.

That little square of shiny midnight had not been there when he had walked into the room. Nicodemus walked carefully around it, never taking his eye off of the square. It was roughly two inches wide, and with a perforated edge. With a start he realized it was a condom in it’s plastic packaging.

He bent down to pick it up, then paused.

His hesitancy saved him. The little square on the floor seemed to bend, and then sprang at him with lightning like rapidity.

Nicodemus threw himself sideways outside the door before slamming it shut. He looked around frantically for the small square of nanolatex that had tried to attack him, checking the floor and ceiling. The door sealed with an airtight hiss while Nicodemus checked his arms and legs, looking for any sign of being hit with the permanent smart rubber that would change his body structure at the atomic level.

When at last he was satisfied that he was safe, the catboy breathed a sigh of relief and felt his heart rate return to normal. Composing himself he walked back to the elevator and began his long slow ride back to the office.

Upon his return, Nicodemus found a stack of papers in his inbox along with a note from his immediate supervisor, The Assistant.

Heya Nic! Could you file these properly for me? I have a few other matters to take care of today. Once you're done you can take the rest of the day off! Thanks!

Nic sighed, but a glance at the clock showed that he probably could leave early for the day if he got to work immediately. There was that new movie he wanted to watch, and a few other things that some free time would definitely help take care of. Setting about the filing Nic was pleased when it went faster than anticipated and quickly strode out of the office, passing his coworker, the demure Cashoo on the way out.

“Hi Nic! Leaving early?”

He nodded.

“Ok! I’m going too, Assistant said we’re pretty much done anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow!”

Waving with a practiced nonchalance Nic walked down the corridors and out of the main Caliph office building. He figured he could take one of the scheduled shuttle carts back to employee housing, but it was a nice day and he decided to walk.

Within thirty minutes he walked through the door to his small dormitory room, and momentarily wished for an upgrade to his housing. He then began to strip off his work clothes.

The first to come off was the ridiculous shiny red underwear. Caliph uniform policy required that employees wear a Caliph Industries collar and underwear at all times on the job. Unfortunately for Nic, his immediate supervisor was under the erroneous impression that this meant they could decree that Nic also wasn’t allowed to wear any pants OVER his underwear. It was demeaning to be sure, but given how sexually charged and open the entire company was, it was somewhat expected.

Nic sighed in satisfaction as he released his privates from their confines, the air of his room seeming to almost caress his exposed balls.

One of Nicodemus’s hands strayed down, while he moaned appreciatively to himself. He gripped his shaft with one clawed hand, grateful for a moment alone. His thumb fingered the barbell piercing just below the head of his penis, one sharp claw flicking the ball. A normal piercing may heighten sensations like this, but Nic felt nothing. The piercing was part of a trial from the Caliph Industries Research and Development department, and contained a special metal that deadened virtually all sensation in his member.

It was as he was just about to begin undoing his piercing that he heard a small rustling sound to his right.

Nicodemus froze and slowly turned his head, glancing down at his shoulder.

The two inch square of shiny rubber nanolatex on the shoulder of his tanktop, and almost as if it sensed his gaze, it seemed to push up on it’s four corners before scurrying downwards like a square insect of some kind.

Nic frowned and began swatting at the offending square, fear and anger consuming him. He didn’t know what exactly this was, but nothing good was ever stored in The Archives. He managed to strike it several times, but it seemed to almost adhere with a suction cup-like grip to his skin as it scurried down his chest and stomach. He next resolved to grip it, his cat claws flashing out to try and grab the offending square.

His sharp claws slid off the skin of the small quick square, his attempt being no more effectual than his previous ones.

An involuntary whine seemed to boil up out of his throat in fear and frustration as the intruder edged past his belly button, and seemed to head for Nicodemus’s groin. In addition to his now spastic flailing he began to buck and tweak his hips, terrified that that the self ambulatory prophylactic wrapper would do something to his favorite piece of anatomy.

His pessimistic suspicions turned out to be well founded as the moment the square reached the base of his cock, it seemed to melt and slither up his member. As it did so his cock seemed to stiffen and lengthen, reaching a length, width and girth larger than he’d ever experienced before. All that remained of his previous cocks appearance was the shining metal of his piercing.

Nicodemus began to make peace with his existence, a nanolatex exposure could only mean that the end was on its way. He wondered what he was about to be turned into. Would he even be allowed to be sold as a doll or a piece of industrial equipment, or would he just be tucked away in The Archives? Another statistic and example of why containment procedures were important.

He glanced down at his stiff member, featureless and glossy black like the square of nanolatex had been. He couldn’t even remotely feel it, the pull of its mass on the skin of his groin was the only thing that told him that a penis was even there. But the nanolatex did not seem to spread.

Reaching out with one hand, he poked his cock. He didn’t feel it at all. He gripped it then, before tightening his grip. The fleshy give of before was entirely gone, replaced with a stiff rigidity like a plastic dildo.

Curiosity overcame him then, and he proceeded to tug and yank on his member shocked by not only the lack of sensation but also the complete stiffness. It was totally featureless except for the two nubs of his piercing, and terminated at his groin. After ten minutes of experimentation revealing no change in his body or groin, he picked up his tablet and sent a message to his supervisor, The Assistant.

So, the strangest thing has just happened…

Thirty Minutes Later

Nicodemus had never had this many people interested in his groin. In addition to The Assistant, there were several research aides and the department head of Research and Development, the chiropteran known as The Scientist.


She said.

“It appears the experimental nullification piercing has halted the nanolatex conversion dead in its tracks.”

She studied an x-ray on a nearby monitor.

“There is some internal integration between the subject’s flesh and the nanolatex phallus. The testicles are largely unchanged, though the urethra has completely terminated internally, that is our current pressing concern.”

The Scientist pulled up a computer.

“I can draft a quick genetic rewrite to allow the urethra to reroute proper bladder drainage to near the anus.”

Nicodemus scrawled on a nearby notepad.

Excuse ME! WHAT? What about my dick!?

The Scientist shrugged.

“Nothing to be done about that I’m afraid, unless you want the nanolatex to run its course the moment you achieve a phallic orgasm. You’re stuck with that. Now if you like it is probably possible to surgically remove it. There will be some flesh lost in the groin area most likely, I’m not a medical doctor of course, but there isn’t any reason for the nanolatex to-”

Nicodemus violently shook his head.

“-no? Fine. Well, this is entirely a new situation for us, As far as I am aware this is the first case of a suspended nanolatex conversion that has not resulted in the termination of the subject.”

The Scientist turned to one of her research techs and whispered something.

“I’ll have the genetic alteration prepped, but we have a ticking clock here to avoid a serious medical emergency.”

Nicodemus glowered at the scientist and crossed his arms in front of his chest, his cock still defiantly erect in a comedic salute. The whole thing was beyond absurd to him, to have his anatomy suddenly captured in this way.

The Assistant broke the silence.

“What do we know about the item?”

The Scientist eyed The Assistant.

“The item in question and it’s storage facility are not discussed in insecure environments.”

The Assistant appeared about to voice more concerns but stopped at a stern look from The Scientist. Nicodemus growled in his throat before holding up his notepad again.

Give me that genetic rewrite.

The Scientist nodded.

“Very well. I’m sure I speak for the entire corporation when I say that we’ll be here to support you. I’ll have the specifications sent to the hospital and have the specifications double checked before your injection.”

Nicodemus sat up and pulled his underwear up over his sex toy like organ. It sat stiffly against his groin and infuriated him as he walked out of the room.

2 days later

“You doing okay Nic?”

Nicodemus looked over at Cashoo from his hospital bed. His glare seemed to say more than any words he could possibly write as his cerine coworker seemed to cower.

“I just wanted to say that The Assistant says you can take as long to come back to work as you like. We’re all caught up on paperwork, and, ah, you coping well?”

Nicodemus raised his hands in exasperation towards the ceiling before snatching up his tablet and typing furiously before showing it to Cashoo.

Oh I’m great! My dick is now a sensationless dildo, I have to sit to pee, and everyone knows about it!

Cashoo blushed.

“Well, I’m here for you if you need me. I mean, look at the bright side, you can’t be converted to nanolatex if you’re in the middle of your own conversion.”

Nicodemus paused.

He hadn’t thought of that. Was he really immune now to all kinds of nanolatex? He’d have to check that out later. He was still pissed, but maybe Cashoo was right. He glowered down at the tent in his hospital bed sheets.


Cashoo smiled.

“Yeah, we’re here for you.”

Nicodemus nodded. True, he at least wasn’t alone, and as absurd as this was, he was still here.

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