krystal (nintendo and etc) created by shirokoma
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How to take your eyes.

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  • shitsandgiggles said:
    See its stuff like this that intimidates me when it comes to learning to draw.

    This has more to do with the composition, rather than the actual skill involved. They're showing how the composition leads your gaze. You can get good at drawing without skill in composition, it just gives the flow and presentation more clarity.

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  • Some artists: "I used advanced drawing, art theory, and scene building techniques to draw in the eyes of my viewers and guide them along the picture using obscure yet very prominent points of references that read like a book... all while incorporating it entirely into the idea of the pose itself!"

    Me when I make a scene: "Hehe... boobs go brbrbrbrbrbr"

    I seriously applaud artists that take time, calculate and formulate poses and drawn images that actually use art theory and such. Shits amazing... i kinda just think of a pose and go from there x.x not really thinking about art theory to compose the image itself, but I do indeed try to focus attention to certain areas, not so much guide the viewer though xD

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  • pawprintz15 said:
    This has more to do with the composition, rather than the actual skill involved. They're showing how the composition leads your gaze. You can get good at drawing without skill in composition, it just gives the flow and presentation more clarity.

    Yep. It's kinda what takes any art from just good to having that really standout, subconscious appeal and line of thought (much like movies, where scene composition can make moments more emotive and memorable)

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  • As stated by Boomstick from Screwattack/Deathbattle this is the science of Lefuck!
    Also Psychology, Anatomy and Artistry.

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