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A marvellous character designed by the legendary Malafae also a BIG thanks for Gwehsbian for also helping me understand this character + give this short story below

I finally had the opportunity to do my best to make this character come to life! I cant read minds so its probably not exact. This character was always talked about between us and I was always curious to know what he would actually look like


“Running. You remember running, sprinting even. The sound of no ordinary beast, snarling out from the shadows, next your hunter companion screams before the darkness seems to swallow them up.
You and your companion were both hunters; killing game and selling their meat for money. It was a difficult job out in the wilderness as monsters of all kinds would call it their own. After a tip from a buyer, you and your friend are told of the fresh and wild game that teams deep in the swamp. The very same swamp where you had always been told, no.. Everyone, every human was warned of the dangers of that horrid swamp. The deep quagmires that could swallow whole towns, the leeches that drained their prey's life energy, the gorgeous frog (and other monstrous) girls/boys who'd fool any dumb human with their divine beauty.
But the thing that kept everyone clear, was a legend of a palace.. an entire kingdom of monsters. Slimes, nagas/lamias, giant tentacle'd beasts, blood-sucking demons and much more. Humans who would dare venture into the depths of the swamps, in search of this mysterious kingdom, would usually not return.. or perhaps they'd come back a 'changed' person, oh.. so very changed.
There was even a legend of a ruler, a king, of this said kingdom. A giant shapeshifting slime, made of a strange yet dark tar-like substance and has a rather demonic shimmer in his eyes. Some said they have met the fearsome king himself, many do not believe such stories, stating they are lies.

But oh no, the king was real. The stories would go on about a huge canine-like beast prowling near the kingdom on his own, a wicked aura radiating off his body which would make a mere mortal tremble. They say he prowls around at night, hunting for live prey, humans were said to be a favourite of the king.
You never believed he was even real, or even the kingdom. You believed monsters were too animal to form a kingdom, a truce, to live together and peace and apparently even hunt together. They were merely tougher game, you could easily kill them for their meat-

You would fail to notice the rock sticking out from the soil, on which you trip on, slamming your head on the floor and blacking out..
When your eyes finally do open, you're not greeted by the sight of another human.. or anything welcoming for that matter. A puddle of tar would bubble hungrily from a distance, when your eyes finally adjust to the night, you notice how it begins to shift and twist.
A body seems to form from the tar, huge canine teeth would grin at you as the tar shifts into a.. wait, no..
The huge canine-like slime, no.. the king.. was in front of you. It's grin still there and it's eyes staring into yours, the eerily glow of the eyes made you want to.. stare into it longer..? y-yesss.... s...stare........p-pretty, red..

Approaching you, the beast would crawl in towards it's now hypnotized prey. You never believed it was real, that the 'king' was real. But as you lay, blank and docile, all you wanted to do was submit.

And submit you will..”

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