dave and raziel (caelum sky) created by alradeck

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FA tags: hey man I just wanna steal book what are they gonna do arrest me send me to ghost jail pfff bruh imma angel my thoughts are my own prison

  • Comments
  • It seems the girl sees Neri but no one else does.
    The priest sees Raziel, no one else does.
    Surely the best solution is for the girl and the priest to act as intermediaries.

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  • rhyolite said:
    It seems the girl sees Neri but no one else does.
    The priest sees Raziel, no one else does.
    Surely the best solution is for the girl and the priest to act as intermediaries.

    If the girl sees Neri and the priest sees Raziel then both could see both demon and Angel that's how mediums work

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  • spyra said:
    If the girl sees Neri and the priest sees Raziel then both could see both demon and Angel that's how mediums work

    I think the priest can only see Raziel because of other reasons, but I do think that Amber can see both Raziel and Neri.

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  • usagiki said:
    I think the priest can only see Raziel because of other reasons, but I do think that Amber can see both Raziel and Neri.

    Amber sees raziel as well, yes, she said a couple of pages back that she saw them fight at the begining, though the priest doesn't seems to see Neri

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  • When the priest and Raziel were talking about going to a Library a few pages back, somehow I thought it would be something more impressive than a local public library... like something angelic or Catholic...

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  • sleipnir said:
    When the priest and Raziel were talking about going to a Library a few pages back, somehow I thought it would be something more impressive than a local public library... like something angelic or Catholic...

    Raziel wanted some "forbidden" knowledge that the church, in this universe, wouldn't have? xD

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