Lucawright: My client, Infernape, is innocent!
L: The attack used to burn down the bridge was not "Flamethrower", it was none other than Inteleon's "Weather Ball"!
Inteleon: Gyaah!
Zangworth: OBECTION!
Z: Believing in your client no matter what, such a rookie mentality...
Z: Has the defense already forgotten the witness' testimony?
Z: We were already told that it was raining on the day of the incident.
Z: Surely even you know that in the rain, Weather Ball would become a water type move?
L: True, it was raining all day in the village.
L: It was only sunny in the specific area near the burned bridge!
Z: Is the defense resorting to delusional rambling now...?
Z: If you're so desperate as to spout such nonsense, surely it's fine if I ask to see proof of that claim?
L: Huh?
Z: Evidence!
Z: In a court of law, if you can't submit certifiable evidence,
Z: Your theory is nothing more than an elaborate fairy tale!!
L: Gaah!!
Z: Well, any further objections?
L: (Damn it, this Zangoose...)
Judgeland: How about it, Mr. Lucario?
S: Do you have any proof that the weather was sunny at the time of the incident?
L: (Proof... how am I supposed to prove what the weather was like...)
L: (Wait, I might just have some after all...! If I submit that...!)
EVIDENCE: Audino's Drawing. A sketch made by Audino at the time of the incident. A rainbow hangs over the burning bridge.
L: Please look at this, Your Honor!
L: This is the drawing submitted earlier by Audino.
L: There is a rainbow stretching across the top of the image.
L: At the time, we all thought it was simply a childish detail added to make the drawing prettier. However, this is an accurate depiction of what occurred!
L: The rainbow was really there! Because the sun had just come out after the rain at the time of the incident!
Z: Guh!!
Z: But, but you still have no proof that the rainbow was really there!
Z: Besides, the weather at the scene of the crime is irrelevant to this case!
Z: The suspicion remains on Infernape!
L: This sequence of events perfectly explain the rainbow and the possible use of Weather Ball!
L: As long as the possibility exists, it must be pursued!!
Z: Grrrrrrr....
BlockedIt is to admire what this guy did, I fit him very well
MemberI absolutely love this remix of "Pursuit ~ Cornered".
MemberMy favorite part about this, is I learned there's an "objection!" tag.
MemberI wish I can read Japanese
MemberZangoose mimicked edgy-pooeh realy well!
MemberAre there Pokemon Ace Attorney fan games out there? It sounds really interesting to delve into homicide cases using Pokemon battle logic. Like imagining a Quagsire getting blamed for a homicide where the victim was a Pokemon who had raised their defense six stages just because of their Unaware ability, when it really was Vaporeon who used Haze.
There's a lot of potential in this idea!
Memberfor some reson I lost it when the judge showed up.
Memberif only i knew what they saying most games would be enjoyable
user 716813
MemberIf this was an anime on Netflix or Hulu that nitendo allowed I would be the first to finished the whole show from season to season
MemberI don't know if there are. Fan videos, yes (Turnabout Storm comes to mind) but as Ace Attorney is a VN, any fangame would live or die based on the quality of the plot and writing.
MemberPitch-perfect casting. *chef's kiss*
Kinki simp
Blockedand coming soon:
"The vaporeon abuses"
Lucario knots
MemberI don't care what anyone says a lucario as Phoenix Wright is perfect
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