natasha created by miles df
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  • Nearly every Miles pic I go to has a comment about his commission prices.

    Not sure I get the controversy with Miles' pricing, tbf. Would I buy one myself at that price? Hell no. Is it overpriced? The fact that he has a steady stream of comms says "no." Charging $2,000+ for a commission isn't dumb if people are willing to pay it, nor is it overpriced. Value is subjective, and (barring government regulatory interference) consumers are who decide the price of something. It's not much different to me than the way people complain about the high prices of Cadillacs and Lincolns (relative to what you get, at least) even as both brands have seen meteoric increases in sales in recent years, with their most expensive models (the Escalade and Navigator) also being their most popular.

    While people may not realize it, calling Miles' comms overpriced, etc while plenty of people are willing to buy is essentially calling themselves the price arbitrators of the art world. It's one thing to say it's overpriced with respect to what YOU would be willing to pay. It's quite another to outright say an artist shouldn't charge the prices they have when people are clearly willing to pay.

    What's more, Miles' pricing isn't even that unusual in the art world. Wayne Barlowe almost certainly charges MORE for his private commissions, and Peter Mohrbacher auctions his art as exclusive prints and NFTs for 10-20 times what Miles charges.

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  • This looks to be visually identical to 3113785, but with a higher file size.
    I think 3113785 may have better compression, so I flagged this one for removal.

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