krystal (nintendo and etc) created by shirokoma
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  • Comments
  • mrwiskeruwu said:
    I swear I have seen this somewhere.

    Sindoll, Cervina, and Shirokoma all have very similar artstyles, so you've probably seen Krystal art done by one of the others.

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  • krotgovnorot said:
    This dude traces art.

    Cervina is a tracer/editor too. Also explains why both have shit anatomy, shit perspective and inconsistent quality. Because it's a traced mashup of multiple different images.
    If you think either of those two look anything like Sindoll you are blind.

    Go back to downloading virus infested iMovie files

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  • krotgovnorot said:
    This dude traces art.

    Cervina is a tracer/editor too. Also explains why both have shit anatomy, shit perspective and inconsistent quality. Because it's a traced mashup of multiple different images.
    If you think either of those two look anything like Sindoll you are blind.

    If this is true I don't care, just let me enjoy some thicc Krystal.

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