caroline bellanoir and oul'taras (east asian mythology and etc) created by phrostbite
Parent: post #2113581 (learn more) show »

Based on the little Valentines drawing way back (
and spent the last four months stressing over.

It wasn’t supposed to take as long and it turned out to be more dramatic then it was supposed to be. Welp it is what it is little too late to change anything of that scale... gonna take a little break from animating for a bit...

*The movie was over for a couple of hours now and the neighbors have been complaining about the noise... Angelo is still waiting for Caroline to tell him to stop but I dont think shes gonna have the chance to at the rate he’s going*

-There are a couple things that do need to be fixed and ill do it over time as i notice them so just ignore them for now or point them out to help me out-

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