esix and soup (e621) created by dasoupguy
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Better version of post #2698434

  • Comments
  • That blacklist option is great. Along with tags I don't like I think at this point I have blocks close to ninty artists who just seem to draw the exact same thing over and over, real "one trick ponies." I'm not going to name names though.

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  • cyandog182 said:
    That blacklist option is great. Along with tags I don't like I think at this point I have blocks close to ninty artists who just seem to draw the exact same thing over and over, real "one trick ponies." I'm not going to name names though.

    I personally like the combination blacklist tags. For me, I was tired and turned off from seeing MLP 3d futas everywhere, but there are occasionally some other MLP pics and comics that float by that I like, so that was perfect for me.


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  • grossly_incandescent said:
    I don't even use the blacklist. I mean yeah I'll see a bunch of weird stuff. But it's funny to comment on it.

    Personally, most of the stuff I would want to blacklist doesn't even phase me anymore.

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  • I have seen people do this and then audibly complain on many channels how their blacklist isn't functioning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Another one is people complaining how they cannot blacklist without account and/or their account is banned, but it has been possible for years and years even without account.

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  • knotty_curls said:
    I'm looking too far into it.

    women aliases to female so it would still work.

    I could show you real blacklist formatting horror stories. I've seen some shit.

    The most threatening people on this planet are in fact those who have no blacklist at all

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  • I mean tbf if you're gay you'll probably blacklist the female tag to just see males but I'm also probably thinking into the meme too much lol

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  • The blacklist doesn't work properly for me and I don't know why

    It hides stuff like loli and scat just fine, but gore and death show up even when the blacklist says it should be hidden

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  • grossly_incandescent said:
    I don't even use the blacklist. I mean yeah I'll see a bunch of weird stuff. But it's funny to comment on it.

    I just don't wanna see the same 4chan anon self insert show up when looking for larger females. Plus violence makes me sad.

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  • sussybaka42 said:
    The blacklist doesn't work properly for me and I don't know why

    It hides stuff like loli and scat just fine, but gore and death show up even when the blacklist says it should be hidden

    the gore tag appears to depend on the amount of blood present in the image, or the presence of injuries above bruises, scratches, scrapes, etc.

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  • horsey404 said:
    to be fair, this may result in some absolute gem gay stuff not reaching you.

    This is the reason I blacklist very little stuff, because there's some absolutely great stuff I would've missed simply because that content also existed in the pic. I'm not into vore or gore, for example, but I've seen some killer stuff (no pun intended) that got tagged with those. Sometimes stuff that really shouldn't, like a simple wound/cut/trickle of blood being tagged as gore.

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  • What really grinds my gears is the misapplication of tags, like for example the rape tag is applied to a lot of qcon and even straight up clearly consenting fun, and the three tags for vore in a specific hole are barely used despite the number of posts under the unspecified vore tag which need sorting.

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