created by kalahari

Coyote Girl

On a warm night, when the bonfire is blazing, she'll steal just a spark and trace her dance through the air.

Just some dance practice. For years, this coyote girl lived in my mind, spinning fire and yipping away. Always in that collar and loincloth. But she managed to work her way into this piece a few years ago, as well as this beautiful commission from iPoke, and it was the commission that finally got me to draw her like this.

And all you yote characters are so lucky... there's so many ways to interpret their color variations, you've basically got infinite possibilities.

  • Comments
  • Don't often see poi pictures. Love it.

    Not sure how someone covered in fur would handle spinning fire though. I used to singe all the hair off my arms and legs given enough time lol

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  • Wow, first time seeing a pic on here with poi, very cool! Not often I see a lot of representation of one of my favorite hobbies outside my rave scene!

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  • Just found you and I love your artwork!
    after reading the description of this picture, I think that I found another place she crept in, here's the link.
    Also, this is my favorite image on this site now.

    Edit: Im actually sad I can't tell her she's beautiful.
    Edit again: Thank you for inspiring me to learn fire dancing!


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