fan character, parcly taxel, and wishgriff (european mythology and etc) created by parclytaxel
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Parcly Taxel and Wishgriff at UK PonyCONLINE

Parcly Taxel: My genie form has become second nature to me, so much that sometimes I forget about the passions and objects that transformed me from alicorn princess to generous wish-granter. So that you know about this background, I'm coiling up with Wishgriff the hippogriff genie for Wishes, Vectors and Mystical Tails at UK PonyCONLINE on 8 and 9 May 2021.

Spindle: Instead of rushing into a High Speed Vectors section like before, the two genies – Wishgriff having been inspired by Parcly to geniefy herself too – will have a short Q&A with the audience on vector art, pony and related genies and how cute those misty tails look in vectors. My own tail is a bit too stiff and cold – just kidding!

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