kathy and pawpi (mythology) created by brolaren
  • Comments
  • feltip said:
    your confusion confuses me

    Yeah same since normally you see a post like that on something like... Multi-limb, or hyper-diaper, or things tagged with Boston Dynamics.
    Isn't oral like... The 5th most popular kink on this site?

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  • Wait...

    So the dildo is taking a sharp turn when it goes into their mouths? Because if it's not there's no way it would be causing the throat bulges.

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  • sinshadowfox said:
    Oral is yes. But double dildo fellatio? It's kinda weird. And unless you have an oral fixation it's not clear how this is pleasurable. That's the source of the confusion.
    Unless you thought there was a penis tongue involved but according to the tags and the pink bulge in both their necks it's a double-sided dildo so . . . why are they doing it? (i mean i know why i would but I'm weird)

    I've seen girls do this in real life, dude. Some women like and even love the feeling of taking dick down their throat. If they didn't, why would they do it?

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