brutus, clovis, and natani (twokinds) created by tom fischbach
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Off Set - Stunt Doubles

Clovis, Natani, and Brutus off set, discussion stunts during the events of the comic, suggested by CanisAstra!

  • Comments
  • I picture Brutus sitting in a velvet lined armchair by a fireplace in a bathrobe and fez, reading To kill a mockingbird, smoking pipe

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  • 12121212 said:
    I picture Brutus sitting in a velvet lined armchair by a fireplace in a bathrobe and fez, reading To kill a mockingbird, smoking pipe

    Sometimes casually responding to things generally with a fine and classy "Mmmmm... Indeed".

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  • rukaisho said:
    We all know what you did, Tom! Don't even try to make this unlikeable sadistic motherfucker endearing!

    This is an AU setting where Clovis is an actor. After all, do you blame Frank Welker, the voice of G1 Megatron and Transformers Prime Megatron, for killing Optimus Prime? The answer is no.

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  • crazyt said:
    This is an AU setting where Clovis is an actor. After all, do you blame Frank Welker, the voice of G1 Megatron and Transformers Prime Megatron, for killing Optimus Prime? The answer is no.

    Clovis is like the Jake Gyllenhaal of this set, damn good range of facial emotions and can turn from the warm smile you see here to a cold stare that pierces right through you on cue.

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  • rukaisho said:
    How is a fictional character even remotely comparable to a real life actor? Don't even pretend this isn't just a vain attempt to try to deflect the fact that Clovis was created and written to be a completely detestable piece of shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
    Also, I don't like Transformers.

    Remember when i said Clovis is an actor in this AU? How many actors/voice actors play irredeemable monsters in movies/games but are really nice people in real life? THAT'S the point I'm trying to make.

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  • rukaisho said:
    How is a fictional character even remotely comparable to a real life actor? Don't even pretend this isn't just a vain attempt to try to deflect the fact that Clovis was created and written to be a completely detestable piece of shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
    Also, I don't like Transformers.

    I got one thing to say, it's his comic, he can do what he wants, you don't like it, make your own comic

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  • rukaisho said:
    I know the point you're trying to make. It's just completely asinine and inaccurate.
    A proper example is if Hitler was trying to play a kind and benevolent person. Comic Clovis is the REAL Clovis and this hypothetical AU stuff is the act.

    Generic response is generic. Doesn't mean he's immune to criticism or I'm not allowed to express my displeasure towards certain characters or the story.
    Maybe you're the one who should deal with it instead of trying to turn the comments section into some pathetic circle jerk echo chamber.

    post #2336917
    post #2551448
    post #896454.

    P.S., Hypothetical AU? Tom created the AU, it's official. Check the artist tag.


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  • rukaisho said:
    Take your own advice. ¬_¬

    I do. That's why i know it's pointless to continue arguing with someone who is content to ridicule everyone else and not care at all what others say. Have fun in your echo chamber.

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  • I'm so done with 'Echo Chamber' that I'm not going to give them any more attention. So, I'll talk about this instead.

    mightyraptor said:
    So what more do these characters do with their past time?

    That's a good question. What are they doing in their free time?

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  • Can I just have my AU Clovis who’s hot and not a jerk without being subjected to someone being upset a the thought of Clovis existing please?
    I know he killed off my favorite Brutus in the story but the reason I like the AU stuff is because I get to have my Clovis and Brutus and the main story too!
    Let’s just have some fun for once and not get but hurt all the time😔

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