jess (christmas) created by wolfy-nail
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  • Comments
  • Today I learned that while there is certainly pride to be taken in being a slut, it is also possible to take too much pride in this.

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  • GreyMaria said:
    Today I learned that while there is certainly pride to be taken in being a slut, it is also possible to take too much pride in this.

    "Dear Princess Celestia..."

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  • teckly said:
    guys, if you dislike my pic you can keep your comments for yourselfs ;-) (I'm talking for the others too)

    We have democracy (hahaha, nice joke, I know).

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  • teckly said:
    guys, if you dislike my pic you can keep your comments for yourselfs ;-) (I'm talking for the others too)

    What difference do a few tame comments one way or the other make?

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  • Methinks we passed 'sloppy seconds' a while ago. 'Sloppy sevenths,' maybe. Now, aside from the fact that this situation isn't my cup of tea, this is well-drawn (as is expected from Wolfy-Nail) and the character is attractive. Just wish there was a bit less shadow cock and cum. But hey, world doesn't revolve around my whims. *shrug*

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  • teckly said:
    cause if it's continue I'll just make the pic removed *shrug*

    Really? That's a little childish. There is nothing wrong with the pic itself. The art is great. The chick in the picture is a whore with cream of some young guy(s) pouring out her. My comments are related only to the fact that I agree with those who say they have no desire to fuck what would likely feel like a slime swamp. What's wrong with that?

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  • kulkum said:
    Really? That's a little childish. There is nothing wrong with the pic itself. The art is great. The chick in the picture is a whore with cream of some young guy(s) pouring out her. My comments are related only to the fact that I agree with those who say they have no desire to fuck what would likely feel like a slime swamp. What's wrong with that?


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  • toliet_trees said:
    So insightful!

    And so much perceived drama for a picture with a score of 47.

    The point of your "oh so insightful" post was? Also those aren't my ones. :3

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  • kulkum said:
    Really? That's a little childish. There is nothing wrong with the pic itself. The art is great. The chick in the picture is a whore with cream of some young guy(s) pouring out her. My comments are related only to the fact that I agree with those who say they have no desire to fuck what would likely feel like a slime swamp. What's wrong with that?

    First, she's not a whore but a slut cause she does this for free and second, it's their useless comment saying "omg I don't want to fuck that" well...keep it for yourself and go away

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  • teckly said:
    First, she's not a whore but a slut cause she does this for free and second, it's their useless comment saying "omg I don't want to fuck that" well...keep it for yourself and go away

    You so understand that all this drama makes you extremely unlikable?
    Please dont be so childish.

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  • DWTBK said:
    You so understand that all this drama makes you extremely unlikable?
    Please dont be so childish.

    I'll tell you, I don't care at all of people think about me, so like me or dislike me~

    And childish? XD how you would react if people say shitty things about your commisions? Oh yeah let me would laugh, sure cause you're not concerned

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  • teckly said:
    I'll tell you, I don't care at all of people think about me, so like me or dislike me~

    And childish? XD how you would react if people say shitty things about your commisions? Oh yeah let me would laugh, sure cause you're not concerned

    I would not laugh. And i may even become sad. But i would understand a few things:
    1) The ones who say bad things about my comission are the few most vocal ones and do not represent the majority in any way.
    2) These few vocal ones may be doing this on purpose to create drama.
    3) Lashing out against the loud ones means that people who liked the commision might get hurt in the process (if i remove the pic, for example).
    4) I made this picture and char happen (i did by paying money for it being made, so i am involved), so i must live with the consequences. Ragequitting would benefit noone and would be detrimental to everything i did.

    So basically: i dont have to like the situation, but i have to be mature about it and listen to reason first and to my emotions last. You behave in quite the opposite way, which makes me sad, because i want to like you and your character. But all the drama you create prevent me from it.

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  • DWTBK said:
    I would not laugh. And i may even become sad. But i would understand a few things:
    1) The ones who say bad things about my comission are the few most vocal ones and do not represent the majority in any way.
    2) These few vocal ones may be doing this on purpose to create drama.
    3) Lashing out against the loud ones means that people who liked the commision might get hurt in the process (if i remove the pic, for example).
    4) I made this picture and char happen (i did by paying money for it being made, so i am involved), so i must live with the consequences. Ragequitting would benefit noone and would be detrimental to everything i did.

    So basically: i dont have to like the situation, but i have to be mature about it and listen to reason first and to my emotions last. You behave in quite the opposite way, which makes me sad, because i want to like you and your character. But all the drama you create prevent me from it.

    Well like me or not I don't care, like I don't care to do drama, I say what I have to say. For the vocal, if they dislike the pic, why comment? When I see a pic I dislike I don't comment and leave the page that's all but seems some can't resist to tell shit

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  • teckly said:
    Well like me or not I don't care, like I don't care to do drama, I say what I have to say. For the vocal, if they dislike the pic, why comment? When I see a pic I dislike I don't comment and leave the page that's all but seems some can't resist to tell shit

    First lesson of the internet, hon, the internet is jackasses. No exceptions... sadly must admit that I'm a jackass as well.

    But I try hard not to be.

    I'll be honest, my only problem with this piece is I find myself feeling that she's been overused. She's not in any condition I'd want to fuck. But that doesn't stop her from looking like a proud little slut covered and dripping with all that cum. And I can respect that. I can accept that. I actually like that. It's just this is the point where I personally would say the girl's had enough

    It's damn good art from a damn good artist with a damn sexy character as the centerpiece and you have plenty of fans of your character. This is just how e621 is... don't let the jackasses get to you, okay hon? ~<3

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  • GreyMaria said:
    First lesson of the internet, hon, the internet is jackasses. No exceptions... sadly must admit that I'm a jackass as well.

    But I try hard not to be.

    I'll be honest, my only problem with this piece is I find myself feeling that she's been overused. She's not in any condition I'd want to fuck. But that doesn't stop her from looking like a proud little slut covered and dripping with all that cum. And I can respect that. I can accept that. I actually like that. It's just this is the point where I personally would say the girl's had enough

    It's damn good art from a damn good artist with a damn sexy character as the centerpiece and you have plenty of fans of your character. This is just how e621 is... don't let the jackasses get to you, okay hon? ~<3

    I would say more they're haters and jealous...I pee at their asses

    Also for the pic I asked wolfy-nail if he could do it this way (even if we don't have the same way of "some cum")
    Jess is a nymphomaniac, so she lives for sex

    And I already have a fanclub of haters, trolls and other on u18chan so more or less

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  • Haters, jackasses... what's the difference, really? Gotta be one to be the other.

    It's weird that the biggest haters of furries any more are other furries. Is every fur's life so fucked up that they need to take out their jealousies on the only people who relate to them?

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  • Also, don't mind that guy that just rudely jumped into our nice calm conversation. He's kind of just proving our point. ~<3

    Really, don't mind them. You're not a bad person and you know that.

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  • Also, as much as I'd like to stick around and keep up this conversation...

    - It's a pain in the ass to monitor this comment thread for new messages
    - There are much better ways for us to have this conversation
    - It's goddamn 3:30 AM for me and I should be sleeping ;-;

    I'ma skip out and search for any responses in the morning. ~<3

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  • GreyMaria said:
    Also, as much as I'd like to stick around and keep up this conversation...

    - It's a pain in the ass to monitor this comment thread for new messages
    - There are much better ways for us to have this conversation
    - It's goddamn 3:30 AM for me and I should be sleeping ;-;

    I'ma skip out and search for any responses in the morning. ~<3

    1. I agree
    2. I agree
    3. Good night ^^

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    Let's keep things civil, people. Don't like it, don't look at it. I don't want to see anymore drama here.

    It's something they didn't unserstand

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    Let's keep things civil, people. Don't like it, don't look at it. I don't want to see anymore drama here.

    All i did was try to help. Perfectly politely, i must add. And all i got for were insults.
    Thanks, internet:( That'l teach me how to try and help people.

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  • DWTBK said:
    All i did was try to help. Perfectly politely, i must add. And all i got for were insults.
    Thanks, internet:( That'l teach me how to try and help people.

    Dude. You accused the commissioner of trying to start drama. That's the quickest way to start drama.

    @teckly You really do seem like a nice person and if it weren't for the fact that I never have anything to talk about I'd think it would be nice if we were to talk more. ~<3

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  • GreyMaria said:
    Dude. You accused the commissioner of trying to start drama. That's the quickest way to start drama.

    Sorry, wasn't talking to you.
    I am not going to argue anyway. Not in the mood, especially after you guys have proven yourselves to be immune to reason.
    Bye, have fun. I am done.

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  • DWTBK said:
    Sorry, wasn't talking to you.
    I am not going to argue anyway. Not in the mood, especially after you guys have proven yourselves to be immune to reason.
    Bye, have fun. I am done.

    Shoo, take your drama somewhere else.

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  • Jack-Redgaze said:
    Sorry, I couldn't hear the pointless arguments through this nice piece of porn I'm enjoying.

    Hear, hear.

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  • ...ok...
    Pic is awesome...
    Does that make up for all the crap that's going on?
    Even score, clean slate, end of discussion...

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  • teckly said:
    guys, if you dislike my pic you can keep your comments for yourselfs ;-) (I'm talking for the others too)

    lolno, we won't keep the comments for ourselves.

    teckly said:
    cause if it's continue I'll just make the pic removed *shrug*

    dat spelling

    Flare said:
    You know what they say about furries and drama.


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  • the_vole said:
    lolno, we won't keep the comments for ourselves. >>> troll spoted

    dat spelling >>> *is not english*

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  • ._. Idiots. The arts good, how do you actually conciously react to eachother in such a childish manner, also! way to go ippiki! As always x3

    heres an interesting idea, go to pornhub and see if ANY videos have self-embarrassing drama like this on it. Tekky dont listen to them they don understand how to criticize :3 your char is sexy!

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  • Flare said:
    You know what they say about furries and drama.

    Its not furries and drama its stupid people starting drama I'm sure there's some people who shall agree

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  • Kiparis said:
    Neither does English your, Babblefish.

    Teckly had already said they're a non-native English speaker but this still made me lol a tiny little bit.

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  • Ok i'd do it but i'd have to know the guys that went before me. I'm not taking sloppy seconds....fifteenths from just anyone.

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  • teckly

    If you didn't care about the opinion of others, you would have chuckled at the haters and moved on with your life, not turn this entire comment section into a fracas of drama.

    Your actions and beliefs are rather contradictory to each other.

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  • DWTBK said:
    Is that a mistletoe?

    Nope. I honestly don't know how holly came to be confused for mistletoe in the public perception...The shape of their berries (which aren't even the same color!) is the only thing they have in common...

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  • I just think if she wants to express her real life actions in what she does through commissions let it be, its free to express who you are on here, if she enjoys doing this in real life and shows it through her art just let it be, who are we to judge after all :)

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  • Ocirus said:
    I find the incessant arguing incredibly hard to masturbate to.


    Are you kidding? Dumb internet arguments are my fetish!

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  • damn if i just realized if this is what she does in rl (not saying she does but she most likely does) she must got a lot of, eh nevermind, the picture is nice and sharing what she does during her real life time in these pictures is worth it for us fans ^_^

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  • I'm gay and that is the single most sexually appealing vagina I have ever seen. I'd honestly love to sink my cock into that... it'd be so damn creamy and slick.

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  • Ralph-E-Coyote said:
    I'm gay and that is the single most sexually appealing vagina I have ever seen. I'd honestly love to sink my cock into that... it'd be so damn creamy and slick.

    Quick, somebody call the conversion therapy people!
    We've found a way to change someone's sexual orientation.
    (also works the other way around - repeated exposure to animal cocks will turn any straight man gay)

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  • Munkelzahn said:
    Quick, somebody call the conversion therapy people!
    We've found a way to change someone's sexual orientation.
    (also works the other way around - repeated exposure to animal cocks will turn any straight man gay)

    I wouldn't say it "turned me straight", it's still not as hot as a bloke... but I'd say it's an outlier on the graph, if that makes sense.

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