madelyn adelaide (twokinds) created by yttrium (artist)
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  • Comments
  • thatweirdosillyboi said:
    how in the world did she seduce him so heavily he would go that far nude. Heck getting those boys to show you their heels is hard enough let alone fucking lol.

    I suspect that tranquilizer dart sticking out of his neck might have had something to do with his current state.

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  • imagoober said:
    I suspect that tranquilizer dart sticking out of his neck might have had something to do with his current state.

    Lol, I believed that Basitins had tolerance up to immunity to many poisons or toxins, I suppose tranquilizer darts are the exception.

    EDIT: Why the negatives? I only made a comment as a joke taking into account a point shown in the comic (the Basitin have resistance to poisons because of the habitat where they live), I know that this image is merely parodic, it is not taken into account in the canon, well my comment is also a joke, I even put that "Lol" at the beginning to make it clear that I don't even take it seriously. Do I really have to put "joke comment" in large letters so that it is understood that it is written as a joke?. Jesus Christ, it would already be a joke that gives more sadness than grace.


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  • lycaon0008 said:
    Lol, I believed that Basitins had tolerance up to immunity to many poisons or toxins, I suppose tranquilizer darts are the exception.

    It just gave him a good excuse to be lewd, can't be at fault if you were "knocked out"

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  • lycaon0008 said:
    Lol, I believed that Basitins had tolerance up to immunity to many poisons or toxins, I suppose tranquilizer darts are the exception.

    As described on Keith's model sheet (convenient reference), it's resistance to poison, not immunity. He didn't get to ignore the poison completely when Natani and Zen attacked the group, IIRC.

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  • lycaon0008 said:
    Lol, I believed that Basitins had tolerance up to immunity to many poisons or toxins, I suppose tranquilizer darts are the exception.

    EDIT: Why the negatives? I only made a comment as a joke taking into account a point shown in the comic (the Basitin have resistance to poisons because of the habitat where they live), I know that this image is merely parodic, it is not taken into account in the canon, well my comment is also a joke, I even put that "Lol" at the beginning to make it clear that I don't even take it seriously. Do I really have to put "joke comment" in large letters so that it is understood that it is written as a joke?. Jesus Christ, it would already be a joke that gives more sadness than grace.

    On one hand its a bad joke, but on the other its also e6, where jokes can get you banned :V

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  • imagoober said:
    As described on Keith's model sheet (convenient reference), it's resistance to poison, not immunity. He didn't get to ignore the poison completely when Natani and Zen attacked the group, IIRC.

    That ain't Keith btw.

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  • imagoober said:
    As described on Keith's model sheet (convenient reference), it's resistance to poison, not immunity. He didn't get to ignore the poison completely when Natani and Zen attacked the group, IIRC.

    May also be that Maddie, as a scout and infiltration expert, has access to a concoction that can incapacitate a Basitin (since such work may occasionally require a guard be knocked out discretely)

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  • thatweirdosillyboi said:
    It just gave him a good excuse to be lewd, can't be at fault if you were "knocked out"

    they may got a high to near immunity to somethings but ntohing says KO like saying someone found something ya was not immune to. (a fat lie but they activly let it all happen of corse)

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