flynn created by wizzikt
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  • Leo-Senpai said:

    thatweirdosillyboi said:
    a friendly reminder that not all traps are subs, a rare few will dom your ass in a heartbeat hehe

    Careful with that word, the woke crowd will dom your ass in a heartbeat

    As the genderfluid femboy in this pic, I actively welcome the word for myself :3

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  • leo-senpai said:
    Careful with that word, the woke crowd will dom your ass in a heartbeat

    I highly dislike said woke crowd that get triggered over mere words and pisses off everyone with it.
    But I also highly dislike it when people bring such subjects for no reason, when no one asked.

    There's a place and time for politics, and a place and time to jerk off.

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  • wrongemailcat said:
    femboy here, trap is a slur kys.

    alright, pro tip, if you want to call a word a slur, compare it to actual slurs. you said "trap" in your comment, even though you claim to consider it a slur. you wouldn't use the N-word, or the F-word (the one that's directed towards gays), would you? those are slurs, right? if you are willing to say a word despite calling it a slur, you clearly don't actually believe that it is one. bait better next time

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  • 2cyan2blue said:
    no it’s not lol

    I mean it literally is a slur used by transphobe on trans women (usually when they haven’t done a bottom surgery yet). But obviously as the person themselves said in comments, it’s not *always* used as a slur. A word may start as an insult and it’s use may deviate from it’s original uses.
    There’s a lot of other words which are now casually used without ill intentions because they lost most of their original meaning, and the people concerned can be fine with it.

    Tho that’s no reason to be mean and tell someone to commit sodoku.

    It’s a term only used without ill intentions in porn and by weebs in anime.
    But even then, it’s usually preferable to use more accurate term like "femboy" for feminine guy, or straight up "trans" for... well for trans.

    "Trap" really is just used to talk about anything feminine that had a dick and isn’t a futa. You can guess why it’s less and less used.


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