fahren (how to train your dragon and etc) created by trail-of-scales
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Hooooo boy, it looks like Fahren's gotten himself into quite the predicament, except, for once, it actually wasn't his own doing! A sneaky friend of his decided to take advantage of Fahren's.. nocturnal tumescence~, and very gently inserted an inflatable plug into him without waking him up.

Fahren wakes the next day to find a little blue heart dangling from his slit, which he curiously tugs on, and INSTANTLY YELPS in surprise!!! He didn't expect.. th-THIS!

"Oh-h.. v-very funny guys! Real funny! Can-.. Hello?!"
Nobody responded..
In fact, after a whole day of searching, he STILL hadn't found who it was!
"I suppose I could take the opportunity to get some help with edging. You know that's your favorite thing to do~ It'll be fine, I'll find em tomorrow and get this sorted."

. . .

. . .

Five. Days. Later.

He was going MAD! There was no way in HELL he could figure out how to deflate this infernal contraption!! Even if he'd known how, there was no way his big claws could've ever had enough precision to work the tiny bleed valve and get the sweet release he needed SO DESPERATELY. He could orgasm, of course, and he did.. many.. many.. many times.. The only issue was that it only provided the most miniscule of respite during each volley of muscular contractions, but right afterward, he would be rudely dragged back to a place worse than where he started, as sexual activity only accelerates production! Before long, not even orgasms could provide even seconds worth of relief. His plumbing was getting too full.. WAY too full! Sun up, to sun down, it was the ONLY thing on his mind! He HAD to get it out! If he couldn't yank the plug out, he'd FIRE it out!!

He never stopped panting, he physically couldn't; His twisting vesicles pressed up against his diaphragm and compressed his stomach--he stopped feeling hungry. Now, there were even LESS things to distract him from his plight! He took to the air in desperation, only to find he'd been quite close to what seemed to be an abandoned barn, or maybe not, it looked well kept.. The moment he landed just outside a small back door to the barn, his nostrils flared and his pupils SHOT open! His vision turned bright and blurry as he was overwhelmed with the scent of female heat! His instincts FORCED him through the locked wooden door with a swift headbutt. Both the impact and the airborne aphrodesiac clouded his mind, but eventually, after a few agonizingly long seconds, he was able to make out an empty room.. apart from rows and rows of.. breeding mounts? No actual females? Huh, but they still did smell like em for sure!

He was contemplating whether or not he should feel upset or relieved, only to be rudely awakened by the sound of splitting wood and getting a muzzle full of musty, dry hay as he slammed against the ground!! WHAT THE?! His body had completely taken over and went straight to mounting the false female while his mind was still at the door! The shock of being snapped back into reality, plus the lightning bolts of painful soreness shooting up his spine from the depths of his nethers slowed his movements down slightly, but for only a moment.

He focused up. Pupils snapping back to razor thin slits.

He remembered his mission.
His ability to heal rapidly prevented his innards from bursting; at least, in theory.. It was only a very weak ability, but it's been holding up well so far. If he could JUST hold on to that good luck for a LITTLE bit longer, he might be able to build up enough pressure to completely overwhelm that plug! At this point, it was the only option left! But he knew he was running out of time, he could feel it. The soreness was gaining on him. He could feel various innards shifting about, twisting, popping, and contorting into new shapes to find any extra millimeter of space!!

He shut his eyes and HAMMERED away at the mount, not paying any mind to the curious fact that it was perfectly lubed even before he'd burst through the door..

One minute.. five minutes.. thirty minutes..
An HOUR later, he was STILL AT IT!! His mind SPUN with ecstasy, but his nerves seared with white hot pins and needles! He'd already had dozens of orgasms. His whole reproductive tract VIOLENTLY trembled with completely discordant contractions as the muscles in basically the entire lower half of his body ceased to respond to any voluntary commands, hell bent on figuring out their own way of remedying the situation, rendering him completely seized up in an endless, cramping thrust! Thank the GODS the healing ability took the edge off!

Despite EVERYTHING, the plug had remained, ever stubborn. Had it even budged at all?! How much longer could it TAKE?! He was COMPLETELY frozen in one place!! Orgasms strung endlessly together, melding into one--one that never ended. Every beat of his heart would set off another, and another, and another, and every breath would set off ten more! He could see nothing but stars and bright flashing in his fully shut eyes. His roars were drowned out by the piercingly loud ringing in his ears that echoed out forever into the cosmos of his short circuiting mind.


A pair of eyes watched on from a shadowed adjacent room. But there was no maniacal mastermind or malicious intent here. If anything, the strength of the blush that swept across their face was enough to heat the entire little secret room they were in. Seems whoever it was knew exactly what they were doing from the start. And, more importantly, they knew that this.. right here.. was EXACTLY what Fahren loved the most. Pushing limits.. searching for that perfect high..~

Would he finally burst inside? Or would his efforts actually pay off? Something HAD to give, and he was already FAR past his previous record. There was nothing else to do but wait~ Not like either of them minded in the slightest~...

Shoutout to mch120 on DeviantArt for providing the free background, which can be found here: https://www.deviantart.com/mch120/a.....ound-766045055

  • Comments
  • Fahren always looks like he's struggling to get that sweet release, but we all know he's perfectly at home right there fighting to let it out.~

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  • polaska said:
    Just one quick observation, I'm not nit picking or trying to be an asshole really, but for those who didn't know, cum isn't really stored in the balls, at least most part of it. Long story short, the cum would be 95% seminal fluid in the prostate and 5% of sperm on the balls themselves (rough estimations)

    Hence why my depiction doesn't show inflating testicles! I know this, and try to depict (as accurately as I can, while still maintaining the desired level of kinky that I'm after) proper anatomy whenever possible.

    The testicles are the factories for the sperm cells themselves, and the long term storage is handled by the epididymides. And yes, you're right! It's not even fully semen when it's in storage. It only turns into true semen once muscular contractions in the seminal vesicles push the sperm by and through a few glands along the way during ejaculation, one of them being the prostate. The mixing of the sperm and other gland secretions results in a chemical reaction that, whilst also "activating" the sperm to start wiggling, also causes the fluid they're suspended in to become viscous, but within a few minutes, actually breaks down into a much thinner fluid with a greatly reduced viscosity and surface tension. This allows the individual sperm cells to more easily travel through it, saving them precious energy and decreasing their travel time. Ever wondered why semen you leave on your chest while you bask in your delightfully dizzy afterglow turns totally clear and watery after even just a couple minutes? Well, that's the reason! It's actually designed to do that!

    Do also bear in mind that your link is specifically to human reproductive anatomy, though. Many reptiles (from what very few diagrams I've been able to find over the years, anyway) have what appear to be quite vastly different reproductive anatomies to ours, and it looks like some of them have much simpler layouts. Just one large "gonad" which appears to handle everything from production to storage in a single organ. While I would LIKE to use the argument that "it's non human anatomy, so I have more freedom," to deflect any criticisms.. I DID roughly model the internals off of human anatomy, so I actually SHOULD be under scrutiny, which I appreciate! I wish more people would both help spread the word on proper anatomy AND also be better about depicting things more realistically in art, so I'm glad this conversation happened.

    But yeah, in this case, I know I'm RELATIVELY in the right about the way I drew this, so no offense taken!

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  • I believe also that the juices would redirect into the bladder. Though that does slowly damage the internal valves so don't do it :P

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  • gay4toothless said:
    I believe also that the juices would redirect into the bladder. Though that does slowly damage the internal valves so don't do it :P

    While that is true for animals with reproductive systems that join up with the urinary tract in the prostate, this relief point unfortunately doesn't exist for this poor fella. My personal anatomical canon for night furies is that, like many other reptiles, the two systems are entirely separate. In fact, there's basically no urinary system at all, as it's simply added to the solid waste in the same way other big lizards and birds do it; in the form of uric acid instead of urea like mammals do.

    Point being, he truly has no outlet for relief until that plug is removed. So, good luck Fahren, you're REALLY gonna need it!

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  • I see people here is telling how the cum is not stored in the balls, I know atleast for humans our cum us stored in our prostate.

    I'm sure I'm gona get several answers, but what is the balls actually designed for? There the most hosest part of our body nexst to our cocks, is it like the semen factory only?

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  • espenebs said:
    I see people here is telling how the cum is not stored in the balls, I know atleast for humans our cum us stored in our prostate.

    I'm sure I'm gona get several answers, but what is the balls actually designed for? There the most hosest part of our body nexst to our cocks, is it like the semen factory only?

    Testicles is for sperm and testosterone production. For further clarification I'll throw a bit of terminology.

    Cum is slang for semen. Semen isn't stored anywhere. Semen is made at the point of ejaculation. Sperm *is* stored in the testicles (specifically the epididymis). Seminal fluid is stored in the prostate. During ejaculation, sperm is ejected (hence the name ejaculation) from the epididymis to the vas deferens which then passes through the prostate and mixes with the seminal fluid making "cum" or ejaculate.

    Tldr: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/imagepages/19073.htm#:~:text=The%20testes%20are%20where%20sperm%20are%20manufactured%20in%20the%20scrotum.&text=When%20ejaculation%20occurs%2C%20sperm%20is,the%20prostate%20behind%20the%20bladder.

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  • vaniloth said:
    This is the most intense case of blue balls I've ever seen.

    Hehehe, just the way I like it~

    It's funny, actually. I NEVER thought I'd be the kind of person to draw anything like this. I'm really into realism and anatomical accuracy, but it's just kinda different when I'm actually there drawing it out. It's real easy to mistakenly make a line too big, but then when I go to undo it, sometimes I just can't bring myself to. It's that silly amount of exaggeration that really gets me to feel the moment with more impact. Of course, within reason.

    Y'all have permission to shoot me if I turn into a hyper artist, though. XD


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  • Aw, just noticed the "ballbusting" and "cock and ball torture" tags. I am the sad. XD

    I know E6 is tag what you see, and I suppose those are true descriptions, but I literally never thought of it that way during any of my role plays or stories in which I did this. Ah well.

    I'm just glad this pic was so well received. I was SO TERRIFIED to post it originally. I wasn't even the one who put it here. I never in a million years would've done it myself, but I suppose one of you out there thought it was worthy of this website, and I am truly honored. ^^

    Oh shit, I just realized this is my most favorited pic ever! What the HELL is happening?! THANK YOU GUYS!

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  • polaska said:
    Just one quick obs, im not nit picking or trying to be an asshole really. But for those who didnt knew, the cum isnt really stored on the balls, at least most part of it. Long story short the cum would be 95% seminal fluid on the prostate and 5% of sperm on the balls themselves (rough estimations)

    Fonts if interested


    A man of science I see, while I do feel that anatomically accurate isn’t necessary, I do appreciate it on occasion

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