joss and keith created by funkybun
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horniest page XD enjoy!

  • Comments
  • I don't think Keith knows how to feel about this, in the start of the comic Lindsay said she thinks he's bi but he won't say anything about it

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  • bratzel2 said:
    I don't think Keith knows how to feel about this, in the start of the comic Lindsay said she thinks he's bi but he won't say anything about it

    People are gonna hate this, but I think most 'straight' males would be bi if put in this instance.

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  • SOMEONE is a bit enthusiastic here!

    ...Well I guess 2 people are if you count Joss

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  • azeekiel said:
    No shit, the only thing differing them from any other female is that they call themselves male.

    I mean yea, kind of

    There was some testing done on trans people that inspected the composition of their brains, but the testing was inconclusive at best (plus I'm not smart enough to understand it lol). This testing would also imply that certain trans folks are more valid than others, which is a whole other issue that needs to be addressed.

    So, sorry for getting all pseudointellectual there, just bringing some flawed knowledge from a half read Wikipedia article.

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  • Yep, called it~ Smoothest page transition in the business! :3c

    I love how both moments are melding into one from the really smooth back-and-forth being done. Really well done stuff, Funkybun!

    Now to see if Keith will have enough restraint and self-control to stop Joss before he cooms, or if he'll have the stamina of a first timer~

    Can't wait to see where things are headed! 💜

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  • _waffles_ said:
    People are gonna hate this, but I think most 'straight' males would be bi if put in this instance.

    The way I see it, a vagina is a vagina, vaginas are awesome lol

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  • eslgvao9jhedc7gt said:
    There was some testing done on trans people that inspected the composition of their brains, but the testing was inconclusive at best (plus I'm not smart enough to understand it lol). This testing would also imply that certain trans folks are more valid than others, which is a whole other issue that needs to be addressed.

    I'd hardly describe them as inconclusive. They've found unique development of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in trans people, as well as the density of white and grey matter in the insula. Doesn't make a trans person more or less "valid", but it makes it pretty clear it's not exactly something we choose to be.

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  • nowayback said:

    This. And help him in the nether regions, too. Cant let him do all the work, can we?~

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  • eslgvao9jhedc7gt said:
    I mean yea, kind of

    There was some testing done on trans people that inspected the composition of their brains, but the testing was inconclusive at best (plus I'm not smart enough to understand it lol). This testing would also imply that certain trans folks are more valid than others, which is a whole other issue that needs to be addressed.

    So, sorry for getting all pseudointellectual there, just bringing some flawed knowledge from a half read Wikipedia article.

    Yeah that sounds like transmedicalism to me so take this with a grain of salt.

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  • guyguyguy said:
    “Haha” “Haha”
    Funkybun I love your art, and if you need someone to help you in your dialogue your fans would be very receptive, but stop just making filler dialogue with “Haha”. At this point it looks like your doing it purposefully.

    Well.. what other sounds would come out of amateur lovebirds while pleasuring each other ?

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  • popytnt said:
    ok, ive been ACTUALLY reading this for the plot... 10/10, cant wait for more

    Same, I don't think I've ever done that on this site before but these comics are just too cute

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  • renadude said:
    I just love his pussy.
    I'd totally impregnate it, like the fiery gay man I totally am.
    I wouldn't want to have sex with a man, were I not so gay. And there is nothing gayer than creampying a dude's fertile vagina.

    They a little confused but they got the spirit

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  • sekriess said:
    I don't think it's that simple. Joss refers to himself as male, despite that, he is biologically a female even without breasts he still has his vagina. But i still accept him, as i would anyone, as a male.
    It could either be bi straight or gay depending on what your desires towards Joss are and what parts you find attractive.
    For example, someone would accept the fact that he desires to be called a male and is identified as such, but at the same time might not be attracted to Joss if say he had a penis or breasts. It's all a matter of perspective and how you define your own desires.

    Though to be honest: Unpopular unrelated opinion, most if not all people are bisexual to some degree. Many won't admit it, but some don't even know it. All it takes to unlock it is meeting / seeing/ or speaking to the right person. Edit: Ouch someone got their feelings hurt. Disliking cause of the bisexual thing. As a bisexual that's just not how it works. Some people are straight, some people are gay, and that's how it is


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  • bratzel2 said:
    Disliking cause of the bisexual thing. As a bisexual that's just not how it works. Some people are straight, some people are gay, and that's how it is

    Agreeable. Some people are repulsed by the thought entirely in their current lives. But sexuality is a fluid thing, it can change overtime, and like i said, sometimes you won't even realize it until the thought is right there in front of you, even if it's just for a few days or a few moments. If someone wants to identify as completely swinging one way, i wouldn't call them a liar. But it's also not like they've been through every scenario to know if that's always going to be the case. What you're attracted too at the end of the day is more than a choice you make. I don't wake up one day and decide I'm one persuasion, just like how i don't wake up and decide i like redheads exclusively, it just happens when it happens. It's a subtle process and all it takes is a little push to realize something changed. What someone does with that change is up to them. Act on it, or put it to the side.

    Touchy subject, i get that. I could have put that a bit less...bluntly. I'm always up for new perspective though and appreciate your input.

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  • sekriess said:
    Agreeable. Some people are repulsed by the thought entirely in their current lives. But sexuality is a fluid thing, it can change overtime, and like i said, sometimes you won't even realize it until the thought is right there in front of you, even if it's just for a few days or a few moments. If someone wants to identify as completely swinging one way, i wouldn't call them a liar. But it's also not like they've been through every scenario to know if that's always going to be the case. What you're attracted too at the end of the day is more than a choice you make. I don't wake up one day and decide I'm one persuasion, just like how i don't wake up and decide i like redheads exclusively, it just happens when it happens. It's a subtle process and all it takes is a little push to realize something changed. What someone does with that change is up to them. Act on it, or put it to the side.

    Touchy subject, i get that. I could have put that a bit less...bluntly. I'm always up for new perspective though and appreciate your input.

    Sexuality doesn't change, it's what you're born with, its not a choice, it's written into your brain. A straight guy's not gonna be into dicks even if he finds the perfect dick and a gay guy's not gonna be into boobs even if he finds the perfect boobs. It's written into us

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  • bratzel2 said:
    Sexuality doesn't change, it's what you're born with, its not a choice, it's written into your brain. A straight guy's not gonna be into dicks even if he finds the perfect dick and a gay guy's not gonna be into boobs even if he finds the perfect boobs. It's written into us

    I have to politely disagree with you there. I can agree it's usually not a choice, but saying it's predetermined and concrete? That's a bit much. My own preference has changed considerably over the course of time only after getting to know the right people. And i'm much more comfortable about it than i used to be. I'd probably never outright say it to someone i know, or my family until i'm ready to embrace it. But yeah.

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  • "Usually not a choice" I think you mean never? If it was a choice then why are all the gay kids that grew up in homophobic families, wishing they could be straight, still gay? Also if you're bi then you're preference changing is because you're bi

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  • bratzel2 said:
    "Usually not a choice" I think you mean never? If it was a choice then why are all the gay kids that grew up in homophobic families, wishing they could be straight, still gay? Also if you're bi then you're preference changing is because you're bi

    The human body is a wonderfully complex thing. It's not too far out of the way to assume that some people can make the choice, albiet however rare that ability may be which is why i say usually. Abuse, fear (both rational and irrational), among other things can force one to change ones orientation, albiet how rare that might occur.

    Was i always bi? Well.... yes, to even the smallest degree like i said, almost everyone has the capability to embrace both sides given the right circumstances and if not for cultural barriers more people would be more open towards it. But it's not something I embraced until later in life, when i wouldn't even consider it years before because it struck me different back then. Was it a choice? Absolutely not. But did i choose to encourage it when it struck? A bit, yes.

    Not that i'm going to start an expansive history lesson, but the more a culture doesn't discourage something, the more you would likely see of it, even more so if it's encouraged. Ancient greece would be an example of this. It was more open to bisexual relationships... of men at least i know. Although i couldn't give you an accurate number on how many of them embraced it.

    To me nothing is solid and concrete when it comes to sexuality except in perhaps rare cases. We discover new and exciting things every day, and things are subject to change sometimes if you are receptive towards them. To some, although how few it could be, it may be as simple as trying something new.

    Either way, i'm rambling and to a degree getting off topic. I think it's best I leave you the last word if you'll have it. Good chat mate.

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  • sleepaspirer said:
    "Usually not a choice" I think you mean never? If it was a choice then why are all the gay kids that grew up in homophobic families, wishing they could be straight, still gay? Also if you're bi then you're preference changing is because you're bi

    Sounds like somebody's never heard of the Kinsey scale :p People in 0 and 6 would fit in this description, but there are people who put more emphasis on the person than the parts, despite identifying as gay or straight (1 and 5) I had a friend in highschool who strongly identified as gay, but he still didn't turn down blowjobs from my partner and I. I didn't see it as making him less gay, I just seen it as what kind of person doesn't like a good BJ? :p

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