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  • Well, I mean, we do have penicillin

    Uh PSA I had to google that to get the spelling and I learned syphilis actually can cause permanent damage to the nervous system if untreated ...

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  • I like how everyone assumes there will just be a cure for painful diseases and infections IN HELL.
    Suffering is sort of the whole theme there.
    It would make sense that consequences for sins like lust would be permanent and untreatable.

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  • exapple said:
    I like how everyone assumes there will just be a cure for painful diseases and infections IN HELL.
    Suffering is sort of the whole theme there.
    It would make sense that consequences for sins like lust would be permanent and untreatable.

    Except for one little detail: The business she works for, the one run by her adoptive father, makes regular trips up to Earth. She is usually the one opening the portals. It shouldn't be too hard for someone to grab some penicillin, even if they have to make a special trip for it.

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  • lord_other1 said:
    Except for one little detail: The business she works for, the one run by her adoptive father, makes regular trips up to Earth. She is usually the one opening the portals. It shouldn't be too hard for someone to grab some penicillin, even if they have to make a special trip for it.

    One other detail the imps and hellhound were born in hell not lost souls

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  • lord_other1 said:
    Except for one little detail: The business she works for, the one run by her adoptive father, makes regular trips up to Earth. She is usually the one opening the portals. It shouldn't be too hard for someone to grab some penicillin, even if they have to make a special trip for it.

    This still assumes hell-beast anatomy reacts to earthly cures the same way that humans do. Again, why assume a being in hell would still benefit from the living world's medicine?

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  • exapple said:
    This still assumes hell-beast anatomy reacts to earthly cures the same way that humans do. Again, why assume a being in hell would still benefit from the living world's medicine?

    Well, she DID contract syphilis.

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  • Hey, is there any difference between this and its parent post?

    Edit: Nvm, this one has slightly more gloss.


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