created by ruaidri

Guilty Pleasure

Seems this little guy secretly likes to get his girl on and live out some fantasies during his private time.

Not sure why, but when I look at the picture, I also get the feeling he might be a bit embarassed about it. But, that's not going to stop him from having his fun, and it's not going to stop us from watching! x3

Just... had a random urge to draw a boy in a skirt. I don't know why. I'm generaly not a crossdressing fan, but once in a long while the urge hits me, so I run with it.

Psst- he totally dyes his fox markings. Cheating little albino bastard trying to look even girlier than he already does! Gotta say the pink does look good on him though.

Aaanyway, lemme know your thoughts, folks.

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