rivet (sony interactive entertainment and etc) created by rebrokota
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  • the fact that the developers not only know Rivet is being rule 34d, but have even said that it was one of their primary motivations when creating her is freaking epic.

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  • master-of-all said:
    the fact that the developers not only know Rivet is being rule 34d, but have even said that it was one of their primary motivations when creating her is freaking epic.

    Wait, what?
    Where did they say that?

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  • master-of-all said:
    the fact that the developers not only know Rivet is being rule 34d, but have even said that it was one of their primary motivations when creating her is freaking epic.

    We have entered the era where horny marketing is now being openly embraced and acknowledged in such a manner.

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  • master-of-all said:
    the fact that the developers not only know Rivet is being rule 34d, but have even said that it was one of their primary motivations when creating her is freaking epic.

    Power move 😭

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