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Today, we hug our friends, put our paws up, and be wholesome together ❤

  • Comments
  • limedragon27 said:
    Isn't the word Queer used as a derogatory insult towards gay people?

    Originally "Gay" was too, as years before, a defining trait of a man was to be proud and confidence in a calm, stoic manner, not "gay" which was originally associated with overly happy and cheerful people, which wasn't seen as masculine way back in the day. It seems the people who are called these words are the ones who decide if its a positive or negative

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  • limedragon27 said:
    Isn't the word Queer used as a derogatory insult towards gay people?

    Queer absolutely is not a derogatory insult, at least not to myself or any LGBT people I know. It is a perfectly viable sort of "blanket" term for everyone under the LGBT umbrella, and is far faster than verbally saying "LGBT+". Genderqueer is also a recognized label for describing one's gender identity.
    That said, a person can choose to be offended by anything, and you can certainly utilize words in ways meant or intended to be insulting.

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  • limedragon27 said:
    Isn't the word Queer used as a derogatory insult towards gay people?

    Historically speaking (and still the case in some regions), yeah actually. It means "weird" and has been used as a slur for a couple centuries now. Some people in recent years, like the others in this comment section, have reclaimed it for themselves. But not everyone, some people find using a term with that background upsetting and would prefer to not be called that. It's a case by case scenario so best to ask beforehand.

    It's a little sad that you're getting downvotes when it just seems like you wanted some clarification on a term with a mixed history.

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  • limedragon27 said:
    Isn't the word Queer used as a derogatory insult towards gay people?

    While many members of the community have reclaimed it, the word "queer" is still often used as a derogatory insult and many LGBT folks are uncomfortable with it being used in reference to them. I would recommend avoiding the word in conversation with any person who hasn't told you they are OK with it.

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  • limedragon27 said:
    Isn't the word Queer used as a derogatory insult towards gay people?

    Not all folk are okay with it which is fine, but its been reclaimed by some. Just dont use it unless someone says theyre okay with it. I know i reclaimed it, personally

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  • zer0rebel4 said:
    Not all folk are okay with it which is fine, but its been reclaimed by some. Just dont use it unless someone says theyre okay with it. I know i reclaimed it, personally

    Yeah it just comes do preferences, more so then ever now.

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  • I feel like if you use the word out of context then yeah its bad but given some situations it would come off as rude or hate?

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  • Like for example if someone said
    Hay queer!
    Hay faggot
    I'll think the person ignorant or is unreasonable hostile
    While if some says: you sound gay or look gay :it won't bother me because at the end of the day im ok with u calling me gay i wouldn't take it personal. Only of that person is hostile.

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  • alecxandercorvinus said:
    Queer absolutely is not a derogatory insult, at least not to myself or any LGBT people I know. It is a perfectly viable sort of "blanket" term for everyone under the LGBT umbrella, and is far faster than verbally saying "LGBT+". Genderqueer is also a recognized label for describing one's gender identity.
    That said, a person can choose to be offended by anything, and you can certainly utilize words in ways meant or intended to be insulting.

    guess youve never lived in an even slightly conservative area, or encountered anyone who has, somehow?
    its very much been and still is incredibly derogatory, i assure you. i have personal experience with that from less then four years ago, lol.
    and this really isn’t the point but i don’t think people usually choose to be offended or not, that might just be you.

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  • -___- said:
    I almost forgot about my favorite sexuality…trans.

    Queer is a term used for anyone under the LGBTQA+ umbrella. It just means non-allocishet (allo = not asexual, cis = not trans)

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  • limedragon27 said:
    Isn't the word Queer used as a derogatory insult towards gay people?

    It's a slur that's been reclaimed by LGBTQA+ people. Kind of like how gay men and trans women have reclaimed the word "fag".

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  • Really happy there are no comments here saying, "This is disgusting" or, "What the hell am I looking at". Gives me a little bit of faith.

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  • kaidekandy said:
    It's a slur that's been reclaimed by LGBTQA+ people. Kind of like how gay men and trans women have reclaimed the word "fag".

    The word "fag" is also sometimes used as a replacement word for "cigarette," in the UK and maybe some other places

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