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- [DELETION] Inferior version/duplicate of post #2860836 - Mairo -
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Naaras was miffed. "Stable work? Me? Do these claws look like they're for working? I am a prince! I do.. prince things." he would exclaim to his mentor and trainer, the older quartermaster of the noble dragon house. "Yes my boy, and the king demands it" replied the weathered quartermaster with poorly concealed glee. "To give you some practical experience. You know those claws are meant to wear through use, not pedicure my boy." The youthful prince was incidentally holding up his well cared for front claw and looking at it with little interest to what his mentor was saying. "Hm. Fine." Naaras said as he mimicked a courteous gesture in a flamboyant, disrespectful way; "If dear ol' pa demaaaands it~"
Naaras had joined with a senior stable hand drake who showed him the ropes, taught him which equipment does what, how to harness the work dragons and also taught him what the term "work" meant. "What is that, erm.. 'brute' doing in that pen? Why is he held separately." Naaras queried as he was passing a barred window with a stack of haybales on his back. "The red one? Ah, he is a recent arrival... providing some high quality 'stock' for us." said the stable master, walking by his side. "Used for breeding and some heavy duty work." - "Uhhuh.. and what's that.. fluffy.. weird.. bench.. thingy?" Naaras inquired further, but got no verbal reply, only a glance from the stable master that spelled "give it a guess". Naaras turned his head forward and kept walking. "Ah great, we jerk them off. Little did I know we had a glorified royal brothel in our back yard."
After the sun had passed noon, Naaras' royal chores came to an end. "That is all there is for you to do today your highness." said the stable master, putting away his tools. "Oh? So I don't get to jerk off our stallions?" - "Stow your sarcasm boy, it is unbecoming of you. Besides, we do not 'jerk them off'. It requires strength to keep these beasts in line and experience to know what you're doing. Neither if which you have, Naaras." the stable master retorted. "I can do anything you can do. Just because I am a prince doesn't make me an incapable brat." - "No. You being an incapable brat, makes you an incapable brat." - "See, if I was a brat, you wouldn't dare to say that to me now would you?" - "Very true my lord."
"Incapable brat my ass.." Naaras muttered under his breath as he walked back inside, determined to do even the dirty work to show that he didn't need to be pampered. It was apparently a two dragon job, which seemed unnecessary for such a seemingly simple operation. Just take the big boy out of his pen, walk him to the mount, let him do his thing, take him back and job done. Naaras stepped to the entrance of the red dragon's pen, inscribed to it with claw marks on wood was "Morca", still too new of an arrival to have a proper name plate bolted on. "Well hello there big hunk." Naaras said with some of his confident charisma as he walked into the pen, closing the gate behind him. The dragon was already leashed up. Amazing, even less work he thought to himself. "Where'd they catch you? You don't look local." Naaras gripped on the harness and casually pulled the big dragon towards the breeding pen "Maybe a warrior captured in battle from some ducal conflict? Eh, doesn't matter." The red dragon didn't reply back, just seemingly obediently followed him, which Naaras mistook for fear of his rank rather than the dragon being merciful towards his naivete. Naaras walked him to the fairly comfortable looking breeding mount. He was somewhat curious himself to know how exactly it would compare to a dragoness, but he didn't have the required experience of either to make that comparison. "Alright, there you go, do your thing big guy." Naaras exhaled, patting the breeding mount a few times and stepping out of the way. "Well, go on" he added, tugging and pushing on the haunch harness. Morca grumbled, but took to the task.
Naaras didn't watch at first. Seeing the big stud get hard and seeing his size put his to relative shame, Naaras had stepped back to wait. The heavy breathing, grunting and shaking of the ground from the hard pushes made him peak in. The big meaty hunk was pumping the mount like some beastly animal, each thrust packed with immense power. He imagined for a moment a delicate princess dragoness being humped with such raw power as an intrusive thought, wondering how one could bare such a beast. The whole process took a lot longer than he thought. It must've been filling though he thought as the sounds become ever more sloppy as time went on, and he could see a thick white ooze under those heavy balls dripping to the ground. Luckily he was alone, because he couldn't help but be turned on about it. Maybe he'd try the bench after him, curious on how it would feel like.. used. No one would have to know.
A quarter hour passed, the big dragon having just lazily laid over the mount for the last half of that. Naaras repeatedly tapped the stable floor with his front claws in a repeating pattern, passing the time. "Ok, you've had your fun. Time to get'cha back." he said as he stood up and walked up next to Morca, grabbing hold of the harness and urging him to pull out and walk back. Making sure no one was around first, Naaras lowered his head to take a peak as Morca pulled out, his girthy black knot popping out first, followed by his cum slathered dick, dragging a thick rope or sperm along with it before the hole in the breeding mount tightened to close the flow. Morca shook himself, the heavy meat and scale wiggling around his bones, his majestic mane flopping about. He stepped back, backing out of the pen. Normally he'd be in more restrains through out the whole ordeal, but who ever this stable boy was didn't bother to do so. With some curiosity he watched that smooth, caramel colored dragon examine the mess he just made, his hungry eyes traveling downwards to Naaras' haunches. Meanwhile Naaras was almost enthralled by the sight of that steaming breeding mount, before the smell of sex hit him like a buffalo, making him recoil more from surprise than the scent of it. By now he was already sporting his own hardon, looking at the potential sloppy seconds of the mount. He sidestepped to the front of the mount, looking at the target hole. He was gonna do it, no one had to know.. just a little exploration.
Or he would've, if someone hadn't stood onto his back, sending a jolt down his spine. Eyes open wide, his claws dug into the dirt beneath. Something heavy leaned in, a hot breath on the back of his neck, blowing on his mane. "You're cute~" the playfully low voice talked to his ear. He felt big scales press against his back, pair of wet feeling inner thighs on his haunches and the male's used, sloppy member throbbing and slapping underneath his own tail, applying a sticky blotch of cum on anything it touched. "Pretty little slit too~" Morca spoke gently, lifting Naaras' rump some, pushing his hard black cock on and around Naaras' blushy slit, sliming his dick with the other drake's sperm. Morca sniffed the pretty male's mane while Naaras was still stunned in inaction. "Wo-ho-houuuuh, eeeeeasy there big guy" Naaras tried to play it off cool, unable to keep his composure or hide his blushing. "Y-you already had your fun, and this.. I'm not... I'm your prince! Your duty is to-" Naaras' retort was cut short from a big warm smooch onto his cheek.. and another.. the big male licked his muzzle. "Princess fits you better *mwah*" Suddenly Naaras felt pushing, his front feet stuck to the ground but his front started to approach the leaking mount. "Hey-hey-HEY woah WOAH WO-*squelch*" his muzzle pushed into and sank into the warm stud sperm filled hole, the mount's soft soggy fabric folding around his snout, the groaning muzzle mushing against the squishy inside, making the excess sperm gush around the entire snout. Naaras tried to push against the mount, trying to push his face out of it, but the massive drake behind him lifted up his rear end, poked Naaras' rims with his cum slimy cock till his tip poked into it. Having found his mark, Morca sunk in with a heavy lean, overwhelming Naaras' muffled groan with his own as that slick black dick slid into the tight royal anus.
"Aaaahhhhh... gosh you're soft~" Morca sighed, groping the sleek curvy male beneath him, no hard protective scale plates anywhere.. just smooth squishy skin to push and grind against. Naaras' muzzle was half way pushed into the used breeding mount, his rear feet kicking uselessly behind the stronger male, his front claws just holding onto the mount stand, the pedicured claws scraping the floorboards. Naaras only managed to pull his head back slightly before the back of it pushed against the other male's powerful chest. His nostrils were finally uncovered, breathing through them with rapid and heavy breaths while grimacing his teeth. The smell of sex was overwhelming, making his eyes roll backwards while he huffed it in. The smell of his hot breath and cum mixing on his nostrils, Naaras groaned and whined as the powerful male now thrusted with the same vigor as before. His heavy balls slammed against his slit and the base of his cock, creating a frothy mess from the cum already sticking to both of them. Naaras' ass already both looked and smelled like the breeding post itself, Naaras having the front row seat and experience to what was now around Morca's dick. The poor prince's brain having so many new feelings, sounds and smells to process that he stopped putting thought into moving and just taking it, instead focusing on the male's lustful grunts, his steaming hot breath as he panted against his face, the male's spit drooling down his face and of course, feeling another male dragon inside of him.
It kept going. The heavy harness jiggling audibly on Morca as those abdominals crunched hard to drive his groin into that soft royal ass. The cute male so warm and tight, whimpering and moaning beneath him. Morca observed his mount's expressions every now and then, sniffing his luscious mane and licking his heavy slobbery tongue across Naaras' head and cheeks slowly. Neither saying a thing, as Morca just wanted to hear those soft whines and whimpers as the prince's senses were overloaded. He would ram him hard and fast one moment, then slow grinding pushes the next. Listening to that soggy, pre soaked ass squish. Naaras' twitching and shivering feet were standing on Morca's toes, only his front feet were on the ground, their big tails moving around slowly.
It was entirely quiet otherwise in the stables, just the sounds of this slow fucking that had taken.. Naaras had no idea how long. He knew that roughly the last 5 minutes he had been lost in thought, imagining himself bowing underneath, his lips wrapped around the male's warm girth, imagining what it'd be like. He'd push his tongue out to slurp some of his sperm into his maw to get the taste of his dick along with his mental image. Soon though he heard other noises... another stable boy coming to start his shift. Something in the back of Naaras' head told him to escape and hide.. but he didn't have the will power required to do anything about it. After all, it didn't seem like the male on top of him minded or cared that he was busted balls deep in the prince. "O-oh my goodness gracious! M-my lord! Y-you-, we'll, we'll get you out of there sir! J-just hang on and.. HEEYYYYY! I NEED SOME HELP OVER HEEERE! DIS... DISCREETLY!" the stable boy shouted. "Nnhh.." replied Naaras. The panicked stable boy dragon got closer to the two of them, tried to pull on the harness on Morca's haunches to no avail "nnnngghhh moooove you big bastard!" he exclaimed. Realizing it being futile, he stepped closer to the prince's front "Y-you uhh, you alright my lord? A-are you.." - "....nnnhhh..." replied his lord. Soon another stable boy arrived, both of them trying to pull on the big drake to get off of their noble prince while Morca just casually and repeatedly kept licking Naaras' face wet. "The mount you fool, take the mount away!" the new stable boy commanded at the other. He quickly moved to the front and moved the mount away, pulling tha cum soaked dragon snout out. Panicking the stable hand licked his paw and wiped Naaras' face, trying to get rid of the filth coating it. "We'll get you uh, get you cleaned and sorted right quick my lord! D-don't you worry!" he tried to reassure Naaras before moving back to help unjoin them at the rear. Morca grabbed Naaras' jaw into his paw and turned it up, hovering his own muzzle right above and breathing down. Naaras panted and soon pushed his muzzle up to kiss the other male, Morca on purpose making Naaras reach up for it.. but he did push his meaty slobbery tongue into the cutie's mouth, which the cutie then sucked silently and discreetly, breaking the kiss before the stable hands noticed. "Baaah it's no use! That knot is not coming out.. he is too big and the prince is too ti- erm, inexperi- uhh, it's.. it's just not coming out." one of the stable hands exclaimed in frustration. "The king is gonna do an inspection in half hour, I will NOT explain THIS to him, will you??" - "Ah, well, we'll.. uhh.. the dry storage basement! That's not inspected! Prince! My lord, can you.." Naaras just panted slowly, the smell and fluids of the other male all over him. "You.. you think you could.. take us to the um.. the basement.. place.. please" he pleaded to the stud, impressed he could still string up a sentence. Morca huffed on Naaras' face and gave a long, sloppy lick across his cheek. "Sure thing my princess~"
Wanted to get another commission with Morca because hey who doesn't. I mean I've been crushing on that red dragon for at least a decade. I don't normally write stories for pictures much less as long as this, but since my Naaras is a new character, I kind of want to give more background to what his character is, how he reacts and generally what kind of theme or milieu he canonically belongs in. I did get a bit carried away, it was meant to be rather short :P
Maybe probably expect more of this and these in the future as well who knoooooows.
I know.
There'll be more.
Art by Magayser who did an absolute banger job from characters to background!
The big red hunk is and belongs to Morca
Naaras is my lil drake that gets into trouble often ( Ferobird )
MemberThis is so hot but also absurd.
Imagine bringing your girl over and making her suck on your fleshlight.
Memberand yet.... hotness
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