created by katepfeilschiefter
"Have a Heart" by KatePfeilschiefter from DeviantArt

Here's a weird thing, it loves you.

Would make an interesting valentine's day card, eh?

  • Comments
  • With the words of Van Helsing:

    "I only have 2 questions. What is it and how can I kill it?"

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  • D4rk said:
    With the words of Van Helsing:

    "I only have 2 questions. What is it and how can I kill it?"

    A parasitic bacteria that is almost invisible to the naked eye. It travels in masses, usually forming small clouds that tending to to hide in the low mists of remote bogs on very few overgrown planets. This parasite will attach to a host, traveling through the respiratory system, and come to rest and survive off the oxygenated blood that pumps in the left ventricle in the heart.
    Their unique bio-genetic mapping allows them to carry a sac of highly unstable stem cells that are genetically separate from the rest of their bodies. This allows them to eject their own few gametes into the stem cells, while secreting them along the inner walls of the heart.
    This will slowly cause the heart to mutate into a mind-altering symbiote.
    The new insect-like organ will sap the life from the host, absorbing more than 50% of the outgoing blood's oxygen, causing fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, delirium, and in the worst cases, death.
    After it has incubated in the heart for about 7 months, the parasite will enter it's adulthood, and begin to produce microscopic eggs. These eggs will be ejaculated into the bloodstream through the Aorta, where they will eventually come to rest inside the alveoli in the lungs.
    During this period, it is crucial for the heart to continue to pump, lest the entire process will be a complete waste. The parasite will cut it's oxygen consumption in half, causing the earlier symptoms to lessen, or even disappear in an attempt to preserve the host.
    After another 2 months of "pregnancy", the eggs will hatch, causing several thousand microscopic larva to burst forth. This will cause unparalleled chest pain in the host, usually making them to go into shock. The sudden alarm will cause the body to secrete mass amounts of adrenaline into the bloodstream. The adult parasite will sense this, and immediately shut down. The host will quickly go into cardiac arrest, causing it to breathe in quick, shallow breaths. The newly spawned larva will travel on these breaths, being exhaled back into the atmosphere to complete the cycle.

    How do you kill it? HIV virus will actually kill the bacteria in the heart. Just a matter of how you want to die I suppose.

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  • Dear sweet gods, I think this might be a Markovian, from Jack L. Chalker's "Well of Souls" novel series back in the 1980s. It looks a LOT like the description of them.

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  • Acolyte said:
    Is that pulled from somewhere, or did you nut it up yourself?

    I just kinda made that up on the spot xD

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