nintendo and etc created by whitecrocus

Vaporeon's Reward

Here is a simple animation loop of a happy, chubby vaporeon milking her trainer after defeating the entire party. This is a commission that I enjoyed making. I hope you like it!

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  • Comments
  • sreyanevets said:

    Dopamine is the molecule responsible for motivation and pleasure seeking!

    And now you know...!

    A LazyPurple reference, in my porn? What a time to be alive!

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  • "Here is a simple animation loop of a happy, chubby vaporeon milking her trainer after defeating the entire party"?
    It looks like these Pokémon have passed out from this show rather than have been defeated heh

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  • applebeesasshole said:
    Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokemon breeding...

    ..... Vaporeon is actually not the most compatible pokémon for humans?
    This is a common and understandable misconception, however......

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  • My very own counter-pasta

    Actually, Suicune might be even better, since it’s already based off a Vaporeon. It can also purify entire bodies of water with a single touch. Which means it can easily cure UTI’s, STD’s, and poisoning during intercourse! This would also make it an ideal partner for your Vaporeon! You’d even be able to do things like ass-to-mouth, without any repercussions! Since it’s the physical manifestation of the Northern winds, imagine how nice and exhilarating that would feel against you, and how breathtakingly well it could move. In addition, Suicune would always know where to find springs, since it spends so much of its time keeping tabs on them, so you’d never have any shortage of excellent spots to “spend time” together, and you’d both be regularly cleaning springs of water from around the world just by being there. On top of all that, Suicune’s abilities obviously would make you feel refreshed and energized, meaning you wouldn’t feel too tired between breaks of vigorous fucking. On top of all that, eating out (or sucking, if it’s a male) Suicune would probably be fresher than any beverage you’ve ever tasted. Also, Suicune’s ability ‘Pressure’ raises your PP ¬‿¬


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  • nathmurr said:
    My very own counter-pasta

    A bunch of good reasons why Suicune is superior to vaporeon!

    Would you need to eat some yogurt afterwards or probiotics?
    Being cleansed of all the bacteria that do my digestion for me
    sounds like it could be bad, and I imagine that using her cleaning powers
    would kill all of them since they have different dna. Since I'm not as familiar
    as you I wonder if this would be a problem.

    P.S: Suicune seems like a free spirited Pokemon so expect plenty of 'experimentation' possibly with others.
    Not that this would be much of a problem with all the aforementioned abilities, just yet another plus! ;D
    The worst thing about Suicune is there only being one, so her going around spreading happiness would be very
    generous of em.

    OH well, Suicune sounds like god tier bath make though.

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  • skywalker said:
    ..... Vaporeon is actually not the most compatible pokémon for humans?
    This is a common and understandable misconception, however......

    Finally, someone who gets it. That's why I loathe that copy-pasta...

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