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This month's Patreon funded animation! They asked to see these two big guys and Jacki together in basically whatever I want- I decided a good ole' fashioned spit roast would be a fun time for all.

Keep in mind these are meant to be somewhat quicker to make animations so it's not perfect, I ran out of time before I could really knock out all the oddness. Also with it involving three characters the animation is a bit more simple than the already fairly simple animation style I aim for with these. But, I hope despite those things you like the result!

  • Comments
  • "So it's not perfect" I know an artist is their own worst critic but you continue to outdo yourself Ru.

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  • rixoli said:
    "So it's not perfect" I know an artist is their own worst critic but you continue to outdo yourself Ru.

    Aw, well thank yas. :3

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  • bassgroove said:
    "I hope, despite those things, that you like the result."

    Was there any *real* doubt?

    In my messed up brain? Every time. Large amounts. x3

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  • Regardless if this was perfect or not, I think this is absolutely fantastic! >//w//<
    I really hope that you keep up the great work and making great things for us all to enjoy!~ <3

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  • What really got me was the subtle look the guys gave each other, like they just KNEW they were going to finish together. That just blew my mind, honestly.
    It's these subtle movements you present in the characters, Ru, that not only catches me off-guard, but amazes me to no end.

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  • I remember way back when, I was just figuring out what yiff was as my NSFW side began to explore the community, and I came across a little comic called 'The Fluffer' by this awesome artist called ruaidri. I was blown away by how good the style looked, being unique and memorable while also really well done, so they quickly made themselves one of my all-time favourite artists.

    Fast forward several years, and here I am, still in more and more awe at just how good this artist I have followed for as long as I can remember is getting!

    I would never have guessed that from reading the fluffer you would become one of the best 3D animators in the community since the OG days of H0rs3 and TaurinFox, but here we are!

    Keep it up, and I look forward to seeing each new post as they come!

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  • This one is a brilliant piece of work I may say

    Also, that little struggle she made without possibility to move her hands.. God, that was a really spicy moment for me

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  • ruaidri said:
    In my messed up brain? Every time. Large amounts. x3

    My dude. My guy. You make some of the most organic animations I've ever seen. I have literally no idea what flaws you thought this animation had, cuz all I noticed was the seamless stance shifts of the one on her rear, the little eye flick before the finale, and the subtle movie magic you used to conceal the mess so it loops perfectly.

    Keep doin what you're doin <3

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  • bktashton said:
    I remember way back when, I was just figuring out what yiff was as my NSFW side began to explore the community, and I came across a little comic called 'The Fluffer' by this awesome artist called ruaidri. I was blown away by how good the style looked, being unique and memorable while also really well done, so they quickly made themselves one of my all-time favourite artists.

    Fast forward several years, and here I am, still in more and more awe at just how good this artist I have followed for as long as I can remember is getting!

    I would never have guessed that from reading the fluffer you would become one of the best 3D animators in the community since the OG days of H0rs3 and TaurinFox, but here we are!

    Keep it up, and I look forward to seeing each new post as they come!

    Ooh! I'm honored I could play a hand in bringing you over to the dark side, haha. Thanks a bunch man! :3

    RE: Everyone else- Thanks for all the kind words! I'm glad you are all enjoying it. :D

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  • averagecubenjoyer said:
    What really got me was the subtle look the guys gave each other, like they just KNEW they were going to finish together. That just blew my mind, honestly.
    It's these subtle movements you present in the characters, Ru, that not only catches me off-guard, but amazes me to no end.

    I kinda wish they'd uhhh kissed at the end hehe he hohoohoo

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  • kaonashi said:
    Why isn't cyandene tagged? That's totally her hair. I'd do it but I dunno how

    That's not Syandene, that's Jacki. They're both largely grey-furred and have red tips though, so easy mistake to make I suppose. :P

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  • ruaidri said:
    That's not Syandene, that's Jacki. They're both largely grey-furred and have red tips though, so easy mistake to make I suppose. :P

    Ah, my bad i guess, carry on. I had assumed that the jacki tag was the other male doing the boning

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