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This was a more long animation that ussual XD
Actually I'm not have great skills for make feral, so I screw up in mimic the basic anatomy...

Here's my telegram chanel for a more close interaction:

And here is my new silly Pixiv Fanbox (since I end up with Patreon)
for pledges, support and mothly mail's early rewards:

Lets see what will be the next works!!!
See you on the next!!!
-ouch! my back!XD ("*w*)

  • Comments
  • One of the most cutest and hottest animation I’ve seen in a good time, you have so much talent for feral stuff,keep it that way please.

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  • "Actually I'm not have great skills for make feral, [...]"

    Trust me, you are actually one of the best feral artists on here. Keep up the incredible work!

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  • Good lord this is just brilliant
    First canine genitals since the fennekin animation from way back. And its all so good!
    As others have pointed out. Dont sell yourself short. Your skills are SSS+ TIER. Please do keep doing what you are doing

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  • sheezkah said:
    "Actually I'm not have great skills for make feral, [...]"

    Trust me, you are actually one of the best feral artists on here. Keep up the incredible work!

    If not *the* best, cause this stuff to me is studio level quality

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  • I may not be that much into feral. But, I must admit the quality of this is spectacular and I found it hot. Keep up the amazing work!

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  • kingsrow225 said:
    Great animation. Praised over here on e621, but over on rule34 everyone seems to be shunning it.

    r34 comment sections are horrible. No surprises.

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  • xanadew said:
    probably cuz straight up dog-fucking is generally shunned upon, as it should be

    Real bestiality? Yeah, it should. I could've told you that for free. Well animated pixels on a screen that look kind of like bestiality with a cartoon character that looks reminiscent of a dog? Give it to me now.

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