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he's proving himself to dad

  • Comments
  • Makes me wonder if there is a specific tag for the fact they are both brother and sister as well as mother and son.

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  • Lemme see, is this right?
    The Dad is Cheri’s Father/Baby Daddy
    Cheri is the baby’s Mother / Brother
    The Baby is Cheri’s son/baby daddy
    The Dad is the baby’s father /Grandfather
    Did I get it?

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  • furfoxy said:
    There needs to be

    That involves coming up with a new word and the internet takes too much time on coming up with new words. I don't think there's a word for this.

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  • MikeTheTank said:

    furfoxy said:There needs to be

    That involves coming up with a new word and the internet takes too much time on coming up with new words. I don't think there's a word for this.

    Inbred is the word you're thinking of. And it totally should be a tag cause I want more

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  • nekogod said:
    Give it a few more generations of incest and the children will come out looking like mutants

    See the thing is that others want to get involved, and so they strategically introduce new blood to the gene pool by attracting other pervs. Best to pair up boys with incest pairings as much as possible and leave more girls to attract outside genes for mixing.

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  • warpath said:
    Lemme see, is this right?
    The Dad is Cheri’s Father/Baby Daddy
    Cheri is the baby’s Mother / Brother
    The Baby is Cheri’s son/baby daddy
    The Dad is the baby’s father /Grandfather
    Did I get it?

    There also siblings cause it’s her dads kid

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