nintendo and etc created by shoutingisfun
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  • Comments
  • jojo935 said:
    What's wrong with Gnome?
    I use Gnome.
    There's nothing wrong with it...

    Just looked it up. Yeah, it looks God-awful .-.

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  • necromancer said:
    Gotta go with Mint myself.

    Mint mate is literally perfect on my work pc, shit has a decade old hdd but it feels like it's running on an ssd

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  • necromancer said:
    Gotta go with Mint myself.

    God no all DEs are all equally bad. Gotta go suckless; I run Gentoo+dwm+st for that M I N I M A L I S M. Rearranging windows with one or two keystrokes is wonderful.

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  • I remember using Ubuntu when Gnome was at 2.x. It was so slow. Using a standalone window manager is so much faster and smoother.

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  • necromancer said:
    Gotta go with Mint myself.

    i've been thinking on trying mint these past 2 days. if windows 11 ends up being as shitty as it seems to be then im migrating to linux and mint looks like a good option for someone like me with next to no knowledge of linux.

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  • Why would you put best pokewaifu in the computer thingie? How would she snuggle and cuddle you by the campefire on those long cold winter nights if she became nothing more than bits of data?

    This is cruel, Shouts, real cruel...

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  • It's current year and people still aren't using Cinnamon as their de-facto DE?
    Edit: KDE's really cool, actually. Nevermind.


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  • Maybe we've all been getting it wrong, maybe it's not the version of Linux, maybe the computer uses Gnomesort algorithms.

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  • dragoe said:
    Mint mate is literally perfect on my work pc, shit has a decade old hdd but it feels like it's running on an ssd

    This. I semi-recently started switching off of Windows and I've been loving Mint! I'd use Linux exclusively if it weren't for a few games. I use Cinnamon, not Mate, but it still runs 10,000,000x better than Windows on any machine, and all my hardware just worked out of the gate, not driver installation needed.

    gunner_24 said:
    i've been thinking on trying mint these past 2 days. if windows 11 ends up being as shitty as it seems to be then im migrating to linux and mint looks like a good option for someone like me with next to no knowledge of linux.

    I'm impressed you haven't started switching already. I was forced to "upgrade" from Windows 7 years ago, and I honestly tried to clear my mind and use it anyway. It's been actual years, and I still just hate 10. I've had this computer since 2018. Best luck to you.


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  • Could be worse, like depending on nvidia drivers to get your KDE Plasma running smoothly

    For something really small and blazing fast (perfect for older computers), go with SliTaz.

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  • rhiorrha said:
    So...this WASN'T a clever Chrome (knockoff name "Gnome") vs (a literal) Firefox joke?

    Good joke.

    garnarch said:
    smh gnome is fine, i'd be more worried about xorg.

    Bad joke.

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  • Diamondized said:
    Gotta say, the few times I was forced to use Linux in school sucked. Thank god I don't need to use it ever again.

    “Typed from my Apple MacBook Pro 2021 Edition”

    Seriously, learn the basics to linux, life only gets easier from there.

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  • Yep, this is definitely the type of post that would have a ton of people arguing in the comments.

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  • The problem with GNOME is that the people making it think that 1) within 5 years (of whatever the current date happens to be) all mouse input will be done with a touchscreen and 2) things like maximize and minimize buttons are needless distractions. It's a bold move to be sure for one of the two most bloated Linux DEs in existence to be preaching minimialism but who am I to judge?

    Anyway, KDE forever. Also Compiz is awesome and I wish it wasn't so buggy.

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  • jojo935 said:
    What's wrong with Gnome?
    I use Gnome.
    There's nothing wrong with it...

    shinjichen said:
    what is gnome

    coatlessali said:
    The real question is if she's stuck in an Xorg or Wayland session.

    Hoh hoh hoh! I'm g'not a g'nelf, I'm g'not a g'noblin.

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