nintendo and etc created by dr.bubblebum
  • Comments
  • He went to the hospital because he got an erection?

    That seems like the most pointless thing for that.

    The hospital fixes bones not boners.

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  • watervivi said:
    He went to the hospital because he got an erection?

    That seems like the most pointless thing for that.

    The hospital fixes bones not boners.

    It is the Pokemon world, there almost no accidents happen because the people there are very peaceful (not like here)

    Hospitals have time for that

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  • watervivi said:
    He went to the hospital because he got an erection?

    That seems like the most pointless thing for that.

    The hospital fixes bones not boners.

    They do say if it lasts for more than four hours...

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  • watervivi said:
    He went to the hospital because he got an erection?

    That seems like the most pointless thing for that.

    The hospital fixes bones not boners.

    I mean, if it’s lasting longer than four hours…

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  • watervivi said:
    He went to the hospital because he got an erection?

    That seems like the most pointless thing for that.

    The hospital fixes bones not boners.

    Well, he said he won't "use giga drain" on himself... So, how else is a snake gonne get off then?

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  • watervivi said:
    He went to the hospital because he got an erection?

    That seems like the most pointless thing for that.

    The hospital fixes bones not boners.

    Well if his erection has lasted more than 4 hours than medical attention is definitely warranted.

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  • lucka2 said:
    It is the Pokemon world, there almost no accidents happen because the people there are very peaceful (not like here)

    And what gives you that idea?

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  • watervivi said:
    He went to the hospital because he got an erection?

    That seems like the most pointless thing for that.

    The hospital fixes bones not boners.

    Jokes aside as fun as having a boner is it's rather bad for them to last more than 4 hours. If not treated permanent tissue damage and scarring will occur and even loss of function. In that case yes a trip to the hospital to fix your boner is indeed necessary if you want your dick to work as well as not fall off.

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  • falconaves said:

    Establishing dominance

    Ok that made me laugh way harder than it should have. I needed that. Was feeling alittle crappy but I feel loads better now. Good mood restored +1

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  • watervivi said:
    He went to the hospital because he got an erection?

    That seems like the most pointless thing for that.

    The hospital fixes bones not boners.

    He should have gone to the daycare!

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  • watervivi said:
    He went to the hospital because he got an erection?

    That seems like the most pointless thing for that.

    The hospital fixes bones not boners.

    more or less thing it's humans cases...imagine not having hands... and enjoying more than a month of nnn conditions and potentially encountering...scenarios that keep bringing mini yous to attention with no relief... and this snek isn't open to taking care of it himself...thus how we got here

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