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Video conversion of post #189261

Lower-spec devices will have trouble playing back UHD VP9 video. If that's you, look for the sizing dropdown next to the Download button, and select one of the Sample downscales.

Conversion Details
  • UltraHigh Quality UHD Lossless MP4 capture via Swivel
  • ffmpeg -ss 0.874 -i dd17e9f4b5201457fabf38014c81de75-2160.mp4 -to 3:14.426 -an -c:v vp9 -crf 32 -b:v 0 -pass 1 -f null NUL
  • ffmpeg -ss 0.874 -i dd17e9f4b5201457fabf38014c81de75-2160.mp4 -to 3:14.426 -c:a libopus -b:a 96k -c:v vp9 -crf 32 -b:v 0 -pass 2 -row-mt 1 tirrel-BellamyBrothers-2160.webm
  • Comments
  • huh, another one of these they did was the Journey song and I just got home from seeing a tribute band of them in the park. They killed it.

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  • I already enjoyed that song before I ever saw this but it this video rekindled that enjoyment and became a regular in my playlist since it's release. The other music video using the famous song from Greece is totally different. Hated that song before Tirrel animated it, loved is since. Wished he had made a lot more like this.

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  • This got me to cum quicker than most porn on this site.

    Updated by Millcore

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  • bwgoat52775 said:
    This got me to cum quicker than most porn on this site.

    gotta love admins lol

    In other news, this video brings back some memories, lemme tell you. I recognize a few of my early muses XD

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