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A semi-final render of my animation. Added a close up angle and just in general made it better. The last animation was just a single loop repeated until the orgasm (you can see as such by the fact the water in the hot tub doesn't loop properly). This should look much better and smoother.

I added more movement to Nick such as a bit more noticeable breathing animation and finger curling and humping at orgasm but this rig is barely usable. Any movement other than slight adjustment can look awful (bad deformation due to poor topology and or weight painting which) and I don't really have the skillset to fix.

If there's anything you feel that actively hampers this animation from being good/great, don't feel afraid to post feedback in the comments.

  • Comments
  • The penis and knot looks oddly blurred in the second half of the video, then when Judy stands up, it looks super clear. It's not a complaint, but more like "the renderer messed up the shot"?

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  • Hey, hope you don't mind some constructive criticism. I know it takes a lot of work to animate shit and stuff. But if you ever want to spend some more time on great Judick animation, just read my tips. I would show Judy's face even for a moment (like both their faces from the side... looking into each other eyes, making O-faces etc. just not smiling please x_x) Give her some moves, even just like tilting her head back, because she still acts like sex robot. You moved Nick, that's OK, now put more life in Judy. And more damn intimacy, passion, emotions, I mean close-ups of their faces or paws wandering through fur. Not just knot-vagina work mechanisms... we are shippers. We want to see love. Well, at least me. Are there people who ship porn actors? That would be hilarious. I recommend you to show more passion between them, a tantric love. I don't tell you to animate wild humping which would be even more difficult, lol. I think it's not much to add what I mentioned. Anyway it's not like I hate it. It's something different to see among all these jpgs and pngs. But tbh, I'm kinda tired of vags and dicks in shipping fanart. You can show couple making love without showing the obvious thing going on between their legs.

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  • hm said:
    The penis and knot looks oddly blurred in the second half of the video, then when Judy stands up, it looks super clear. It's not a complaint, but more like "the renderer messed up the shot"?

    I think it's due to the depth of field I have. I'll see if I can make it better.

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