bugs bunny and lola bunny (the looney tunes show and etc) created by saransaran
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The reboot. Based on original image by Spiritto.
Reuploaded to fix some minor mistakes.

Superior version of post #2798950.

  • Comments
  • Dude. I saw someone with the original version of this image on a shirt at the flea market the other day.
    And I mean the full explicit version and everything.
    Bro there were actually children and everything there. How the heck can you be allowed to wear this kinda stuff on clothing in public?

    That little rant aside...
    This is a good image. Well done lol.

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  • eeveesrcuteuwu said:
    Dude. I saw someone with the original version of this image on a shirt at the flea market the other day.
    And I mean the full explicit version and everything.
    Bro there were actually children and everything there. How the heck can you be allowed to wear this kinda stuff on clothing in public?

    That little rant aside...
    This is a good image. Well done lol.

    Twice I've came across different companies selling it on a shirt.

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  • saw this censored design in some of Ailurus's videos. One on the back of someone's shirt (albeit in a different style) and another on the back of a fucking semi-truck. why, of all things, is bugs bunny spanking lola bunny's ass such a popular thing to steal and put on things?

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  • yukidama said:
    saw this censored design in some of Ailurus's videos. One on the back of someone's shirt (albeit in a different style) and another on the back of a fucking semi-truck. why, of all things, is bugs bunny spanking lola bunny's ass such a popular thing to steal and put on things?

    Cuz it's fcking great

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  • damiantheeevee said:
    Dude. I saw someone with the original version of this image on a shirt at the flea market the other day.
    And I mean the full explicit version and everything.
    Bro there were actually children and everything there. How the heck can you be allowed to wear this kinda stuff on clothing in public?

    That little rant aside...
    This is a good image. Well done lol.

    I've seen this on someone's car...

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