Journal Extract from junior researcher Dr Sandra Walker, regarding experiment PA19-B involving SCP-745.
Dr Benici, head researcher of Project Hamster Wheel, a project which aimed to utilise the anatomy of SCP-745 to generate electrical energy through kinetic harnessing.
In short, he wanted to put them on a wheel and use them as a dynamo to produce energy.
There were two instances of 745, 745-T and 745-B, affectionately named ‘Twitch’ and ‘Bolt’.
745-T was given its name for its inability to remain still, as its body would constantly be twitching and subtly vibrating while not in direct motion.
745-B was documented producing speeds well over the 180kph which 745 are known for averaging.
The issues arose when during testing 745-B collapsed, Dr Benici had them removed from the testing area and sent for medical evaluation. Not wanting to leave the heart and soul of his experiment he left me to look after 745-T to prevent them from succumbing to harm as well.
While in my care 745-T was safe and largely calm. Instances of 745 are known for developing separation anxiety when they are removed from the company of their respective partner.
One cure to this anxiety is to have a familiar presence or entity keep them occupied until they are reunited. So, I sat with 745-T within the experimentation room to keep them company.
Despite being an arm’s reach from 745-T, I could feel the vibrations in the air and hear the faint hum of the vibration. Curiosity got the better of me, as it always does. I reached over and laid my hand on 745-T’s body and even through my gloves, I could still feel the strong vibration.
745-T seemed attentive to this contact as they moved closer and leaned against me, there was no clear hostility expressed in their body language, only what could be considered as loneliness.
Having 745-T leaning against me, I could feel their vibration through my clothes as if there was nothing between us. I could feel my hairs standing on end and light tingling sensations for the areas of contact. This was followed by 745-T lying down in my lap, almost like a domestic pet they lay there.
This was not good however, for the vibrations felt like they were growing stronger, increasing as 745-T got more relaxed.
While 745-T’s body was relaxing, my body was doing the opposite, their glowing, domed head was resting and vibrating in my lap. My self-control was being tested greatly as the vibrations were arousing more than my senses.
The improper thoughts began flooding into my mind, thoughts that I had thought once before but attempted to suppress for reasons amounting to work ethic.
I relaxed my sitting position slightly to feel the vibration to great effect and it was alluring, like a warm, weak vibrator nestled between my legs. I looked down at the rest of 745-T’s body, looking down towards their lower body, it could be that easy.
Then the power went down, plunging the room into darkness, lit only by 745-T’s head. Yet that was not the only source of light, a small weak stream of light from emerging from their lower body, hidden away behind their cloaca. It was like a force beyond telling me that this was what I was to do.
Reaching down 745-T’s body, I stroked my hand over the cloaca, guided only by the luminescent glow escaping it. I pressed down on the sensitive spot to reveal their member, and before me, there it was, 745-T’s glowing member, its glow was weaker than that of the cranial dome, but still strong enough to see with ease.
To my surprise however, I noticed that the member went through a cycle of luminescence, starting off with its dullest state before transitioning to a brighter state. Constantly repeating.
Moving my hand from the sensitive spot, I gripped the member and slid my fingers up and down it to stimulate it further. Straight away I could feel the vibrating and the pulsating that the member was exhibiting.
745-T was clearly familiar with what was happening as they rubbed their head against my crotch aggressively, easily pushing up my skirt to reveal my underwear which they quickly began licking at.
I moved 745-T to the ground as I attempted to undress, but 745-T was very adamant to begin without delay. I only managed to remove my underwear before almost being knocked down by 745-T. I lay there on my back, looking up at 745-T, seeing only the glow of their dome and their member before me.
745-T approached as I spread my legs to invite them, their dome was before my face, the brightness in the dark room was almost blinding. I invited their member into my body, navigating through touch alone.
The tingle of their tip was a sign of what was to come as they quickly filled me with their member. They wasted no time as once the member had become accustom with how much space there was to fill, they begin to thrust.
The initial thrusting caught me off-guard as I expected them to start off slowly. More fool-me, nothing about 745 was slow, why did I expect their mating to be?
Normally, thrusting straight away would cause me great discomfort, but I felt none of that. The vibrations before and during made me wetter that I would care to admit. The vibration along with the pulsing of 745-T’s member made everything bearable.
The speed at which 745-T was thrusting was beyond me, I had never experienced such speed before, not from a human, nor a machine, not even another anomaly could match it.
My own body was pulsing and twitching, I had to try my hardest to keep myself under control, but I couldn’t. We had only just started and I was already about to finish. My muscles were tensing and releasing constantly as I reached my peak.
Almost instinctively I wrapped my legs around 745-T as I orgasmed, having to quickly move them again to allow 745-T to continue.
745-T showed no sign of letting up or slowing down, the vibrations that I felt only grew stronger as 745-T somehow got even faster. I was starting to peak again, not even a minute after the first, the second orgasm came swiftly after.
My muscles were starting to hurt because of the orgasmic strength which I was exerting. Yet 745-T was still going.
I was over stimulated, everything was starting to hurt now, tensing and relaxing constantly for each following orgasm took its toll on my body. 745-T showed no sign of faltering or slowing down.
Another peak, one which was intertwined with both pain and pleasure, skating on the razors edge it felt like. I believed that I was unable to climax anymore, as I was left edging around the point of no return.
After showing no signs of letting up, 745-T let out a strange chirping noise as they began to climax as well. The vibrations were an intolerable level, pleasure bordering on pain, the friction of 745-T’s relentless assault overheated me. The fire inside me was cooled off as I felt 745-T’s load begin to fill me. That was all that I needed, my last push over the edge. My last orgasm for the night.
Once 745-T had removed their member, I looked at them before resting my head down. That took more out of me than I could have ever thought sex would take.
I wanted to lie there forever. Everything hurt, but it was a pleasurable pain, the experience of a lifetime.
Sadly, I knew that the power would be returning soon, so I musted the little strength I had left and lifted myself back onto a chair.
I rolled my skirt back down and collected my underwear, darkness remained with us for a couple minutes more before the power returned.
Dr Benici also returned shortly after, too soon for me to clean myself up, so I got to enjoy the rest of that shift with anomalous semen running down my thighs and friction burns where friction burns should never be.
Member"Ay girl you ever do it with a highway headlight?"
MemberMakes me wonder what a cum version would look like.
MemberGoddamn, that story was actually pretty good. Coupled with this art, that's a killer one-two horny punch.
Kea really is a multitalented one, huh.
MemberPoster Transcription:
[text] Unclear in picture
[text ?] Text was partially blocked and was hard to see
[text *] This is just a guess.
??? Text unknown (behind characters)
MemberPondering my orb
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