rivet (sony interactive entertainment and etc) created by evomanaphy
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  • Comments
  • barker said:
    The artist's a damn b!tch though...

    Don't worry, they're definitely going to tell us why, it's just taking them a really long time to compile all the evidence.

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  • officer_hotpants said:
    I'm guessing they wouldn't do a commission for free.

    How DARE they want monetary payment for their work! Don't they know EXPOSURE is far more valuable?

    I'm being sarcastic in case it doesn't come across as such

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  • niskara said:
    How DARE they want monetary payment for their work! Don't they know EXPOSURE is far more valuable?

    I'm being sarcastic in case it doesn't come across as such

    it doesnt have to be necessary that, lets not assume things, ive met artists that would shit on my friends because of their views, ban from chats, demonize for criticism, cheat on money because work was harder than they assumed and agreed on in the beginning, call you shit in public, use their fanatic fanbase to chase you on social media, dont enforce chat rules in their discord among all supporters and those who got blind eye laughed straight in ur face because of it
    those are my experiences with various creators not EVO tho i was her supporter for short time didnt engaged in her chats tho, im just pointing out it can be anything not necessary commissions

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  • I know I'm a little late to this conversation, but I honestly understand and support artists who use Patreon. Sure, it's admittedly irritating if you can't get everything for free, but if their work is worth it, I'd be more than happy to fork out 10 quid to support then.

    Again, I'm a few months late and I can't help that. But maybe someone could add on and share their opinions too.

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