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Page 11 of 11!
plotted by : kitsuneyoukai
probably writing by kitsuneyoukai and suggesting/fixing by: Jewelriter DaPornicopia Melissa Daiosharune and maybe other people possibly.
alittle tacked on, but a pretty funny ending i must say! =3 probably a better ending than it was gonna have :V ! which was last page =P this feels more thematic.
that was a fun comic though! :3 next comic is a remaster of one of my older comics, Tempting Fate :V
MemberSure hope they remember to take breaks to eat and drink.
MemberMonkey looks like he KNOWS exactly what they’re up to
MemberThis puts mindfuck on another level.
MemberI hope they remember to take breaks to eat and drink. O_o
Membernah, they'll be fine...probably! maybe they'll be close to as focused as -'the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single ginko leaf and the energy of the universe.'
MemberExcellent point!
Memberis it me or dose po look more brown then black?
Memberi sampled the color from a picture of him and then shined it up abit, did end up turning brownish, but that color is in there if that happens =v
The real hero
Memberdamn i enjoyed this comic i hope u plan to make more shifu hehe
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