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Page 16

  • Comments
  • I'm going to laugh if it turns out they just let him go without doing anything, mainly because with those rape faces and him being put up for trade you would expect them to.

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  • Wanna bet he will get ganged and end up liking it? It seems to always roll that way... Instead, how about: Stop thinking and run, you idiot, run!

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  • azuel said:
    Why must we wait like a month for these? Please post the new page quickly!

    beacouse they take about a month to make due to the fact the artist has a life, and other commissions she works on at the same time. belive me if i could make it go any faster i would.

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  • this is amazingly well done. Love the storyline, and the fact that it actually has one. The wait is well worth it. ^_^ *tries to hide the drooling idiot smile*

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  • Well, I expected the "Sorry son, the law requires you to be gay" but not a "By the way son, I am a horrible abusive sociopath" one.

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  • "My father beat me when i was a kid!" Yeah well this kids dad traded him for a lay, (With a pretty hot,exotic looking piece tail) too two massive get over it! That father's fucked up. I don't even think anyone should be punished for TRYING to fuck his mom...i mean. Have you seen her!

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