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  • Comments
  • notorisum said:
    No can do, but I can call you a good boy! Which that, you are! <3

    You're a piece of shit and you know it.

    Updated by Millcore

    User received a warning for the contents of this message.
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  • xxsakuyaizayoixx said:
    Like, what if he didn't know?, the first Time I saw this imagen I though it was a dude that wanted to be calles a girl cuz it turned him on. Is that how tolerable you people are?

    they definitely knew because one quick glance at their feedback profile says it all. (edit) even if you look at their comments they have a history of being transphobic anyways. theirs quite a few comments that haven't been reported idk how they haven't been taken down yet.


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  • Kinda sucks how easy it is to stir shit on this site. Now anybody who favorites this picture has to avoid the transphobia in the comments.

    Would be nice to have the option to hide replies to low scoring comments as well as the comment itself. Cause even if it's hidden you can still usually read it quoted in the replies.

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  • yiff7996 said:
    Kinda sucks how easy it is to stir shit on this site. Now anybody who favorites this picture has to avoid the transphobia in the comments.

    Would be nice to have the option to hide replies to low scoring comments as well as the comment itself. Cause even if it's hidden you can still usually read it quoted in the replies.

    The sad thing is, I'm just kinda numb to transphobic shit by now. I get hate replies about twice a day on YouTube just because I have a trans flag in my profile pic. I see so many threats, so many people saying shit like "41%", that it barely affects me anymore. Still sucks seeing it practically everywhere though. I'm glad that e621's moderation is better about handling this kind of stuff.

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  • mercrantos said:
    Instead of trying to censor everything that offends you, you could just be an adult and ignore it. That's the only way to deal with trolls.


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  • xxsakuyaizayoixx said:
    Yet the person on top of didn't seem to have cheecked, they were angry enough to insult someone (he gave the troll what he wanted), and the fact that he's trolling doesn't mean he hates trans people, really the word transphobic it's just a tool to silence oposition, i'm not sayinng that trans people never suffered in the past, i'm just saying that exept for a few outlayers (in this part of the world) transphobes are pretty much nonexistant.

    Now, where your coming from is fair and if that was the case there would of been no issue, but there are people, this individual being one of them who make it a point to go to posts mixing the pot, which if you go to their comment history is evident. The ironic thing about some of this type of commenting is, art has a much more fluid concept of gender and genitalia with herms, andromorphs, and gynomorphs being extremely common and actually rarely even trans related. Now, could the commenter be transphobic? maybe, maybe not. But they are a shit disturber.

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  • spencermain69 said:
    Trannies are mentally ill and so is everyone who is encouraging it. The WHO has gone as far as to claim gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness anymore, meanwhile "video game addiction" is considered a mental illness now.
    41% is a real statistic btw. 41% of transgender "people" will attempt suicide at least once in their lives. Forty-one percent. Meanwhile the suicide attempts among the general public is only around <1%. Trannies have a like 40 times higher rate of attempts. But nah you're right. Lemme swallow tons of drugs I don't know the effect of and then pay someone to cut my dick off. Surely those things will fix your fucked psyche.

    Also I can't wait to receive a warning from Millcore. Janny has nothing better to do than waste his free time moderating a furry porn website and enforcing draconian rules while not fixing actual issues like the horrible tagging system.

    maybe if people actually treated us like people and not like you do, that number would go down!

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  • spencermain69 said:

    Also I can't wait to receive a warning from Millcore. Janny has nothing better to do than waste his free time moderating a furry porn website and enforcing draconian rules while not fixing actual issues like the horrible tagging system.

    We have the best test tag system on the internet the fuq you mean

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  • spencermain69 said:
    Trannies are mentally ill and so is everyone who is encouraging it.

    Wow, you’re already a terrible human being and you’re under 15 words in!

    spencermain69 said:
    The WHO has gone as far as to claim gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness anymore,

    It is a mental illness, that doesn’t mean you have to belittle and attack random strangers on the internet for something that they can’t control.

    spencermain69 said:
    meanwhile "video game addiction" is considered a mental illness now.

    Yeah, and so is every other addiction. Your point? Not to mention how off topic this is.

    spencermain69 said:
    41% is a real statistic btw. 41% of transgender "people" will attempt suicide at least once in their lives. Forty-one percent. Meanwhile the suicide attempts among the general public is only around <1%. Trannies have a like 40 times higher rate of attempts.

    Hmm, I wonder why that happens. It could never be you, how could you ever do anything to make someone’s life so miserable to make them want to actually die, must be the drugs they take to actually feel like a human again, totally.

    spencermain69 said:
    But nah you're right. Lemme swallow tons of drugs I don't know the effect of and then pay someone to cut my dick off. Surely those things will fix your fucked psyche.

    This just exemplifies how little you actually know about this topic. Every transgender person is aware of the benefits and adverse effects of what they are doing. Not to mention that they don’t “chop your dick off”, it’s a very complicated and sophisticated procedure.

    spencermain69 said:
    Also I can't wait to receive a warning from Millcore. Janny has nothing better to do than waste his free time moderating a furry porn website and enforcing draconian rules while not fixing actual issues like the horrible tagging system.

    Way to randomly attack some mod for no reason. Also, this site has some the best mods, rules and tagging systems I’ve ever seen. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

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  • mirnag said:
    Wow, you’re already a terrible human being and you’re under 15 words in!

    It is a mental illness, that doesn’t mean you have to belittle and attack random strangers on the internet for something that they can’t control.

    Yeah, and so is every other addiction. Your point? Not to mention how off topic this is.

    Hmm, I wonder why that happens. It could never be you, how could you ever do anything to make someone’s life so miserable to make them want to actually die, must be the drugs they take to actually feel like a human again, totally.

    This just exemplifies how little you actually know about this topic. Every transgender person is aware of the benefits and adverse effects of what they are doing. Not to mention that they don’t “chop your dick off”, it’s a very complicated and sophisticated procedure.

    Way to randomly attack some mod for no reason. Also, this site has some the best mods, rules and tagging systems I’ve ever seen. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

    He's probably some lonely Incel neckbeard wallowing in his own self pity. So miserable that he goes out of his way to insult trans people for no reason whatsoever lol. Probably angry that we get more action than he ever will ;)

    Ps. Accidentally reported mirnag's comment instead of replying, sorry mods

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  • Sigh… I don’t get why everyone’s gotta be so adherent to some “natural order” that arbitrarily says we can’t decide that our genes don’t really vibe with us and get as far away from them as possible.

    What gets me with most sexual xenophobia (there’s a better word for that) it’s “not natural”. Come on our devices made up of concentrations of elements that would never occur in nature, eating our, let’s say, cob of corn, which has been trained for generations just to suit us.

    As I see it, this world is ours to do whatever we want with provided no life suffers. And the only thing that’s suffering from trans people’s existence is your “sensibilities” and worldview

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  • I love how 41% is “like 40 times higher” than 1%. Good job, buddy, you almost multiplied those numbers! And you only needed one of them to be 1!

    Also, while trans rights are the most important thing here, the anti-body-moding stance also kind of wrankles me a little. Guy spits “cut your dick off” like a curse, but like, it’s your body, so do with it what you want; you’re only responsible to you when you make decisions about how you want your body to be.

    Like I wonder if our almost mathematical friend has any other body mods that people need his consent for?

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  • xxsakuyaizayoixx said:
    Yet the person on top of didn't seem to have cheecked, they were angry enough to insult someone (he gave the troll what he wanted), and the fact that he's trolling doesn't mean he hates trans people, really the word transphobic it's just a tool to silence oposition, i'm not sayinng that trans people never suffered in the past, i'm just saying that exept for a few outlayers (in this part of the world) transphobes are pretty much nonexistant.

    I'm guessing you haven't heard of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, have you? Every year on November 20 many activist and LGBT+ communities and organizations observe it, as a way of honoring transgender folk lost to transphobic violence. There are a handful of websites out there managed by organizations which go through the trouble of compiling every instance they can find, and a pretty incredible portion of these heinous murders tend to take place in nominally "liberal" countries like the United States and Brazil. It should go without saying that these acts of violence are fueled by a widespread lack of respect or empathy for trans people and refusal to accept them for who they are. The term "transphobic" is most definitely not just some offensive "tool," and transphobes, especially violent transphobes, are most definitely not "pretty much nonexistent."

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  • Man, it sucks so much the comments went down like this, the original post practically had no shit going down and it was perfect

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  • Shes adorable, and i love her <3

    Its pathetic how people think that being transphobic will help their inane cause. Like please, get off the internet and go outside for a bit. Reflect on your life. You dont need to be such a toxic human being to get attention

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  • Such a good piece! Love it to bits!

    Also if your reading this know that you are pretty, you are an amazing work of art, and you are loved even if you dont think it; sending hugs!!

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  • sexygaydragon said:
    I can't and I refuse. I refuse because you tranny shitbags keep bullying me and invalidating my homosexuality. Almost every single tranny I've talked to has told me I'm not really a gay male but a straight female. They tell me there's no such thing as homosexuality. I am not transgendered and I never will be. I am a homosexual male and proud of it. My hatred is justified. I wanted to keep quiet and not say anything but I'm done being hated on. Just for the record while I don't accept or support it nothing's keeping me from coexisting with transgendered people and even being friends with one. I have met very very few decent ones who didn't immediately bitch at me for using the wrong pronoun. You guys need to realize it isn't obvious to the rest of us so quit getting on our cases so fucking hard. Also realize that you can't change biology no matter what.

    Hey, buddy, actual biology major here. If you're referring to X and Y chromosomes, and I'd say there's a pretty good chance you are because there are a lot of people out there who seem to think they're being clever by pointing out their existence in some petty attempt to delegitimize transfolk, then I'd suggest you read up on Swyer and de la Chapelle syndromes, also known as XY Female and XX Male syndromes, respectively. This is BIO 101, literally entry level stuff you can read about in readily available textbooks. Chromosomes are simply not the infallible determinators they are often made out to be, and should not be used to deny transfolk the ability to transition medically or socially, both of which have been proven repeatedly in reputable studies to improve their qualities of life. Kindly stop using my field of study as a tool to validate your irrational hatred of transgender people.

    More than that, I am a cisgender gay dude myself, I've moderated for LGBT+ forums, and many of my closest friends are transgender, and never once has any of them questioned my sexuality and seriously tried to convince me I'm a straight woman. What on Earth are you on about?

    And finally, your miserable experiences with transfolk might have more to do with your blatant disregard for their identities and even humanity, given that you seem to think it's okay to refer to them with transphobic slurs. Have you ever considered that the way you feel about having your sexuality called into question is exactly the same way transfolk feel when people repeatedly screw up their pronouns, and often not even by accident? Get a sense of perspective and empathy.

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  • bitwolfy said:
    Don't feed the trolls.

    To be perfectly honest with you, the only reason I bothered to respond at all was that little "biology." comment at the end. I see that a lot and I'm frankly sick and tired of it, so I felt obligated to say something about that, at the very least, since these chromosomal disorders are clearly not brought up nearly as often as they should be. Now that it has been, though, I'm perfectly happy to wash my hands of this whole mess.

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  • bitWolfy

    Former Staff

    ewan_j_redding said:
    To be perfectly honest with you, the only reason I bothered to respond at all was that little "biology." comment at the end. I see that a lot and I'm frankly sick and tired of it, so I felt obligated to say something about that, at the very least, since these chromosomal disorders are clearly not brought up nearly as often as they should be. Now that it has been, though, I'm perfectly happy to wash my hands of this whole mess.

    There's no changing people like that. They want to hate transgender people in order to feel better about themselves.
    I believe that deep inside they know that what they are doing is wrong, so they have to come up with shallow excuses for their hatred.
    That's why it does not matter if you correct factual errors – their outbursts are emotional, not logical.

    Besides, comment sections like this are pretty much just honeypot traps.
    Shitty people are given an opportunity to be shitty, so they can be yeeted out of the community.

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  • sexygaydragon said:
    It's not though. I am incredibly openminded for most things. As I've noted I have no issue being friends with one. I don't disregard it at all. They get hotheaded out of nowhere when it isn't my fault for calling them the wrong gender. How the fuck am I to know? You look like a woman I will refer to you as such same the other way unless you tell me otherwise. Like I said my hatred is justified. I don't go out of my way to abash them. I tried being nice but they keep forcing my hand with their toxicity towards me and my homosexuality. As far as I'm concerned they can go fuck themselves.

    All I've gotten out of what you said is that you've probably almost got into sexual relations with a transman, but don't like vagina which made them upset, and thus in retaliation you've discredited their identity, or some sort of scenario like that. Regardless, toxicity isn't a cure for toxicity. Commenting here just to vent whatever relationship issues you had isn't going to garner you any favor no matter if it's gay, straight, bi, pan or whatever. just use your blacklist and move on.

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  • versperus said:
    All I've gotten out of what you said is that you've probably almost got into sexual relations with a transman, but don't like vagina which made them upset, and thus in retaliation you've discredited their identity, or some sort of scenario like that. Regardless, toxicity isn't a cure for toxicity. Commenting here just to vent whatever relationship issues you had isn't going to garner you any favor no matter if it's gay, straight, bi, pan or whatever. just use your blacklist and move on.

    What is that leap of logic? I was in an LGBT community on ps4 and there were more trans than anything else. I made one error and they all jumped on me. They didn't care that I appologized. Whenever I played with them they'd keep telling me I was living a lie. I didn't terrorize the community over it. I didn't say anything to the mods of the community cause I knew they wouldn't have done anything about it.

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  • sexygaydragon said:
    What is that leap of logic? I was in an LGBT community on ps4 and there were more trans than anything else. I made one error and they all jumped on me. They didn't care that I appologized. Whenever I played with them they'd keep telling me I was living a lie. I didn't terrorize the community over it. I didn't say anything to the mods of the community cause I knew they wouldn't have done anything about it.

    This attitude is really because of gamers? Dude you literally let the trolling get to you. The biggest mistake besides taking the internet seriously is taking gamers seriously.

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  • It's nice that the majority of this site aren't like some of the people in these comments who can't seem to let others be themselves in a manner that doesn't affect anything they do.

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  • corelikas said:
    If it were him the one who declared himself as an "expert in the field" you would argue a fallacy of authority as a counter argument that if used here, he would be classified as a conspiratorial and denier of science.
    I will limit myself to saying that when your pamphlets that you call treatises have their respective ontological demonstrations bring them up as arguments to justify your nematology.

    Many science technicians who think they are scientists seem to forget that the results of the experiment, their conclusions, and the demonstration of those conclusions are not things that are present in the treatises most of the time And when they are, they have a tendency to be biased by the ideologies of the researcher, rather than to be coherent and seek a truth, neither science nor philosophy at this point give a shit about that "truth" it only matters to defend discourses .

    "Scientific consensus is only a state of the discussion, not its end."
    -Jean Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition.

    Uh, no actually, I wouldn't, and that's one hell of an assumption to make. I don't know you, and you sure as hell don't know me, so kindly refrain from making assumptions about the way I discuss these things. Moreover, I never claimed to be an "expert" I identified myself as a student and then referenced the in fact readily available information refuting this idea that chromosomes determine a person's gender once and for all. In fact, my point was that you don't have to be an expert in order to understand why that's false.

    These accusations are all incredibly ironic coming from someone who saunters into an e621 comments section rambling about "capital-induced primitivism" and "Cartesian dualism of biology" without any apparent effort to explain these concepts for those of us who have not studied as much philosophy, and in fact deliberately peppering your statements with highly technical terms when there are much simpler ways to get your point across. You're talking a big game about truth, but you've marched into this conversation in a way that suggests to the rest of us you're much more interested in flaunting your own grasp of the vocabulary and essentially flexing on the rest of us than actually helping us find that.

    And I don't know why you felt it necessary to call out me, specifically, after opining about the frustrating nature of the entire conversation so far, but at least I made an attempt to contribute to it with relevant information, something you have yet to provide. If you have anything constructive and insightful to add then by all means, let's talk about it, but if all you're interested in doing is engaging in a display of pseudo-intellectual masturbation then I will not bother responding. I have much better things to do with my time.

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  • corelikas said:
    Actually this comment section is the ultimate manifestation of the capital-induced primitivism that Byun-Chul Han criticizes, only that instead of applying it to work-related behavior the derivation here would consist of thought, appeal to power (the power that suits me when and as it suits me) to justify my speeches (if the WHO or any other power structure subservient to capital did not say what is good for some people around here many would be trying to burn it, exposing their hypocrisy) discursive manipulation, Cartesian dualism of biology (thanks to Colttaine for this) that isolates the biological when and how it suits the organism as appropriate at the time and a whole kind of thought onanism that only results in a fight of apes to see who barks loudest for the owners of the speech They expand, it goes without saying, the applicants are not said owners.

    While the West launches all kinds of praise to reason, it rots in feelings /

    I don't like to make comments on this hellsite, but this one was too perfect to ignore. It's so packed with jargon that it becomes borderline incomprehensible. The fact that it almost entirely consists of one meandering run on sentence? Amazing.

    The best part is the content however. Name dropping ideas without actually explaining their connection or relevance to the topic at hand, and delivered so confidently. The way it is written, you can almost feel it's author looking down on everyone who had commented thus far. I applaud you, conveying such attitudes through text is not always that easy.

    I am quite interested in the use of Byun-chul Han, primarily because you admit that it doesn't really apply to the situation. After name dropping him and not explaining the ideology that he represents, you immediately qualify the statement. "It's like what he said, but if he was instead talking about something completely different." If the content of his philosophy was actually being argued within this comment it might be interesting to discuss or debate, but like your comment we must move on.

    I want to actually pause on the bracketed part about the WHO. You say that people are hypocrites, because they would hate the WHO if the institution pushed out a different set of ideas, which like, ya. That's not hypocrisy, in fact it's literally the opposite; It shows a consistency of thought. people would stop agreeing with institutions if those institutions said things they didn't agree with, who'd have thunk it?

    The best part though has to be the Cartesian Duality bit. Just a chef's kiss on the whole comment. Using brackets to thank an incel YouTuber for your understanding of a philosophical idea, and not even really using the idea correctly, it's spectacular. To clarify, the framework of Cartesian Dualism sets forth that the mind is wholly separate from the physical body, which is why through studying the biological you can not understand more about consciousness. The proponents of the philosophy wouldn't agree with your assessment of people sectioning off their intellect when they needed to, because it just wouldn't work. Without the mind the body doesn't act on instinct, it doesn't act at all. The entire point is that the body, the matter you are made up of, is incapable of such actions on its own and is thus entirely reliant on the mind.

    Sadly, you end your comment on a bit of a whimper. It's the sad sort of "facts over feelings" rhetoric that we are all too familiar with at this point. Being less emotionally invested in problems doesn't mean you understand it better. Just because people listen to their emotions, and use them to inform their actions or beliefs doesn't necessarily make them wholly or even partially wrong. That's not how arguments work. Really, a sad ending to an otherwise beautiful train wreck of a comment.

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  • everyonein this comment section needs to shut the fuck up... Go somewhere else! This isn't worth it. go play a game or beat your meat somewhere. just don't perpetuate the argument. it's obnoxious seeing these things go on and on with no end in sight.

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  • brian_o'blivion said:
    What is even going on in these comments.

    people debating if being trans is ok or not. they should accept that people just want to do whatever they want and they can't do anything to stop them.

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  • I've literally said this before while crossdressed, to my boyfriend he said no :p

    This image perfectly depicts how i feel when im horny love it.

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  • Gotta just love all the unnecessary transphobia in the comments of a simple cute picture of a trans girl character. Can yall at least choose somewhere else to be transphobic where we don't have to actually deal with it ourselves?

    Anyways, lighter note. Very cute doggo, good girl indeed.

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  • spectral_otter said:
    Gotta just love all the unnecessary transphobia in the comments of a simple cute picture of a trans girl character. Can yall at least choose somewhere else to be transphobic where we don't have to actually deal with it ourselves?

    Anyways, lighter note. Very cute doggo, good girl indeed.

    I see cute dog, I upvote


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  • I felt like i read a whole star wars and lord of the rings movie saga... FUCK WHERES MY POPCORN!!! ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION!!!

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  • emilysylveon said:
    The sad thing is, I'm just kinda numb to transphobic shit by now. I get hate replies about twice a day on YouTube just because I have a trans flag in my profile pic. I see so many threats, so many people saying shit like "41%", that it barely affects me anymore. Still sucks seeing it practically everywhere though. I'm glad that e621's moderation is better about handling this kind of stuff.

    Not to mention the whole "41" percent thing is bullshit, anyway I'm sorry you guys have to deal with this stuff, I'm not trans myself but my brother is and I feel bad for the hate people give you all

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  • notorisum said:
    No can do, but I can call you a good boy! Which that, you are! <3

    I've never seen someone get down voted so fucking hard in my whole experience on the internet and to be honest you deserve it

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  • Having read all the comments just wanna say thanks Millcore if you happen to see this. You're doing good work.

    Also I'm glad the vast majority of people here were arguing for Trans people, not against them, always nice to see people supporting groups who end up going through hardship

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  • sexygaydragon said:
    It's not though. I am incredibly openminded for most things. As I've noted I have no issue being friends with one. I don't disregard it at all. They get hotheaded out of nowhere when it isn't my fault for calling them the wrong gender. How the fuck am I to know? You look like a woman I will refer to you as such same the other way unless you tell me otherwise. Like I said my hatred is justified. I don't go out of my way to abash them. I tried being nice but they keep forcing my hand with their toxicity towards me and my homosexuality. As far as I'm concerned they can go fuck themselves.

    My man you just got nuked by a fukin biology major, sit down for your own sake. oh and please and thank you keep your transphobic self quiet, thanks!

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  • sexygaydragon said:
    I would like to appologize. I had a talk with one of my friends on discord and I've come to realize my hatred was misguided. It's not the transgendered I hate (excluding the ones who were assholes to me) it's the white knights I hate. I'm being genuine when I say I like the transgendered content on here. I just can't stand the comment sections being full of white knights going ballistic and lynching people over a tiny insignificant mistake. I'm serious it's to the point where I want to blacklist it but I don't wish to miss out on the awesome content. I still stand by my claims of not supporting or accepting it but I still see you as people nonetheless. I'm being honest when I say I have no issues with co-existing and even befriending a transgendered person. I am really sorry if I offended anyone. I just want to put this whole thing behind me and move on.

    As someone who is transgender, I'd like to put my piece into this. I feel like your apology wasn't genuine in the sense that you're only sorry because you were called out on it. "I don't accept it or support it but you're still people" is contradictory in a sense, as not accepting it is not accepting the fact that transgender individuals suffer for their gender identity. I'm sorry if a few transgender people in the past wronged you, but thats not warranting of completely being unaccepting of all transgender people. Your experiences are valid, don't get me wrong, but the thing that irks me about your apology post was the "I still stand by my claims of not supporting or accepting it but I still see you as people nonetheless", because is it really seeing us as people if you don't accept us for who we are? Its got the same vibe as saying "i don't support the civil rights movement against racism and i don't accept it but ill see black people as people". Im not saying go donate a bunch of money to trans organisations, but I'd like an explanation by what you mean by "i don't accept/support but i see you as people", as its almost feels like "i don't think you are your gender identity and i don't think you should have these things to help you but ill be friends with you"

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  • puffleyiffler said:
    I love how 41% is “like 40 times higher” than 1%. Good job, buddy, you almost multiplied those numbers! And you only needed one of them to be 1!

    Also, while trans rights are the most important thing here, the anti-body-moding stance also kind of wrankles me a little. Guy spits “cut your dick off” like a curse, but like, it’s your body, so do with it what you want; you’re only responsible to you when you make decisions about how you want your body to be.

    Like I wonder if our almost mathematical friend has any other body mods that people need his consent for?

    It actually is 40 times higher than 1% 41 is 1 + 40*1. 40 times higher doesn't mean it's 40 times the original number. It means it's 40 times the original number, added on top of the original number. I'm sorry for nitpicking but I really had to write this ://

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  • I know I'm being hypocritical, but at least 100% of the people complaining about this image still saw an animal and immediately jacked off on impulse.

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  • justkhris said:
    came here for the cute drawing. left with crippling gender dysphoria. i fucking hate this website.

    Yeah, pretty much. People arent the best anymore

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  • I love how there's literal cub porn all over this website and yet somehow this is one of the most controversial images uploaded here in months. Furry drama is nothing if not entertaining I guess lmao

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  • puffleyiffler said:
    I love how 41% is “like 40 times higher” than 1%. Good job, buddy, you almost multiplied those numbers! And you only needed one of them to be 1!

    Also, while trans rights are the most important thing here, the anti-body-moding stance also kind of wrankles me a little. Guy spits “cut your dick off” like a curse, but like, it’s your body, so do with it what you want; you’re only responsible to you when you make decisions about how you want your body to be.

    Like I wonder if our almost mathematical friend has any other body mods that people need his consent for?

    Also, i love how they say shit like "41% will attempt suicide" as if its a curse. Over 70% of men will attempt suicide in their lifetime compared to women, but you dont see people having a fit about that lmao. Goes to show how biased people are and how desperate they are to try and tear trans people down

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  • Ya know, I always wandered why this seemingly random yet nice piece of art was so highly rated when someone looked up 'Gynomorph' and 'Order:score' I mean, It seemed like any old piece of art with a Nice mood.

    Yeah, I don't need to wander anymore, my sides are in orbit. . . And THEN THE DUDE CAME BACK AND MY SIDES WHERE OBLITERATED. Came for the good Art, Stayed for the Comedy, Stay classy Furries, stay classy.

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  • healthcat said:
    I support people changing their bodies to how they see fit, but where i draw the line is like ACTUAL GENETIC MANIPULATION, not just hormones and a snip snip or the inverse

    Well, from what I can tell, it is not even remotely close to being a thing as of present. We're not even there yet.

    buttseckz said:
    Ya know, I always wandered why this seemingly random yet nice piece of art was so highly rated when someone looked up 'Gynomorph' and 'Order:score' I mean, It seemed like any old piece of art with a Nice mood.

    Yeah, I don't need to wander anymore, my sides are in orbit. . . And THEN THE DUDE CAME BACK AND MY SIDES WHERE OBLITERATED. Came for the good Art, Stayed for the Comedy, Stay classy Furries, stay classy.

    Well said indeed. We can just resort back to the piece if all else fails.

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  • healthcat said:
    I support people changing their bodies to how they see fit, but where i draw the line is like ACTUAL GENETIC MANIPULATION, not just hormones and a snip snip or the inverse

    I disagree. If we don't do some genetic tomfoolery, we won't have supersoldiers like John-117.
    That's a sad reality. :C

    I also have a more serious argument. But this c-section is a botched operation. I'll save it for someone who actually wants it.

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  • So I'm actually curious.
    Why was I down voted?
    Was it me trying to make light of the situation?
    Was it my spoiler making people think I'm transphobic?
    Do people actually hate genetic manipulation/mutation?

    I've been downvoted for making crap jokes. That's okay.
    I'm just worried my sentiment was misunderstood.

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  • 11110100110101000111 said:
    So I'm actually curious.
    Why was I down voted?
    Was it me trying to make light of the situation?
    Was it my spoiler making people think I'm transphobic?
    Do people actually hate genetic manipulation/mutation?

    I've been downvoted for making crap jokes. That's okay.
    I'm just worried my sentiment was misunderstood.

    You care about downvotes that much? It's not like they do much at all either, besides functioning as a circlejerk and reaffirming people's belief that they're right even when they're not even close.

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  • It's odd how this of all posts became like a magnet for all the drama with transphobia in this site... Though i maybe missing another post that's more of active.

    But jeez, over 100 comments.

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  • benjiboyo said:
    It's odd how this of all posts became like a magnet for all the drama with transphobia in this site... Though i maybe missing another post that's more of active.

    But jeez, over 100 comments.

    I don't think people are upset about trans people because of the fact they're trans. But rather the fact that the community / movement / whatever has become increasingly more ridiculous and balls out insane over the years. Seems like every couple of years, they keep adding new letters to their acronym. First starting with LGB, then LGBT, then LGBTQ, then LGBTQ+, and now I'm seeing people call it the LGBTQIA.

    Then, of course, there's the issue of gender identification. Out of curiosity, I looked up a chart of how many genders apparently exist today... There were over 20...

    Even now, I still can not get a straight answer from anybody, on just what the actual fuck a "Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl" is supposed to be.

    Lastly, the utterly vitriolic hatred that the trans community seems to have towards anybody who does not wholly embrace their politics. If they find out you have a different opinion on the issue, they begin treating you like you're the scum of the earth; as in the case of J. K. Rowling.

    From an outsider perspective, the trans community does not appear to take itself seriously anymore. So why in the world should they expect anybody else to do so?


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  • I know it isn’t much, but for the trans folk that went through that hell. You’re valid, you’re loved, you don’t deserve to be devalued as humans for being your true selves.

    The fact this controversy exists at all is a testament to the amount of people who will openly speak ignorantly about an entire category of people they don’t know or care to understand, standing behind a mountain of meaningless drivel and unsubstantiated claims, drawing a blind eye to people
    who know more about this stuff than they ever will instead of opting to shut up and listen for a once in their sheltered lives.

    And to clear the air a little: holy crap she is adorable


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  • 11110100110101000111 said:
    So I'm actually curious.
    Why was I down voted?
    Was it me trying to make light of the situation?
    Was it my spoiler making people think I'm transphobic?
    Do people actually hate genetic manipulation/mutation?

    I've been downvoted for making crap jokes. That's okay.
    I'm just worried my sentiment was misunderstood.

    It's not just you. It seems like any comment that is even remotely contrary is getting downvoted to the point where it's hidden from view.

    Even my most recent comment where I tried to calmly explain the situation (that of being trans in and of itself was likely not the problem) is getting the same treatment.

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  • negamajora said:
    I don't think people are upset about trans people because of the fact they're trans. But rather the fact that the community / movement / whatever has become increasingly more ridiculous and balls out insane over the years. Seems like every couple of years, they keep adding new letters to their acronym. First starting with LGB, then LGBT, then LGBTQ, then LGBTQ+, and now I'm seeing people call it the LGBTQIA.

    Then, of course, there's the issue of gender identification. Out of curiosity, I looked up a chart of how many genders apparently exist today... There were over 20...

    Even now, I still can not get a straight answer from anybody, on just what the actual fuck a "Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl" is supposed to be.

    Lastly, the utterly vitriolic hatred that the trans community seems to have towards anybody who does not wholly embrace their politics. If they find out you have a different opinion on the issue, they begin treating you like you're the scum of the earth; as in the case of J. K. Rowling.

    From an outsider perspective, the trans community does not appear to take itself seriously anymore. So why in the world should they expect anybody else to do so?

    I don't care for the discourse honestly, i'm just both ammused and curious as to why this post in particular got the attention, probably should've worded the original thinng to stay abit more neuteral.

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  • benjiboyo said:
    I don't care for the discourse honestly, i'm just both ammused and curious as to why this post in particular got the attention, probably should've worded the original thinng to stay abit more neuteral.

    I imagine it might be due to a snowball effect. First person made a comment that the second person found offensive, and then things kept rolling down hill from there.

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  • negamajora said:
    I don't think people are upset about trans people because of the fact they're trans. But rather the fact that the community / movement / whatever has become increasingly more ridiculous and balls out insane over the years. Seems like every couple of years, they keep adding new letters to their acronym. First starting with LGB, then LGBT, then LGBTQ, then LGBTQ+, and now I'm seeing people call it the LGBTQIA.

    Then, of course, there's the issue of gender identification. Out of curiosity, I looked up a chart of how many genders apparently exist today... There were over 20...

    Even now, I still can not get a straight answer from anybody, on just what the actual fuck a "Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl" is supposed to be.

    Lastly, the utterly vitriolic hatred that the trans community seems to have towards anybody who does not wholly embrace their politics. If they find out you have a different opinion on the issue, they begin treating you like you're the scum of the earth; as in the case of J. K. Rowling.

    From an outsider perspective, the trans community does not appear to take itself seriously anymore. So why in the world should they expect anybody else to do so?

    That last part reminds me of what happened with Tabletop Simulator a few months ago.

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  • negamajora said:
    First starting with LGB, then LGBT, then LGBTQ, then LGBTQ+, and now I'm seeing people call it the LGBTQIA.

    I'm crawling up on 40 years old and I remember seeing all of these when I was just a kid. People who are pushing the narrative that the queer community keeps adding subcommunities are either lying to you or were never paying attention in the first place.

    The exception is "LGB" which is recent bigot invention specifically to divide and conquer the queer community. Don't fall for it.

    Gender reassignment surgery was invented in 1917. It's literally over one-hundred years old. It's not new.

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  • lonelylupine said:
    I'm crawling up on 40 years old and I remember seeing all of these when I was just a kid. People who are pushing the narrative that the queer community keeps adding subcommunities are either lying to you or were never paying attention in the first place.

    The exception is "LGB" which is recent bigot invention specifically to divide and conquer the queer community. Don't fall for it.

    Gender reassignment surgery was invented in 1917. It's literally over one-hundred years old. It's not new.

    I'm also in my mid 30's, so not too far off from you. Though granted, the internet was still a new concept around where I was growing up. Couldn't use the phone line and the internet at the same time.

    And I'm not arguing against sex change operations. If its male to female, or vice versa, that's fine. What I was commenting on, was the 18 or so other made up genders. I wasn't be snarky when I said "Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl" earlier. That was literally one of the options for what people can choose to identify as, and nobody has been willing or able to explain to me what the fuck that is. Despite the fact that my question is voiced out of genuine curiosity.

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  • negamajora said:
    Whoever the three people are that keep coming here and downvoting comments until they get hidden, you need to grow the fuck up. If you get this upset over people not immediately kissing your feet and worshiping the ground you walk on, you're going to be severely disappointed by the real world. Some of us are asking legitimate questions, and making valid counter arguments. If you don't want to see them, then stop delving into the comment section and scroll back up to the porn.

    It could just be, and hear me out, that a largely LGBT positive community doesn't actually put any value in your words or "genuine questions" and generally just consider you to be a dislikable person which most of us do. Most people don't tend to answer the "genuine questions" of people who can't be bothered to look up the research and preface their "totally genuine questions" with shitting all over the gender queer community.
    Hope that helps! UwU
    Edit: It's also super hilarious you're triggered over downvotes when you are the single person keeping this thread alive!


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  • ep1994 said:
    It could just be, and hear me out, that a largely LGBT positive community doesn't actually put any value in your words or "genuine questions" and generally just consider you to be a dislikable person which most of us do.

    Then they are idiots. If you want to be accepted and tolerated, you don't go about it by shunning anybody who questions your stance on the issue. The fact that some of us are actually curious enough to learn more about them should be a cause for celebration.

    I already said a couple times that I don't care about whether somebody is trans, in the sense of identifying as male or female. That's fine and normal. But I refuse to blindly accept the concept of 20 something other genders that don't exist in nature, if the very people who invented those genders are either unwilling, or outright incapable of explaining to me what those genders are supposed to be.

    Again, I'm not outright denouncing the existence of trans people. I am genuinely trying to learn more about them and figure them out. Asking questions was how I eventually grew to understand and accept people being gay, even though the community I was raised in kept telling me gay people were sick in the head, and I should avoid them at all costs.

    If the trans community wants the 'bigots' to overcome their prejudices, then stop trying to chase them off when they come around asking for more information.

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  • negamajora said:
    Then they are idiots. If you want to be accepted and tolerated, you don't go about it by shunning anybody who questions your stance on the issue. The fact that some of us are actually curious enough to learn more about them should be a cause for celebration.

    I already said a couple times that I don't care about whether somebody is trans, in the sense of identifying as male or female. That's fine and normal. But I refuse to blindly accept the concept of 20 something other genders that don't exist in nature, if the very people who invented those genders are either unwilling, or outright incapable of explaining to me what those genders are supposed to be.

    Again, I'm not outright denouncing the existence of trans people. I am genuinely trying to learn more about them and figure them out. Asking questions was how I eventually grew to understand and accept people being gay, even though the community I was raised in kept telling me gay people were sick in the head, and I should avoid them at all costs.

    If the trans community wants the 'bigots' to overcome their prejudices, then stop trying to chase them off when they come around asking for more information.

    I'm just clarifying why there might be cause for the trans community not to really care whether or not if you think they're valid. I mean like, it ain't anyone's job to hold your hand.

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  • ep1994 said:
    I'm just clarifying why there might be cause for the trans community not to really care whether or not if you think they're valid. I mean like, it ain't anyone's job to hold your hand.

    It's not hand holding, and anybody who believes otherwise needs to dislodge their head from their ass. Of course people will never be able to understand them, if they aren't willing to answer questions.

    If they can not, or will not explain to us what they themselves personally identify as, then they have absolutely no right whatsoever to berate and chastise us for not immediately accepting it.

    This is supposed to be their own personal identity. If they can't figure out what it means, then how the hell is anybody else supposed to?

    Again, this is how I overcame my prejudice towards homosexuality. I approached them, asked them questions about their lives. I hung out with them and made friends. I got to know them beyond the rumors and superstitions that my community had conditioned me to believe.

    But it seems like I can't do that with the trans community. Because any time somebody asks them a question that seems too difficult, their first instinct is to choose violence, and screech about how we're all a bunch of bigots.

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  • ep1994 said:

    For the record I really don't give a fuck about your opinion. If you want to remain in ignorance

    Except I don't want to remain in ignorance, you moron. The entire point of asking questions is to acquire information and become more educated. How the hell is this so hard to get through your skull?

    And if the only response you can muster up for somebody wanting to learn more about the community is effectively "google that shit," then you come across as overly smug and arrogant.

    Taking your advice, I just typed "what is a tri-gendered demiboy" into the search bar, and it came back with a result of "somebody who partially identifies as a boy or man."

    Once again, I ask you, or somebody else in the comment section to explain what that is supposed to mean, especially when it's prefaced by 'Tri-Gender', meaning you have 3 other genders in that equation that you have to sift through.

    I am putting in a genuine effort to learn more about the community. But if they are this outright hostile towards outsiders, and tight lipped when it comes to answering questions, then they're not exactly giving off a good impression to the rest of the world. If anything, they're only serving to reinforce the negative stereotypes the so called 'bigots' are saying about them.

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  • negamajora said:
    Except I don't want to remain in ignorance, you moron. The entire point of asking questions is to acquire information and become more educated. How the hell is this so hard to get through your skull?

    And if the only response you can muster up for somebody wanting to learn more about the community is effectively "google that shit," then you come across as overly smug and arrogant.

    Taking your advice, I just typed "what is a tri-gendered demiboy" into the search bar, and it came back with a result of "somebody who partially identifies as a boy or man."

    Once again, I ask you, or somebody else in the comment section to explain what that is supposed to mean, especially when it's prefaced by 'Tri-Gender', meaning you have 3 other genders in that equation that you have to sift through.

    I am putting in a genuine effort to learn more about the community. But if they are this outright hostile towards outsiders, and tight lipped when it comes to answering questions, then they're not exactly giving off a good impression to the rest of the world. If anything, they're only serving to reinforce the negative stereotypes the so called 'bigots' are saying about them.

    It's so incredibly simple. When you insult them by saying you don't "take them seriously" and then demand they explain it to you, then why should they? You really want answers do the research and stop asking the people you disrespect to educate you.
    If that is that difficult of a concept, that people don't jump at the opportunity to educate someone who is being insulting to them then I don't know what to tell you.
    Either learn how to treat us with the same dignity as any other human being and ask in good faith, or take it upon yourself to learn.
    That is all the guidance I can offer you. Anything else you decide is within your own power.

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  • ep1994 said:
    It's so incredibly simple. When you insult them by saying you don't "take them seriously" and then demand they explain it to you, then why should they? You really want answers do the research and stop asking the people you disrespect to educate you.

    I don't take them seriously, because as I said previously, they don't appear to take themselves seriously. Demanding an explanation for their gender identity politics is not a sign of bigotry. It is a perfectly reasonable and sound minded reaction. Because if we allow these people to just make up new identities on the spot, without some sort of oversight, then that opens up the flood gates for an unrelenting deluge of insanity.

    And I told you, I did attempt to do my research. I used the internet to look up what it meant, just like you told me to. And the answer I got was vague AF, and refused to elaborate further on the subject. So imagine my frustration when I came back here, hoping to get a more in depth explanation, only for you to tell me to go back to the internet and try again.

    I've asked multiple times over and over for an explanation on Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl, and all I'm getting back from it is downvotes, and people telling me how much of a bad person I am. So of course, I'm not going to recognize it as a legitimate gender identity. As it currently stands, I'm going to assume that whoever made that list was probably a troll, and just pulled a bunch of options out of their ass to see if anybody would fall for it.


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  • negamajora said:
    I don't take them seriously, because as I said previously, they don't appear to take themselves seriously. Demanding an explanation for their gender identity politics is not a sign of bigotry. It is a perfectly reasonable and sound minded reaction. Because if we allow these people to just make up new identities on the spot, without some sort of oversight, then that opens up the flood gates for an unrelenting deluge of insanity.

    And I told you, I did attempt to do my research. I used the internet to look up what it meant, just like you told me to. And the answer I got was vague AF, and refused to elaborate further on the subject. So imagine my frustration when I came back here, hoping to get a more in depth explanation, only for you to tell me to go back to the internet and try again.

    I've asked multiple times over and over for an explanation on Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl, and all I'm getting back from it is downvotes, and people telling me how much of a bad person I am. So of course, I'm not going to recognize it as a legitimate gender identity. As it currently stands, I'm going to assume that whoever made that list was probably a troll, and just pulled a bunch of options out of their ass to see if anybody would fall for it.

    And demanding education from you people you personally believe to "not take themselves seriously" doesn't mean you are entitled to answers, especially when you insult them.
    We can go around and around but like I said, I don't give a fuck what you think or believe. It's just utterly asinine to demand interaction from people you insult. If you want to hate and talk shit on whatever gender on the spectrum that's up to you.
    I am just saying, stop being surprised when they talk shit back. It's. That. Fucking. Simple.

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  • ep1994 said:
    And demanding education from you people you personally believe to "not take themselves seriously" doesn't mean you are entitled to answers, especially when you insult them.
    We can go around and around but like I said, I don't give a fuck what you think or believe. It's just utterly asinine to demand interaction from people you insult. If you want to hate and talk shit on whatever gender on the spectrum that's up to you.
    I am just saying, stop being surprised when they talk shit back. It's. That. Fucking. Simple.

    So asking what someone's gender identity means they're hating on them or talking shit and they're not "entitled" to answers.

    Good to know.

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  • werideatdawn said:
    So asking what someone's gender identity means is hating on them or talking shit and they're not "entitled" to answers.

    Good to know.

    Insulting people is not simply asking. It is amazing how you keep skimming over that part. If you're not even willing to acknowledge the point where you have continually degraded the concept of gender identity throughout this thread then you are not worth the my time or any other trans persons. If you believe you deserve conversation from those you cannot respect, then I sincerely hope you learn to better yourself and become more open minded and accepting of your fellow humans.
    You should remember to sign out of your alt account next time btw.

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  • ep1994 said:
    Insulting people is not simply asking. It is amazing how you keep skimming over that part. If you're not even willing to acknowledge the point where you have continually degraded the concept of gender identity throughout this thread then you are not worth the my time or any other trans persons. If you believe you deserve conversation from those you cannot respect. I sincerely hope you learn to better yourself and become more open minded and accepting of your fellow humans.

    In terms of insults, you guys threw the first punch. Me pointing out the fact you refuse to elaborate on one of your gender identity options, an identity that these people apparently take so much pride in, and invest great personal attachment to, was not being insulting.

    To twist your own logic against you, I could hypothetically come out right now and say that I personally identify as "Hyper Ultra Dragon-Cat-Man" and refuse to go into any further details beyond that. But if you don't blindly accept me as such, and respect my identification, then you are a close minded bigot, and a toxic community member.

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  • Jesus balls christ. Its full blown aids in here.

    Why cant people just let people identify as who they are and respect it ffs. It doesnt effect you regardless if you dont understand it or think theres "too many". Friendly reminder whenever someone complains about there being too many genders we add 5 more.

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  • negamajora said:
    As it currently stands, I'm going to assume that whoever made that list was probably a troll, and just pulled a bunch of options out of their ass to see if anybody would fall for it.

    I'll assume it's as real as troll romance.
    & we get downvoted because there are poor trolls out there without a kismesis.

    So... don't feed romance the trolls? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  • zer0rebel4 said:
    Jesus balls christ. Its full blown aids in here.

    Why cant people just let people identify as who they are and respect it ffs. It doesnt effect you regardless if you dont understand it or think theres "too many". Friendly reminder whenever someone complains about there being too many genders we add 5 more.

    His argument is that they don't attempt to explain what they themselves identify as to those that are genuinely asking and don't understand. Yet they demand people respect said identity and call people bigots and transphobes if they inevitably don't 100% accept something they don't know or understand.

    All EP is doing is proving Nega right about how the trans community can be pretty hostile (or at least has a vocal minority on that end). While getting upset over downvotes wasn't worth it on Nega's end, EP is being condescending, arrogant, and overall hostile themselves when Nega has a legitimate grievance.

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  • werideatdawn said:
    His argument is that they don't attempt to explain what they themselves identify as to those that are genuinely asking and don't understand. Yet they demand people respect said identity and call people bigots and transphobes if they inevitably don't 100% accept something they don't know or understand.

    All EP is doing is proving Nega right about how the trans community can be pretty hostile (or at least has a vocal minority on that end). While getting upset over downvotes wasn't worth it on Nega's end, EP is being condescending, arrogant, and overall hostile themselves when Nega has a legitimate grievance.

    I mean. People have google. And most people ive met have no issue explaining what their gender means. And yes, it is a vocal minority, however, my argument for that is that we have stayed silent for decades. Centuries even. How is change supposed to happen if we stay silent, yknow? Im not saying hostility is the answer, because it isnt, but we shouldnt be expected to just not be vocal

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  • zer0rebel4 said:
    I mean. People have google. And most people ive met have no issue explaining what their gender means. And yes, it is a vocal minority, however, my argument for that is that we have stayed silent for decades. Centuries even. How is change supposed to happen if we stay silent, yknow? Im not saying hostility is the answer, because it isnt, but we shouldnt be expected to just not be vocal

    Google failed to provide sufficient information. I already said that twice. So I came back here, hoping to get a clearer explanation, and people effectively told me to piss off and figure it out on my own.

    It's nice to hear you met people who have no trouble explaining their gender. But that's not the experience that I've been subjected to. When I come around asking them to clarify things, they seem to either be unwilling, or just incapable of doing so.

    These people are demanding that me and everyone else acknowledge and accept something which we don't understand, while at the same time refusing to help us understand. Yet they accuse us of bigotry, for calling them out on such behavior.


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  • negamajora said:
    Google failed to provide sufficient information. I already said that twice. So I came back here, hoping to get a clearer explanation, and people effectively told me to piss off and figure it out on my own.

    It's nice to hear you met people who have no trouble explaining their gender. But that's not the experience that I've been subjected to. When I come around asking them to clarify things, they seem to either be unwilling, or just incapable of doing so.

    These people are demanding that me and everyone else acknowledge and accept something which we don't understand, while at the same time refusing to help us understand. Yet they accuse us of bigotry, for calling them out on such behavior.

    Then im sorry you dealt with that, but in all honesty i have trouble believing you. I hear this all the time from people, the "i was just asking a question" excuse. Again, you have google. Also what is a sufficient answer to you? I can look up the term demigirl and it gives me the definition (someone who feels partially female and partially non-binary). I dont understand what else you need to know, i genuinely dont.

    Edit: ALSO. There are plenty of things i dont understand but still respect. I dont understand religion whatsoever. But i respect it. Just cause you "dont understand" something doesnt mean you shouldnt respect it. If you dont understand it, thats not our fault.

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  • zer0rebel4 said:
    Then im sorry you dealt with that, but in all honesty i have trouble believing you. I hear this all the time from people, the "i was just asking a question" excuse. Again, you have google. Also what is a sufficient answer to you? I can look up the term demigirl and it gives me the definition (someone who feels partially female and partially non-binary). I dont understand what else you need to know, i genuinely dont.

    Edit: ALSO. There are plenty of things i dont understand but still respect. I dont understand religion whatsoever. But i respect it. Just cause you "dont understand" something doesnt mean you shouldnt respect it. If you dont understand it, thats not our fault.

    Seriously? You have trouble believing me? Just click to reveal hidden comments and scroll back up to read my posts. You'll see it plain as day.

    Also, you seem to be a tad confused by what we mean about not understanding it. It's not that we 'don't get it' from an ideological standpoint. It's that we don't understand the process of how it is recognized, or is intended to be portrayed.

    In other words, I understand that they identify as an extra gender. What I do not understand is what that gender is supposed to be. How do they perceive the world around them, how do they interact with it, what makes them different from the others, est. That is what we would like clarified for us. But apparently, helping us figure that out is considered too much trouble, and they'd much rather just lash out in anger at the very people who are making an effort to understand them.

    Edit: It's not just demi boy / girl that I was asking about, it was "Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl", meaning that there were 3 genders which the subject identified as, plus a 4th gender that they partially identified as.

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  • negamajora said:
    Seriously? You have trouble believing me? Just click to reveal hidden comments and scroll back up to read my posts. You'll see it plain as day.

    Also, you seem to be a tad confused by what we mean about not understanding it. It's not that we 'don't get it' from an ideological standpoint. It's that we don't understand the process of how it is recognized, or is intended to be portrayed.

    In other words, I understand that they identify as an extra gender. What I do not understand is what that gender is supposed to be. How do they perceive the world around them, how do they interact with it, what makes them different from the others, est. That is what we would like clarified for us. But apparently, helping us figure that out is considered too much trouble, and they'd much rather just lash out in anger at the very people who are making an effort to understand them.

    Edit: It's not just demi boy / girl that I was asking about, it was "Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl", meaning that there were 3 genders which the subject identified as, plus a 4th gender that they partially identified as.

    The only reason i have trouble believing you is from my own experiences. You have your experiences that have caused you to feel that way about people and their gender, and i have my own experiences as ive had cis people lash out in anger when i try to explain my experiences.

    Again, im sorry that people are like that and decide that instead of explaining to lash out, cause that does happen, but it shouldnt represent all of us.

    Im not non-binary, so i cant understand what its like to be what is described, but it seems you somewhat understand their definition due to you explaining it in your edit.

    Gender is just a part of people, and it can be complex. People interact with their gender differently and for some people, its a touchy subject. I know when people bring up things like "what is it like to be a trans guy" or "what is it like to have a vagina and be a boy" i get fairly uncomfortable because its not something i want to explain. Some people arent comfortable explaining their gender and thats okay, we shouldnt blame them or get upset that they dont want to explain it just yet. Maybe they dont trust you yet, or are questioning themselves. Im not saying anger is the answer, because it isnt, but i dont think that people should be pissed because someones possibly not comfortable explaining something yet. Id rather someone just look up things about trans men than have me explain it because i dont always feel comfortable explaining it. But, it is what it is. Im not responding after this, im not putting any more effort into this.

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  • ewan_j_redding said:
    Hey, buddy, actual biology major here. If you're referring to X and Y chromosomes, and I'd say there's a pretty good chance you are because there are a lot of people out there who seem to think they're being clever by pointing out their existence in some petty attempt to delegitimize transfolk, then I'd suggest you read up on Swyer and de la Chapelle syndromes, also known as XY Female and XX Male syndromes, respectively. This is BIO 101, literally entry level stuff you can read about in readily available textbooks. Chromosomes are simply not the infallible determinators they are often made out to be, and should not be used to deny transfolk the ability to transition medically or socially, both of which have been proven repeatedly in reputable studies to improve their qualities of life. Kindly stop using my field of study as a tool to validate your irrational hatred of transgender people.

    More than that, I am a cisgender gay dude myself, I've moderated for LGBT+ forums, and many of my closest friends are transgender, and never once has any of them questioned my sexuality and seriously tried to convince me I'm a straight woman. What on Earth are you on about?

    And finally, your miserable experiences with transfolk might have more to do with your blatant disregard for their identities and even humanity, given that you seem to think it's okay to refer to them with transphobic slurs. Have you ever considered that the way you feel about having your sexuality called into question is exactly the same way transfolk feel when people repeatedly screw up their pronouns, and often not even by accident? Get a sense of perspective and empathy.

    zer0rebel4 said:
    Then im sorry you dealt with that, but in all honesty i have trouble believing you. I hear this all the time from people, the "i was just asking a question" excuse. Again, you have google. Also what is a sufficient answer to you? I can look up the term demigirl and it gives me the definition (someone who feels partially female and partially non-binary). I dont understand what else you need to know, i genuinely dont.

    Edit: ALSO. There are plenty of things i dont understand but still respect. I dont understand religion whatsoever. But i respect it. Just cause you "dont understand" something doesnt mean you shouldnt respect it. If you dont understand it, thats not our fault.

    I'm just here for the lol comments and dont wanna join the trashfire but Religion and a medical conditions are terrible methaphors for this because one is something modern secular society is built on you not having to belive in and the other is something going wrong in development.

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  • pro_nown said:
    Sigh… I don’t get why everyone’s gotta be so adherent to some “natural order” that arbitrarily says we can’t decide that our genes don’t really vibe with us and get as far away from them as possible.

    What gets me with most sexual xenophobia (there’s a better word for that) it’s “not natural”. Come on our devices made up of concentrations of elements that would never occur in nature, eating our, let’s say, cob of corn, which has been trained for generations just to suit us.

    As I see it, this world is ours to do whatever we want with provided no life suffers. And the only thing that’s suffering from trans people’s existence is your “sensibilities” and worldview

    I mean, trans people are natural, everything humans do is natural, the Earth did make us and we are animals sooo.

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  • fur_rulz said:
    Never humans have never been good! We are maybe the worst animal the Earth has ever made!

    Cool down the misanthropy. There are anthro's that might get upset!

    negamajora said:
    Edit: It's not just demi boy / girl that I was asking about, it was "Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl", meaning that there were 3 genders which the subject identified as, plus a 4th gender that they partially identified as.

    I *might* have a decent explanation for the other genders outside the binary ones. The binary genders, like the "demi" ones, are mostly self explanatory. I found the google explanation useful. So I leave that to you.

    So for a long time being depressed/anxious or whatever, I had a hard time identifying as "people."
    That's essentially how I got into being furry. A closet one at that since I'm still figuring out "friendship."
    The idea was that if I couldn't imagine becoming a better "human" with a decent future, then I could at least imagine becoming a better "being."
    If I understand right, that's how, at least, a large minority of the furry community is.
    Some people just end up so deep in that mental knot, due to trauma, mistreatment, & such, that they take it on as a literal part of their self.
    It's a lot like a persona. It's a form of coping.

    Going by how gender dysphoria is still included in the DSM-5 due to comorbid associations, I'd say a good reason to play along is the same reason you shouldn't try to snap a schizophrenic to reality. Bad comparison, but you get the idea. If the mentality doesn't result in some form of violence, many times you just have to let them do the thing. Maybe you don't "accept it in your heart," but at the minimum you present a sympathetic response & not shoot down the walls that someone suffering has so painstakingly put up.

    Obviously I don't speak for everyone. But AFAIK, gender identities tend to clear up alongside improving mental health. It's very common in psychiatry, psychology, & therapy.
    & one interesting thing I've learned is that being overweight increases estrogen production. So your physical health can be involved as well.

    For everyone else who is gender dysphoric &/or uses some specific identity, who nonetheless doesn't qualify as mentally ill, obese with excess estrogen production, having a chromosomal, congenital, &/or developmental disorder, or having some other type of glandular problem, that's where my explanation ends.
    I don't have an answer for that.


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  • 11110100110101000111 said:
    Cool down the misanthropy. There are anthro's that might get upset!

    I *might* have a decent explanation for the other genders outside the binary ones. The binary genders, like the "demi" ones, are mostly self explanatory. I found the google explanation useful. So I leave that to you.

    So for a long time being depressed/anxious or whatever, I had a hard time identifying as "people."
    That's essentially how I got into being furry. A closet one at that since I'm still figuring out "friendship."
    The idea was that if I couldn't imagine becoming a better "human" with a decent future, then I could at least imagine becoming a better "being."
    If I understand right, that's how, at least, a large minority of the furry community is.
    Some people just end up so deep in that mental knot, due to trauma, mistreatment, & such, that they take it on as a literal part of their self.
    It's a lot like a persona. It's a form of coping.

    Going by how gender dysphoria is still considered a mental illness, I'd say a good reason to play along is the same reason you shouldn't try to snap a schizophrenic to reality. Bad comparison, but you get the idea. If the mentality doesn't result in some form of violence, many times you just have to let them do the thing. Maybe you don't "accept it in your heart," but at the minimum you present a sympathetic response & not shoot down the walls that someone suffering has so painstakingly put up.

    Obviously I don't speak for everyone. But AFAIK, gender identities tend to clear up alongside improving mental health. It's very common in psychiatry, psychology, & therapy.
    & one interesting thing I've learned is that being overweight increases androgen production. So your physical health can be involved as well.

    For everyone else who is gender dysphoric &/or uses some specific identity, who nonetheless doesn't qualify as mentally ill, obese with excess androgen production, having a chromosomal, congenital, &/or developmental disorder, or having some other type of glandular problem, that's where my explanation ends.
    I don't have an answer for that.

    And then every muscular nonbinary/TS/third gender person evaporates into thin air.

    People are born all the time with hormonal balances/imbalances that are “abnormal” on a binary scale. Yes, behavioral and extraneous factors after birth can cause fluctuations, but in general it’s not a very concrete metric even across people of the same gender. (see: tomboys and tomgirls)

    I think the problem we as humans keep approaching is that because we label the things about each other that are curiously unique as illnesses (a word with an inherent negative connotation) we are quick to assume they are erroneous aspects that need to be corrected. Homophobia and even xenophobia and racism derive from this classification, and thus a broken record of misunderstanding loops indefinitely.

    As for mental health, just assuming that everyone who self-identifies as nonbinary in one way or another as mentally ill and trying to “fix” them is inherently harmful in itself. If we really believe that overall mental health is the issue (which it isn’t considering the pervasiveness of non-binary identity over the course of mankind’s existence, but I digress), we should then focus on making mental healthcare better for everyone instead of singling certain people out and pointing fingers, catching stable people (of all types) in the crossfire.

    …Nice art, by the way.

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  • Mmhm discourse, my favorite.

    Gotta love how humans are both complicated and stupid. So while some are born with legitimate mutations that make us different in both mind and body, there's also those who just want to be special and self-diagnose themselves as they see fit. Finding the thin line between them gets harder each day

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  • umbreoff said:

    I debate.

    And then every muscular nonbinary/TS/third gender person evaporates into thin air.

    People are born all the time with hormonal balances/imbalances that are “abnormal” on a binary scale. Yes, behavioral and extraneous factors after birth can cause fluctuations, but in general it’s not a very concrete metric even across people of the same gender. (see: tomboys and tomgirls)

    I think the problem we as humans keep approaching is that because we label the things about each other that are curiously unique as illnesses (a word with an inherent negative connotation) we are quick to assume they are erroneous aspects that need to be corrected. Homophobia and even xenophobia and racism derive from this classification, and thus a broken record of misunderstanding loops indefinitely.

    As for mental health, just assuming that everyone who self-identifies as nonbinary in one way or another as mentally ill and trying to “fix” them is inherently harmful in itself. If we really believe that overall mental health is the issue (which it isn’t considering the pervasiveness of non-binary identity over the course of mankind’s existence, but I digress), we should then focus on making mental healthcare better for everyone instead of singling certain people out and pointing fingers, catching stable people (of all types) in the crossfire.

    …Nice art, by the way.

    I also debate.

    I'm not sure where you get off on accusing me of extrapolating to every gender dysphoric (GD)/nonbinary person. I didn't even allude to such.
    I stated "AFAIK, gender identities >tend to< clear up alongside improving mental health." Which is probably true.
    Tend to does not mean guaranteed.
    I gave a personal anecdote, then went on to mention mental health as a possible cause/contributor to GD as correlation to that anecdote. You know, because anecdotes on their own don't qualify as evidence/argument.

    Yes. I agree. I stated hormonal [im]balances as a potential cause of GD. In fact, I mentioned multiple potential causes &/or contributors.

    Where did I say GD specifically needed to be corrected? I suggested that there are pre-existing conditions that may lead to GD, & that by treating those conditions, not GD, then GD may clear on its own.
    Part of the approval process for gender reassignment is addressing pre-existing conditions & determining which came first. Chicken or egg ordeal.
    This process is extremely important for the adequate treatment of all the conditions I mentioned.

    I don't assume anything. Again. I listed many possible reasons one may be GD.
    I did some refresh reading & realized my mistake. GD is not considered a mental illness. (Will be edited. Apologies.)
    However. It is still included in the DSM-5 due to a multitude of associations. & while GD is explicitly stated as not being a mental illness in itself, that doesn't rule out pre-existing conditions that may contribute to it.
    There are reasons for GD occurring. "There is a method to the madness."

    I also never suggested anyone should be "fixed." I did suggest emotional support. If that's fixing to you, then please enlighten me on how to support you &/or others suffering this condition.
    I never suggested overall mental health was the sole/main issue. I repeat. I suggested it was a possible cause/contributor.
    I am well aware of the very high likelihood that hormonal [im]balances, among other possible conditions, occurred in people throughout history.

    I believe people can do whatever they desire to their bodies. My level of approval is irrelevant to the matter. I actually went out of my way to exclude my level of approval for GD people.
    I even capped with the fact that I don't have an answer, any idea/notion, as to how GD works for people who don't meet the criterion for any condition I mentioned.
    I apparently didn't put in enough effort. Possibly due to utilizing an anecdote leading into the blunder I made.

    In case you think I read bunk articles. I regularly choose NCBI as my source of information on biology/psychology. Last updated 5/5/22 as of posting.

    Ye! The art is great. :)


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  • sexygaydragon said:
    I can't and I refuse. I refuse because you tranny shitbags keep bullying me and invalidating my homosexuality. Almost every single tranny I've talked to has told me I'm not really a gay male but a straight female. They tell me there's no such thing as homosexuality. I am not transgendered and I never will be. I am a homosexual male and proud of it. My hatred is justified. I wanted to keep quiet and not say anything but I'm done being hated on. Just for the record while I don't accept or support it nothing's keeping me from coexisting with transgendered people and even being friends with one. I have met very very few decent ones who didn't immediately bitch at me for using the wrong pronoun. You guys need to realize it isn't obvious to the rest of us so quit getting on our cases so fucking hard. Also realize that you can't change biology no matter what.

    I'll take 'Things That Didn't Happen' for 500, Alex.

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  • yiff7996 said:
    Kinda sucks how easy it is to stir shit on this site. Now anybody who favorites this picture has to avoid the transphobia in the comments.

    Would be nice to have the option to hide replies to low scoring comments as well as the comment itself. Cause even if it's hidden you can still usually read it quoted in the replies.

    It's easy. I recently discovered this myself. In the blacklist type user:username and you will cease to see the comments of anyone you designate. In fact I just did that here because someone was trying to stir the pot again repling to old comments.

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  • First, I love this image for many reasons <33 Amazing colors, design, style, and sexy dialogue ////

    I never post comments but I thought I should give a bit of my own insight as far as the trans discussion goes. I'm a bi male, I'm not trans myself, but one day I was walking around the mall with my boyfriend and I noticed that when I walk into the men's section of Dillard's I feel more relaxed. The various styles of fashion for lightly to moderately masculine tastes made me feel comfortable, and I could see myself wearing most of what that part of the store has to offer. After which, I noticed that my boyfriend feels the same way about the back section of Hot Topic with all the skirts, jewelry, and other fashion you find in that store.

    That day I realized that if people can feel positive feelings towards clothes, then it implies that people can feel negative feelings towards clothes as well. I thought to myself "perhaps this is what transgender people are talking about, except it's not just clothes, it's their bodies too". I don't know what all trans people go through and I don't think I ever will, but in this small way I think I understand a little bit. Please, let's stop fighting; people disagree on many things simply because they don't have the same experiences, but life doesn't need to be a warzone because of it. Happy pride month everyone.

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  • negamajora said:
    I don't take them seriously, because as I said previously, they don't appear to take themselves seriously. Demanding an explanation for their gender identity politics is not a sign of bigotry. It is a perfectly reasonable and sound minded reaction. Because if we allow these people to just make up new identities on the spot, without some sort of oversight, then that opens up the flood gates for an unrelenting deluge of insanity.

    And I told you, I did attempt to do my research. I used the internet to look up what it meant, just like you told me to. And the answer I got was vague AF, and refused to elaborate further on the subject. So imagine my frustration when I came back here, hoping to get a more in depth explanation, only for you to tell me to go back to the internet and try again.

    I've asked multiple times over and over for an explanation on Tri-Gendered Demi Boy / Girl, and all I'm getting back from it is downvotes, and people telling me how much of a bad person I am. So of course, I'm not going to recognize it as a legitimate gender identity. As it currently stands, I'm going to assume that whoever made that list was probably a troll, and just pulled a bunch of options out of their ass to see if anybody would fall for it.

    You don't have the right to demand answers or explanations from anyone when you're a sad, pathetic, simple minded, bigoted person. You wouldn't have the audacity to come up to a trans irl and tell them what you are saying here directly to their face. Do us all a favor, shut up, and touch grass. Your kind ain't welcome here. The same goes for all the other transphobic folk present. You all use the anonymity of the Internet to pick fights in order to make yourself feel like a big shot due to your failures out in the real world, but the true test is when you encounter a trans out in the real world. Something tells me you wouldn't have the balls to approach them and demand explanations. I rest my case. Trans people are sure as hell legitimate, and as a queer man I will fight to the death to make sure my LGBT brothers and sisters are treated as fucking people.


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  • stavinair_caeruleum said:
    You don't have the right to demand answers or explanations from anyone when you're a sad, pathetic, simple minded, bigoted person. You wouldn't have the audacity to come up to a trans irl and tell them what you are saying here directly to their face. Do us all a favor, shut up, and touch grass. Your kind ain't welcome here. The same goes for all the other transphobic folk present. You all use the anonymity of the Internet to pick fights in order to make yourself feel like a big shot due to your failures out in the real world, but the true test is when you encounter a trans out in the real world. Something tells me you wouldn't have the balls to approach them and demand explanations. I rest my case. Trans people are sure as hell legitimate, and as a queer man I will fight to the death to make sure my LGBT brothers and sisters are treated as fucking people.

    You know what? Screw it, I don't care anymore. I do not care if you or anybody else thinks that I'm a 'bigot' or 'close minded.' Asking questions is the exact opposite of being close minded, and making a genuine attempt to learn more about people is the furthest thing away from being bigoted. I made an honest, genuine attempt to get to know these people, and they have made it explicitly clear in no uncertain terms that they want nothing to do with anybody who doesn't hang on their every word like it was the written gospel!

    So you go ahead, call me a 'close minded bigot' if you want to. I am well past the point of caring about your feelings now.

    Edit: Oh, and just to let you know, I don't give a crap if somebody is homosexual or not. Just look through my favorites list and you'll see I have nearly 80,000 pics from both genders favorited.


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  • stavinair_caeruleum said:
    You don't have the right to demand answers or explanations from anyone when you're a sad, pathetic, simple minded, bigoted person. You wouldn't have the audacity to come up to a trans irl and tell them what you are saying here directly to their face. Do us all a favor, shut up, and touch grass. Your kind ain't welcome here. The same goes for all the other transphobic folk present. You all use the anonymity of the Internet to pick fights in order to make yourself feel like a big shot due to your failures out in the real world, but the true test is when you encounter a trans out in the real world. Something tells me you wouldn't have the balls to approach them and demand explanations. I rest my case. Trans people are sure as hell legitimate, and as a queer man I will fight to the death to make sure my LGBT brothers and sisters are treated as fucking people.

    We don’t talk about discourse, no, no, no. We don’t talk about discourse!

    Edit: See comment below for clarification


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  • dot_dot_dot said:
    Having read all the comments just wanna say thanks Millcore if you happen to see this. You're doing good work.

    Millcore and the other mods here are fantastic. Very friendly and patient, unless you break the rules :p

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  • werideatdawn said:
    We don’t talk about discourse, no, no, no. We don’t talk about discourse!

    I've actually been talking to NegaMajora through messages, and it looks like he genuinely does want to know and isn't just being a troll. For real, he's actually really friendly! I think it really is a case of taking his question wrong and both sides escalating needlessly. I don't mind the potentially offensive questions, so I can hopefully help him figure out the answers he wants. Meanwhile, let's all get back to enjoying some sexy pupper dicks, ye? <3

    (I am trans and like to think I have a decent understanding of it from a medical and scientific perspective, in case anyone's wondering).

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  • elori said:
    I've actually been talking to NegaMajora through messages, and it looks like he genuinely does want to know and isn't just being a troll. For real, he's actually really friendly! I think it really is a case of taking his question wrong and both sides escalating needlessly. I don't mind the potentially offensive questions, so I can hopefully help him figure out the answers he wants. Meanwhile, let's all get back to enjoying some sexy pupper dicks, ye? <3

    (I am trans and like to think I have a decent understanding of it from a medical and scientific perspective, in case anyone's wondering).

    Yeah, I agree with you on that. I was just referencing a song from Encanto and having a little bit of fun about how the guy blew up at Nega, escalating it like you said and not even attempting to understand his point of view (if he even read it at all).

    Probably should've made it more clear that I wasn't actually against the discourse, but eh.


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  • elori said:
    I've actually been talking to NegaMajora through messages, and it looks like he genuinely does want to know and isn't just being a troll. For real, he's actually really friendly! I think it really is a case of taking his question wrong and both sides escalating needlessly. I don't mind the potentially offensive questions, so I can hopefully help him figure out the answers he wants. Meanwhile, let's all get back to enjoying some sexy pupper dicks, ye? <3

    (I am trans and like to think I have a decent understanding of it from a medical and scientific perspective, in case anyone's wondering).

    Yes, and thank you for actually making an effort to provide some sense of clarity for the questions I had. You're a far sight more pleasant to deal with than the rest of the people in these comments.

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  • negamajora said:
    Yes, and thank you for actually making an effort to provide some sense of clarity for the questions I had. You're a far sight more pleasant to deal with than the rest of the people in these comments.

    <3 Glad to help.

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  • I actually have a question about tagging for posts like these...
    Ik he's supposed to be trans, but the tagging system is strict on "tag what you see". So would I put something like; Male, woman_(lore)/ trans_(lore), intergender? Ik it seems pretty simple, but I just want to check up on it. I've always been kinda confused on a lot of either futa/trans posts because I can never tell whether they're supposed to be male or female in the tags lol

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  • skeleosis said:
    I actually have a question about tagging for posts like these...
    Ik he's supposed to be trans, but the tagging system is strict on "tag what you see". So would I put something like; Male, woman_(lore)/ trans_(lore), intergender? Ik it seems pretty simple, but I just want to check up on it. I've always been kinda confused on a lot of either futa/trans posts because I can never tell whether they're supposed to be male or female in the tags lol

    *She, but otherwise I'm kinda curious about this too. Would someone more familiar with the tagging system be kind enough to give us some tips on when to use which? I'm still pretty new to e6 myself.

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  • skeleosis said:
    I actually have a question about tagging for posts like these...
    Ik he's supposed to be trans, but the tagging system is strict on "tag what you see". So would I put something like; Male, woman_(lore)/ trans_(lore), intergender? Ik it seems pretty simple, but I just want to check up on it. I've always been kinda confused on a lot of either futa/trans posts because I can never tell whether they're supposed to be male or female in the tags lol

    There's a "how to" page for tagging genders. Be mindful that the flowcharts and diagrams are guides, not rules, and there can be exceptions:

    Lore tags rely on "word of the author/character owner" and doesn't fall under TWYS. They're purely complementary and can be ignored/blacklisted if desired:

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  • skeleosis said:
    I actually have a question about tagging for posts like these...
    Ik he's supposed to be trans, but the tagging system is strict on "tag what you see". So would I put something like; Male, woman_(lore)/ trans_(lore), intergender? Ik it seems pretty simple, but I just want to check up on it. I've always been kinda confused on a lot of either futa/trans posts because I can never tell whether they're supposed to be male or female in the tags lol

    Actually, how do we know this character is trans? Could be a futanari, or a hermaphrodite, or they were literally born with those parts. Given how this is the first time the artist drew this character and didn't name then, I would say no lore or backstory exists, it's just what the artist likes.

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  • talidin said:
    First, I love this image for many reasons <33 Amazing colors, design, style, and sexy dialogue ////

    I never post comments but I thought I should give a bit of my own insight as far as the trans discussion goes. I'm a bi male, I'm not trans myself, but one day I was walking around the mall with my boyfriend and I noticed that when I walk into the men's section of Dillard's I feel more relaxed. The various styles of fashion for lightly to moderately masculine tastes made me feel comfortable, and I could see myself wearing most of what that part of the store has to offer. After which, I noticed that my boyfriend feels the same way about the back section of Hot Topic with all the skirts, jewelry, and other fashion you find in that store.

    That day I realized that if people can feel positive feelings towards clothes, then it implies that people can feel negative feelings towards clothes as well. I thought to myself "perhaps this is what transgender people are talking about, except it's not just clothes, it's their bodies too". I don't know what all trans people go through and I don't think I ever will, but in this small way I think I understand a little bit. Please, let's stop fighting; people disagree on many things simply because they don't have the same experiences, but life doesn't need to be a warzone because of it. Happy pride month everyone.

    That is a better way of explaining it, at least my flavor of it, than I could probably manage as a trans person myself, though it doesn't necesarily have to be a negative feeling, it can instead be a positive feeling for presenting the other way, but yeah if I had to describe the journey for me it's basically like seing let's say a coat or something, and it's a nice coat, really nice colors and an appealing but not visually cluttered design, but when you go to look at it a bit further you realize that wow, it does not fit your vibes at all and the texture is a bit uncomfy for you, so you keep looking, and end up finding more cool coats that actually work with you and don't have the texture issues, but you can't decide which to get, but one is more warm and waterproof, while the other is lighter and more for aestetics, so you just get both to wear depending on the day.

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  • fur_rulz said:
    I mean, trans people are natural, everything humans do is natural, the Earth did make us and we are animals sooo.

    I disagree, almost nothing humans do is natural. No, clarifying, almost all of society is built on taking the natural and bending it until it suits us. Moving water carrying energy is natural, building dams to take that energy and store it for our later use, unnatural. Electricity is natural, taking control of it to power complex things is unnatural. Relying on shelter to make it easier to survive harsh cold or intense heat is natural, but building massive structures to hold hundreds of people at once, then using the power stored from other things to produce light and manipulate the temperature is unnatural. LGBT stuff is natural, what with the hundreds to thousands of species with an excesive amount of sexes, the almost 500 seperate species already documented to have homosexual behaviors, the several species where the individuals closest to the needed traits will automatically go through the process of transing their sex if there's a lack of the opposite sex, but the fact that it's natural shouldn't need to be a point in our defense when nothing we do conforms to nature in the first place.

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  • mercrantos said:
    Instead of trying to censor everything that offends you, you could just be an adult and ignore it. That's the only way to deal with trolls.

    being punished because you cant follow the tos isnt censorship, lol. maybe you should have read the rules when you signed up? same with all the other transphobes whining that people dont invite them to birthday parties any more.


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  • I never comment on posts but this one just made me stop and realize that yall are having an argument on a furry porn site. You are having a serious debate about trans people and their very existence on a site meant for people to cum to porn of fur people. It is simultaneously stupid and sad to see but its the internet, whats new. I can't help but be disappointed and laugh at the same time.

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  • skeleosis said:
    I actually have a question about tagging for posts like these...
    Ik he's supposed to be trans, but the tagging system is strict on "tag what you see". So would I put something like; Male, woman_(lore)/ trans_(lore), intergender? Ik it seems pretty simple, but I just want to check up on it. I've always been kinda confused on a lot of either futa/trans posts because I can never tell whether they're supposed to be male or female in the tags lol


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  • My favorite Alastor quote fits this comment section:

    "I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment only to repeatedly trip and tumble down into the fiery pit of failure"

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  • someone_the_furry said:
    I never comment on posts but this one just made me stop and realize that yall are having an argument on a furry [booru] site. You are having a serious debate about trans people and their very existence on a site meant for people to cum to porn of fur people. It is simultaneously stupid and sad to see but its the internet, whats new. I can't help but be disappointed and laugh at the same time.

    It's almost as if most people's brains don't turn off while they're browsing and some of us actually like discussing topics relevant to the image at hand. Oh how odd! :I

    Ever since getting on hormones, I don't really browse this site for porn, but I still like coming here for the art (lol, "art"). Regardless of subject content, there are a lot of cute fuzzybutts with beautiful designs, so it's not like people only come here for fapping. But yes, share with us how relevant your complaint comment is and how much it's contributing to people's cumming to porn of fur people. :p

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  • Guys we're all Homosapiens can't we all just get along? Why we gotta persecute each other for thinking or identifying differently? It's the holy Roman empire all over again, let's just chill.

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  • Does anyone else notice the underboob? This character is a gyno/hermaphrodite. Meaning she's got both parts.

    Considering the circumstances on such unique physiology, i'd tap that fine ass.

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  • sexygaydragon said:
    Only going to say this once because you otherwise don't deserve a reply. Being a biology major doesn't mean shit. I studied a lot of biology as well as anatomy and psychology as my mom has a medical background giving me access to a bunch of medical books. Does that mean I have authority on it? Nope but I'm well studied on it. Also Biology is the study of living things. It covers a broad area not just humans. Also he assumed very incorrectly what I was refering to anyway. I was talking about sex change not genetics. As well if it didn't have anything to do with transgenderism you wouldn't give two flying fucks past Friday. The fact that you are now harrassing the gay guy speaks volumes. No one actually cares about what someone idenitifies as. If someone was being homophobic you wouldn't bat a fucking eye at it. As well neither you nor anyone else cares to actually bother to read. You all jumped to conclusions. Had you read you'd know I don't actually care. I never stated that I hated all transgendered people. My hatred is justified towards the ones that were assholes to me. I don't hate the transgendered I hate the white knights for being so damn toxic whenever someone uses the wrong pronoun. I happen to like a lot of the transgendered images on here but it's so damn frustrating seeing someone get lynched in the comments for such a small insignificant mistake. It's literally to the point that I want to blacklist it but I don't want to miss out on good content. So how about you fuck off and "sit down for your own sake and keep your homophobic ass quiet." Get to actually know me before you actually judge me. I am not going to reply any further.

    just realised i got replied to! A-. I do care about homophobia, and get pissed over people being homophobic, B-. If my existence (as a trans woman btw) bothers you because somebody ELSE asked you to question your gender identity then it is a problem with YOU and your beliefs if they infringe upon someone who literally only wants to be acknowledged in a way that makes them feel happy. C-. Trans folk are a minority within a minority and as well, if we want to transition, dont have the luxury of passing as cishet. D-. I. DO. NOT. HAVE. TO. JUSTIFY. MY. EXISTENCE. TO. YOU. E-. transgenderism isn't a thing.

    Know i might not even get seen, but it feels good to scream into the void man.

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  • Uneducated Cisgender Folk: trans people are treated fine lol!! You dont need special treatment

    The way transgender people get treated: this entire shitstorm of a comment section

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  • slugcat-surveyor said:
    E6 comment sections like this would be an amazing study of psychology majors

    As a psych major and in grad school for counseling psychology: yes. A morbid curiosity more than anything tbh.

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  • elori said:
    It's almost as if most people's brains don't turn off while they're browsing and some of us actually like discussing topics relevant to the image at hand. Oh how odd! :I

    Ever since getting on hormones, I don't really browse this site for porn, but I still like coming here for the art (lol, "art"). Regardless of subject content, there are a lot of cute fuzzybutts with beautiful designs, so it's not like people only come here for fapping. But yes, share with us how relevant your complaint comment is and how much it's contributing to people's cumming to porn of fur people. :p

    Yeah I might not have been in the best mood when I made the comment. You can do whatever you want with the site, I'm not here to tell anyone what to do. It's just that many people primarily use it for porn, and the concept of people arguing on a porn site is absurd and funny to me personally. Idk. I just posted that comment cause I thought it would be funny.

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  • ewan_j_redding said: Have you ever considered that the way you feel about having your sexuality called into question is exactly the same way transfolk feel when people repeatedly screw up their pronouns, and often not even by accident? Get a sense of perspective and empathy.

    honestly this, if it’s a genuine accident/you didn’t know, I don’t care, I might gently correct with a “i use (either They/Them or He/Him depending on the situation, They/Them is more comfy though) pronouns” but aside from that unless you’ve shown that you don’t respect my identity I really don’t care? Mistakes happen, and I don’t exactly pass and with how gendered our society is most people don’t think to default to They/Them, I’m not going to fault someone for that unless they’re genuinely being transphobic

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  • someone_the_furry said:
    Yeah I might not have been in the best mood when I made the comment. You can do whatever you want with the site, I'm not here to tell anyone what to do. It's just that many people primarily use it for porn, and the concept of people arguing on a porn site is absurd and funny to me personally. Idk. I just posted that comment cause I thought it would be funny.

    Ahh, yeah. I get it, I've totally been there. Have at least 15 banned youtube accounts because of that very reason. It is mildly amusing that transphobes chose HERE to debate the existence of other people rather than a site properly dedicated to discussion and debate. Just use that blacklist, fap, and go on with your day :p

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  • junilous said:
    Does anyone else notice the underboob? This character is a gyno/hermaphrodite. Meaning she's got both parts.

    Considering the circumstances on such unique physiology, i'd tap that fine ass.

    I realize the oblivious "well, duh" stupidity of my own comment (about) a month too late, but can't lie that she's got a fine ass tho. Good girl~

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  • I see the image, and see the top comments, the I see the scroll bar. Oh boy, what kind things are people saying today?

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  • e621, where cp is posted and no one bats an eye, but a whole debate is started when some troll on the internet says something transphobic lmao

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  • I feel insane for reading every single comment under this post, but at the same time it's not like I would've spent the time doing anything better.

    pisswizzardrequiem said:
    We should take comments off of e6 imo.

    I agree with that, sometimes. I come here often to fap, but I also like reading the comments. It's my bread and butter. But today, coming across this post I think I've had enough internet for the day.

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  • dandeliondaisy said:
    You're a piece of shit and you know it.

    I don't comment on this site. Or the internet. But this being the first time I saw red text on a comment; so as a trans woman, I'd like to dubble down on this response. This is the first image I've seen on this site that didn't make me feel sexualized for being trans, and I doubt I'm the only MtF on this site.

    @notorisum, do like me and don't comment on porn. and don't be such an ass, were all furries here, we don't get the luxury of judging others

    Ps legit don't comment on the net so I didn't know notorisum's quote wouldn't show up and now dandeliondaisy has no context. But I appreciate your energy

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  • buttseckz said:
    Ya know, I always wandered why this seemingly random yet nice piece of art was so highly rated when someone looked up 'Gynomorph' and 'Order:score' I mean, It seemed like any old piece of art with a Nice mood.

    Yeah, I don't need to wander anymore, my sides are in orbit. . . And THEN THE DUDE CAME BACK AND MY SIDES WHERE OBLITERATED. Came for the good Art, Stayed for the Comedy, Stay classy Furries, stay classy.

    Ikr? This comment section has me dying

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  • versperus said:
    We have the best test tag system on the internet the fuq you mean

    It's so funny but also so sad how Danbooru was arguing over how to tag trans characters, and decided in the end that any change to tagging what you see would fuck up the site and make it unusable. As I saw that entire discourse, I just remembered how great the tagging policies on this site are and how amazing an introduction lore tags were to the site when they were added.

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  • negamajora said:
    You know what? Screw it, I don't care anymore. I do not care if you or anybody else thinks that I'm a 'bigot' or 'close minded.' Asking questions is the exact opposite of being close minded, and making a genuine attempt to learn more about people is the furthest thing away from being bigoted. I made an honest, genuine attempt to get to know these people, and they have made it explicitly clear in no uncertain terms that they want nothing to do with anybody who doesn't hang on their every word like it was the written gospel!

    So you go ahead, call me a 'close minded bigot' if you want to. I am well past the point of caring about your feelings now.

    Edit: Oh, and just to let you know, I don't give a crap if somebody is homosexual or not. Just look through my favorites list and you'll see I have nearly 80,000 pics from both genders favorited.

    Just to clear up something thar bothers me probably more than it should... you're looking for "closed minded" not "close minded." It really grinds my gears when people unintentionally misuse homophones.

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  • Whoa, is this one of the most commented on images on the site (surprised it doesn't have a comments tag)? Its not even an epic Zonk punch animation or something its just a pic of a cute dog with a dick.

    The stuff that happens from a simple speech bubble is insane.

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  • 11110100110101000111 said:
    So I'm actually curious.
    Why was I down voted?
    Was it me trying to make light of the situation?
    Was it my spoiler making people think I'm transphobic?
    Do people actually hate genetic manipulation/mutation?

    I've been downvoted for making crap jokes. That's okay.
    I'm just worried my sentiment was misunderstood.

    I don't hate genetic manipulation, I mostly meant like assigning new identitys to children at birth, giving them different cosmetic changes, etc would be a little fucked, i think that editting ourselves for the better would be beneficial, but i don't trust litterally any company to do it (also i know this isn't how transitioning works, i was talking purely about science fiction, i'm not being transphobic)

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  • Good art
    I sure hope I won’t have to scroll the equivalent of a scientific essay to just be able to click on "Post comment"

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  • sanestvaporeonfan said:
    Is no one going to mention the fact that she doesn't have a thumb???

    Why bother when the comments section is on fire?

    Well I guess you did already so there's that...

    Funny how I went from furaffinity burning down to this. I should visit the forums more often!

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  • d365-bayku said:
    Ikr? This comment section has me dying

    I think the only sad part is when comments get deleted/(hidden from public view) sometimes, cause then if you weren't there, you missed out! Does make me wonder though if they do it to also protect the person, so as they are to not get a bazzlion downvotes

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  • mercrantos said:
    Instead of trying to censor everything that offends you, you could just be an adult and ignore it. That's the only way to deal with trolls.

    downvoted for being real lol

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  • Jesus chirst what the hell happened here

    I've never seen so many banned accounts concentrated under a single post

    This is like a frozen slice of time--filled with batshit insane transphobes trashing around after being pulled from water and laid out to dry

    I should remember to make a regular pilgrimage back to this post, like our ancestors did to their holy sites, but rather than searching for spiritual fulfilment, I'll go in search of lols

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  • zer0rebel4 said:
    It sucks its gone :( i hate people sometimes

    The most upvoted trans post on the site, alongside all of Elliotte's works, gone because transphobes just couldn't help themselves. Definitely a good reason to hate those pricks.

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  • Damn, damn, DAMN, this site is a fucking warzone. Fr tho, all this talk of politics and phobia so saddening. What the hell happened to people just appreciating art. Why attack an artist for beleifs different from your own?
    now I'll never know what the image looked like!

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  • sexygaydragon said:
    I would like to appologize. I had a talk with one of my friends on discord and I've come to realize my hatred was misguided. It's not the transgendered I hate (excluding the ones who were assholes to me) it's the white knights I hate. I'm being genuine when I say I like the transgendered content on here. I just can't stand the comment sections being full of white knights going ballistic and lynching people over a tiny insignificant mistake. I'm serious it's to the point where I want to blacklist it but I don't wish to miss out on the awesome content. I still stand by my claims of not supporting or accepting it but I still see you as people nonetheless. I'm being honest when I say I have no issues with co-existing and even befriending a transgendered person. I am really sorry if I offended anyone. I just want to put this whole thing behind me and move on.

    this might be the longest comment section I've seen on this site, lol. don't take things people say on the internet too seriously, they don't know your situation or your motivation, and they make assumptions about you based on how they're feeling in the moment. it's best to devote your time to irl discussions with people who will actually try to understand your point of view


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  • sirepiclad13 said:
    Damn, damn, DAMN, this site is a fucking warzone. Fr tho, all this talk of politics and phobia so saddening. What the hell happened to people just appreciating art. Why attack an artist for beleifs different from your own?
    now I'll never know what the image looked like!

    visit the artist's twitter, there's a link to the image in the "source" section on this page

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